SOTN Editor’s Note: As one looks across planet Earth today, one thing is readily apparent: war and conflict, chaos and confusion prevail on every continent. Quite obviously, this state of international affairs has been fastidiously engineered with highly purposeful design.
The exposé found at this link clearly demonstrates that only the all-powerful and all-pervasive Khazarian Cabal could ever accomplish such an Ordo ab Chao feat: The World Wars And All Other Cataclysmic Events Were Carried Out By THE TRIAD.
Make no mistake: no other malevolent entity or international crime syndicate is so successful at pitting nation against nation like the Khazarian Cabal. Truly, they are the all-time masters in stealthily executing the “divide and conquer” strategy.
For example, the reason why the American Left has been socially engineered to hate Russia is because the Khazarians hate Russia. Similarly, the reason why the American Right has been mind controlled to detest China is because the Khazarians desperately needed an enemy for conservatives to fear.
This game of divide and rule has gone on for millennia and represents the primary stratagem by which the Khazarian Cabal dominate the entire planetary civilization. All they really care about is that everyone else is blamed, NOT them ever, for all the deliberately manufactured problems of the world.
Toward that end, their ultimate Ordo ab Chao game-changer is to instigate a full-blown World War III scenario, which the Khazarians have been working overtime at since they carried out the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks. That defining moment also served to profoundly polarize the whole world community of nations into two camps—the Zio-Anglo-American Axis/NATO and the BRICS Alliance/Global South.
In light of the rapidly unfolding WW3 geopolitical chessboard, the two main pieces are now the United States and China. Russia has already served its purpose by being deceitfully provoked into starting the Ukraine War; now it’s China’s turn to be provoked around Taiwan.
Everywhere you look and hear, it’s: “CHINA! CHINA! CHINA!”
Well, it’s not China that the American people need to be very, VERY, concerned about; rather, it’s the ever treacherous Khazarian Cabal whose countless agents and covert operatives occupy the highest echelons of the Biden administration as well as all of institutional and corporate America.
What follows is an excellent list of indisputable reasons why it’s not China, but the treasonous Khazarian Cabal and it many traitorous co-conspirators who need to be eradicated from the American Republic post-haste. For it’s the Khazarians who are using China to perpetrate all manner of nefarious deeds such as the COVID-19 biowar. (And China didn’t even know their Wuhan labs were being used as a bioterrorism hub to launch the various Covid bioweapons worldwide.)
In other words if there was no machiavellian Khazarian Cabal operating in the shadows 24/7, China would not be independently undertaking their various machinations. China was never a country out to conquer the world; but because of Anglo-America imperialism they have been forced into a much more aggressive posture for the sake of self-preservation (just like Russia has been).
State of the Nation
June 28, 2023
N.B. The post below frequently uses the name “Jews” where SOTN would have used the term “Khazarian”. In point of fact, Khazarians are totally fake Jews. The Khazarians don’t have a religious bone in their bodies and intentionally use the Jewish people as cover for their countless crime sprees against humanity. Quite unfortunately for authentic Judaism such as that espoused by the enlightened rebbes, all of the most powerful Khazarian Mafia types in American government today calculatedly identify as ‘Jewish’. However, there are also many good Jewish people who have been co-opted by the satanic Khazarian agenda. Many of these religious Jews participate in and/or support the Holohoax fraud for a wide range of reasons. In some way it serves their self-interest so they maintain their posture of willful ignorance of Holohoax truth. The true back story is really much more complicated than this and can only be correctly understood by reading this crucial exposé: THE. WHOLE. MEGILLAH.
It Isn’t the Chinese; It’s the Jews, Stupid
The Chinese may occasionally — even often — take advantage of the White man’s insane surrender on all fronts, and will probably take further advantage as time goes on, but the main causes of the White man’s abdication are Jewish through and through.
*Based on an article by Russell James
ABOUT a decade ago, the kosher “liberal” media were (as they still are) blaming White men for everything, while the kosher “conservative” media were trying to confuse the issue of Jewish power by scapegoating Muslims. Since the end of the Cold War they’ve been at a loss as to which straw man to portray as “the enemy of the West,” and have vacillated between the Muslims and that old standby “Russia”, with a couple of detours toward tiny, harmless countries like Venezuela or North Korea.
Over the last few months, the (((neo-conservative media))) — following a well-worn track laid-down by The Epoch Times — have ramped-up their propaganda machine to claim that it is the Chinese who run the “Deep State” and that they are the reason America’s domestic and foreign policies are always against our own interests. So I have re-purposed an article originally by Edgar Steele to reflect this new tactic of blaming the Chinese for America’s woes.
Of course, claiming that the Chinese are the source of America’s decline is preposterous. The changes in policy that are the root cause of our decline have been going on for decades (at least since the 1940s) — long before the Chinese (or any other non-White nation) had even the tiniest toe-hold in America. Any non-White nation except the Jews, that is, who were here, cajoling, whispering in ears, and using their great wealth to influence policy since the beginning.
So, before you start parroting neo-con propaganda and inadvertently make the situation for White America even more untenable, take a few minutes to learn the truth, and remember: it isn’t the Chinese; it’s the Jews, stupid.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who blocked the PayPal accounts of patriots and stole the balances they contain – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who get patriots fired for their political and social views – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who maintain a dossier on millions of patriots and draw from them to defame and destroy – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who have been bent upon bankrupting and imprisoning so many that I know – it was and is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who had Ernst Zundel deported and punished for “thinking wrongly” – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked my government – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have made it virtually — and in some countries, literally — illegal to criticize them – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have hijacked the American legal system and now are transforming it to conform to Talmudic law – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who own and run the Federal Reserve Bank, which is in the process of destroying the dollar and the American economy – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese rigging the US stock market and commodities futures markets – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage – it is Jews (1/10 of 1%, vs. 2-1/2%).
- It isn’t the Chinese who erect menorahs in public venues – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who continue to impose “racial diversity,” disfavoring America’s founding race, upon us in all walks of life – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who began and continue to expand militant “feminism,” destroying the traditional relationship between the sexes – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who promote sex perversion and “transgenderism” and do everything they can to reduce the White birth rate – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and maimed so many of its crew members during an extended attack – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese enacting “hate crime” laws designed to outlaw opposition to the multiracialist, open-borders agenda – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who sued to force us to allow homosexuals to lead Boy Scout troops – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who started and ran so many ostensibly Black anti-White organizations like the NAACP – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese importing huge numbers of Somalis and Bantus and Mestizos into American cities – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian Jewish immigrants for doing nothing – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who run organized crime throughout America – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who created and promoted the drug counterculture – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run nearly all of Hollywood’s movie-making enterprises – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who literally own and run almost all of America’s mainstream media – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese spewing obscenity and race-mixing propaganda from the TV and movie screens – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese trying mightily to block and censor alternative views and alternative media – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese lying about and guilt-tripping all Whites about slavery and the supposed “holocaust” – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese stealing American tax dollars to fund all their holocaust monuments throughout America – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who forged the Anne Frank “diary” – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about mass graves at Treblinka – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who lied about Jews being made into lamp shades and soap during World War 2, such lies resulting in the deaths of millions of White people – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who doctored WW2 prison camp photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who used WW2 pictures of dead Whites, falsely claiming they were Jews – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who made criticism of Jews punishable by death in Soviet Russia after they took power – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who killed over 20 million Russians – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who looted and destroyed the Russian economy – it was Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have amassed an illegal arsenal of over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East – it is the Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who brag about controlling America – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who advocate the use of torture by, and on, Americans – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who twist American laws to punish speech criticizing themselves – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech – it is jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who sell goods that it is now illegal for Americans to boycott – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who extort millions in “fees” for putting their worthless “kosher” label on goods – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who retaliate against rock-throwing children by shooting them in the head – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese stealing land in Palestine – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer – it was the Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to spend uncounted trillions in the Middle East with zero benefits for our country – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who send teams of trained assassins into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom Israel disagrees – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who run the ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure “dirt” both for their database, and in the hopes of getting data they can pass to a compliant FBI to enable false, politically motivated prosecutions – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who have caused America to go from being the most-loved country in the world to the most hated – it is Jews.
- It isn’t the Chinese who regularly phony up “hate crimes” against themselves – it is Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who caused the Great Depression – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who got America into WW1 – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who started WW2 – it was Jews.
- It wasn’t the Chinese who reaped the bloody “benefits” of the 9/11 attacks – it was Jews.
* * *
Source: based on an article at The Foremost Problem
SOTN Editor’s Note: The compiler of the preceding list was an extremely fearless attorney and great patriot Edgar Steele. Because of his fierceness in relentlessly exposing the Khazarian Cabal, he was ruthlessly framed for attempting to murder his wife. Following the transparently false conviction, Edgar was sentenced to 50 years in prison whereupon he passed away at 69 after 3 years of incarceration. In order to prevent Steele from practicing as an attorney, he was disbarred from the practice of law by the State Bar of California. Moral of the story: the Khazarian-owned and -operated legal profession is by far the most controlled of all; for whoever exerts complete command and control over the legal system effectively controls the nation.