Warnings Of Mayhem Ahead As Our Energy Infrastructure Is Under Globalist Attack And Our Critical Infrastructure Crumbling

With Warnings Of Mayhem Ahead As Our Energy Infrastructure Is Under Globalist Attack And Our Critical Infrastructure Crumbling, Remember This Is All By Design As You’re Prepping For Winter TEOTWAWKI

By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
While the NWO globalists continue targeting America with relentless weather warfare attacks as pointed out in this September 7th State of the Nation story, particularly targeting ‘red states‘ such as Florida, most Americans are missing out on the ‘big picture’ when it comes to how ‘weather warfare’ plays a HUGE role in many of the problems America and the world faces now.

From catastrophic drought conditions to food shortages to the massive energy shortages just ahead that are just now beginning to come into focus, how different would your life be if suddenly and without warning, you no longer had any electrical power, and there were no answers when you’d be getting it back?

With Europe already facing potentially grave and deadly energy shortages this Winter that will surely bleed over into the US as Brandon Smith had pointed out in this new Alt-Market story, Business Insider published a story Friday morning which expanded on Smith’s story even further. Titled “Get ready for blackouts from London to LA, which will force people worldwide to either pay more or put their health in jeopardy,” that story kicked off with the following two sentences hinting of disasters ahead.

Continue reading at: https://allnewspipeline.com/Weather_Warfare_Grid_Down_TEOTWAWKI_Mayhem_Ahead.php

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