Throughout history, evil has always been controlled from a single center. Those who propagate wars and massacres are acting under a chain of command and are following the plans originated from a single center. There is only one hub responsible for the great wars of the 20th century, the colonization, the massacres, the division of the Middle East and Africa and of economic crises. Evil is like an octopus with lots of tentacles; our eyes tend to focus on the most active tentacle first. However, there is a brain which directs all these tentacles. The tentacles move with perfect coordination towards a single goal on the commands of the brain. The fact that tentacles seem to move independently is just an illusion – all these tentacles are under the control of a single brain. Moreover, evil is a pyramid-like hierarchical structure. No matter how wide a base it has or how many hundreds of layers it is made of, there is only one point at the top, and this point has absolute authority over what is underneath.
It is impossible to get results in the fight against evil by merely focusing on the tentacles of the octopus or targeting the lower levels of the pyramid. We should put up an intellectual fight against the top who controls, manages, and commands the system and makes the final decision. Exposing this aforementioned hub should be at the core of this intellectual fight, because this power is only effective as long as it can confuse others and hide itself as it utilizes all the shameful advantages of secrecy.
While talking about the leader of evil in the world today, many names are mentioned: the Deep States of the United States and Israel which are frequently mentioned, bodies such as the United Nations, NATO or the EU, organizations such as the CIA, MOSSAD or Gladio, secret societies like the Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, the Rosicrucians, and the Templars, and those who control the world economy such as financial barons on the Wall Street, oil trusts and multinational corporations. But these are all the gears of this system. They are the tentacles of the octopus; the lower levels of the pyramid.
The British Deep State has been, on the other hand, at the top of this hierarchy for centuries. The British Deep State is also the center of colonialism and slavery. China, India, Indonesia and Malaysia remained under the British yoke for centuries. It was also the British Deep State who introduced opium to China, disciplined India with hunger, and terrorized most of Southeast Asia with the East India Company. Nowadays, the genocide carried out in India by the Britain of that period would not be remembered. The Britain of that period, which left 330 million people face to face with famine 150 years ago, caused the death of more than a million Indians.
It was the British Deep State which destroyed the Ottoman Empire and occupied Anatolia. The founding cadre of communism was assembled in Britain. Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto (original title of the first edition: Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) that constitutes the keystone of Communism was first published in Britain. All the foundational theoretical texts of communism, including Das Kapital, were written there. Founders of liberalism, Adam Smith and David Ricardo, were British. Charles Darwin, who founded the ideological basis of social Darwinism that unleashed such horrors upon the world in the 20th century, was British.
Теневое правительство Британии, правящее миром
The policies that forced the Middle East into a bloodbath are the work of the British Deep State. Most of the Middle Eastern nations were founded by Britain. The borders of the Middle Eastern countries were drawn up at the Cairo meeting presided over by Winston Churchill. Most of the administrators of the countries in question have been chosen by the British Deep State. The men of the British Deep State – T.E. Lawrence, Gertrude Bell, General Allenby, Orde Wingate, Hubert Young, Sir Percy Cox, Herbert Samuel, etc. – found, trained, and authorized these people.
The vast majority of the cadre who ruled the Middle East in the 20th century were trained in British schools such as the Sandhurst Military Academy, SOAS, School of Oriental Studies, Exeter, Cambridge or Oxford, and were brought in to serve the plans of the British Deep State. Indeed there are countless honest, sincere, and good people who were trained in those schools. However, it is also clear that these schools are used as training centers by the British Deep State.
Most of the founders of today’s radical terrorism were trained at the University of Al-Azhar. The Anglo-Saxon racist and evolutionist Lord Cromer, the Colonial Governor of Egypt, who made the Al-Azhar University what it was. Al-Azhar University, along with Muhammad Abduh, who was financed and supported by Lord Cromer, became the center of Social Darwinism in the Islamic world. These cadres are the ideologists of radical Islam. The system established by Lord Cromer came to influence the entire Islamic world within 30 years. This negative effect is the main cause of the present war environment.
The League of Nations was founded at the 1919 Paris conference controlled by Britain. The conference materialized the plans of Britain to a large extent. The British Deep State is also behind most of the UN resolutions and decisions. The chief architect of NATO, Gladio, and the EU, was British Prime Minister Churchill. The founders and the initial administrators were always British. These historical facts do not prove that these institutions or organizations act in a completely biased fashion. Undoubtedly, the UN provides numerous useful services, and every intelligence organization provides important services for its own country. However, this does not change the fact that the dark influence of the British Deep State is present in the structuring of such institutions and organizations and in some of their decisions.
The British Deep State was behind the Mosaddegh coup d’état in Iran, the coups of 1960, 1971, 1980, 1998 and 2016 in Turkey, and the entire coup-filled recent history of Egypt, Syria and Iraq.
The CIA and MOSSAD, who allegedly rule the world today, were established and trained by MI6 staff, the British Foreign Intelligence Service.
The American Federal Reserve Bank was founded by the Bank of England, as well. The Rothschild family, one of the leaders of the world economy, is based in Britain. George Soros was educated in Britain.
Le centre du mal dans le monde : L’Etat profond britannique
Five Eyes, the world’s largest surveillance system which was exposed by Edward Snowden, was founded in British-controlled Australia. In Five Eyes, US intelligence is joined by Canadian, New Zealand, British and Australian intelligence – all members of the British Commonwealth.
Karl Popper, the founding father of Soros’ Open Society movement, is British. Richard Dawkins, who is the flag-bearer of atheism in the 21st century, is British. One important thing should immediately be noted here: the British people are loving, friendly, beautiful and decent people. Exposing the structure of the British Deep State will save the British people from this affliction that has hurt them for centuries as well.
Britain has historically invaded the entire world at some point except for 22 countries. Let us take a look at this map of invasion: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Beliz, Botsvana, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei… Cayman Islands, Gibraltar Christmas Islands, Cocos Islands, Cook Islands.. Dominica, Falkland Islands, The Gambia, Wales, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, South Africa, India, Scotland, Jamaica, Cameroon, Canada, Kenya, Kiribati, Northern Ireland, Kingdom of Leshotho… That is not all, there is more: Republic of Malawi, Maldives, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Coral Islands, Montserrat, Mozambique; Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Norfolk Island. That is not all, there is still more; Papau New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, Ross Dependency, St.Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, St. Helena, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Swaziland. There is still more; Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tokelau, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Zambia. All these 52 countries are members of the British Commonwealth. Elections are held in some of these countries. Prime Ministers are being elected, but above all these elected administrators in some of these countries, there is still a Governor assigned by London. That means the UK is sending “GOVERNORS” to rule all these countries as if they are her counties. Elected governments make decisions, but put these decisions before the British Governor. The assigned Governor presents them to the Queen. The Queen says “Yes” or “No”.
The United States itself is a former British colony. The machinations of the British Deep State led to the War of 1812, in which British forces briefly occupied Washington, D.C. and burned down the White House. The peace negotiations proceeded under British control after the First and Second World Wars. It is also noteworthy that it is a veteran British intelligence agent who has been preparing counterfeit reports against President Trump.
Bernard Lewis, the mastermind of the Afghanistan and Iraq occupations, the Iran-Iraq War, the Iranian Revolution, the Red Crescent Project, the fragmentation of the Middle East, the Clash of Civilizations and the Age of Muslim Wars, is a British military intelligence officer. He taught at SOAS for 30 years. Lewis, who came to the United States on a spur-of-the-moment decision in 1974, has been the chief consultant for almost all US presidents regarding affairs in the Middle East since then. He is the educator of Kissinger, Brzezinski, Huntington and the recently famous neocons. He is the person who wrote US policies in the real sense.
The Club of Rome
Today, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Syria and Yemen, where terrorism has claimed the most lives, have been under British occupation. Osama bin Laden was educated in Britain. The GIA, which covered Algeria in blood, assembled its cadres in Britain. The most important gunmen of ISIS were soldiers from Britain.
ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, FETO, Hezbollah, the PKK, the PYD, Asala, the DHKP-C, the Red Brigades and similar terrorist organizations all serve as the foot soldiers of the British Deep State. This structure brings bloodshed and tears everywhere it goes. The list goes on. To summarize, the last 300 years of human history have been covered with blood by the British Deep State. Hundreds of millions of innocent people, including British people, have died at the hands of these racist, colonial, self-seeking, brutal, merciless killers. The greatest genocides of history have been carried out by the British Deep State. The British Deep State has caused great suffering for the British people as well.
On July 15th 2016, when the masks slipped off and true colors were revealed with the armed insurrection in Turkey, England dispatched thousands of soldiers in the Royal Air Force base in Southwest coasts of Cyprus 100 miles away from Turkey, and sent Royal Navy war ships to the Mediterranean, deploying hundreds of jets, helicopters supposedly to help about 50,000 UK citizens move away from danger. Soldiers were free to shoot at ‘local insurgents’ who would attempt to interfere with this operation. All these preparations made by England seem to be something other than an attempt to rescue citizens, and more like a calculated plan.
After Turkey’s relations with Russia – the only country to offer support to Turkey during that period – improved swiftly, the British Deep State was deeply troubled to realize that the three countries joining forces for the resolution process for Syria would bring peace and unity to the region. Then the UK, who was waiting on standby – ready to invade – during the coup attempt, started to display a supposedly ‘friendly’ and ‘candid’ attitude towards Turkey. Of course, having good relations with the people of the UK is important for Turkey. Yet the plots of the British Deep State are never for the good of Turkey nor her own people and have never been so.
No leader, no nation, no state can stand alone in the face of the machinations of such a structure that has been organized on this scale and penetrated the capillaries of other countries. It is the alliance of the good that will stop these vicious plans. Last year, the foundation of a strong and unshakable alliance between Russia and Turkey has been laid on the initiative of President Putin and President Erdoğan. The duty of everyone with a clean conscience who wants to save the world from the scourge of the British Deep State is to defend and support this alliance.