Black Nobility: Pre-Rome Migrations

Comment posted by truthzilla

Regarding the Black Nobility. Pre rome black nobility
The Gaetani or Caetani family are a bloodline of the Black Nobility and part owners of the Italian Mafia. Their ancestry goes back to the Tribe of Getae in the Black Sea region which moved into Rome establishing the Duchy of Gaeta. The Getae were originally from the Massagetae clan of Scythia. The Massimo and Gaetani families both originate from this clan. They migrated into Italy and mixed in with Roman gentile families like the Maximii and Anicii families. Prince Bonifacio Gaetani-Dell’Aquilla-d’Aragona is a member of this nobility and is married to Ginevra Elkann of the Agnelli-Elkann billionaire family. The Gaetani family are part owners of the Gambino crime family through the Gotti family. Gotti means Goth and the Gothic tribes were often connected with the Getae tribe and Geats of Gotland that settled up in Scandinavia. The Goths and Gaeta have been intermixed for thousands of years. The Gaetani family also established the Gatti-Grami family of Lombardy in northern Italy likely through a marriage with the Gotti family. The earliest documented Gotti was Vincenzo Gotti from northern Italy during the 16th century and he migrated to Rome and then to Naples. The Gotti family of the Gambino crime…

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