James Comey is the ultimate D.C. “crime fixer.” His many years of D.C. cronyism is profoundly smeared with a litany of outright crimes for which he should be prosecuted and receive the most severe sentence for one who is supposed to be protecting U.S. laws instead of violating them contemptuously. But when you are the top-cop in America, you get a stack of “get out of jail free” cards—some for you and many for your criminal friends.
A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that he is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships have all been undisclosed as he pretended to prosecute Hillary Clinton and yet exonerated her before an investigation was even opened. This legal dodging has been Comey’s M. O. for decades as he was placed in high level political positions to “FIX” the charges brought against White House criminals.
Attorney General Lorretta Lynch, another crooked lawyer and friend of Comey’s, gave the drug-money laundering bank, HSBC, a free pass with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Immediately afterwards, Comey was hired as a leading member of the bank’s “Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.” In other words, Comey went to HSBC knowing it was a criminal enterprise protected by Loretta Lynch.
Comey is such a blatant criminal that we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he is on retainer for the Clinton Crime Family through his associations with corporations who are major donors and supporters of the Clintons. Comey has covered up wrongdoing with Hillary’s email server, the DNC “hacking”, Anthony and Huma email scandal, Lockheed Martin, HSBC, Bridgewater, etc. Comey has a long history of involvement in Department of Justice actions that end up favorable to the Clintons.
KEY POINT: Comey claims to have a net worth of more than $33,000,000 – but this doesn’t count off-shore accounts where he probably places his larger pay-offs from his derivative betting and preferred stock in the crooked corporations he has worked for.
James Comey’s buddies – Sandy Berger, Loretta Lynch, Cheryl Mills and Peter Comey – all worked for the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state. Lynch and Comey both served as U.S. attorneys in New York, Lynch for the Eastern District of New York, and Comey for the Southern District of New York.
Comey’s conflict of interest crimes are blatantly public and go unquestioned by D.C. cronies. These conflicts of interests focus on the millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, his former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.
Counting his clerk job during University of Chicago Law School in 1982, Comey has held 15 jobs before becoming FBI director. He changed jobs every two years. This type of job hopping is a sign of instability for anyone else, but in government legal circles, that makes you qualified to be FBI director.
Investigations into the financial holdings of James B. Comey and former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller reveal astounding conflicts of interest. These relationships would have stopped anyone else from being offered the top law enforcement job in the country.
Comey has been the FBI director since 2013 when he replaced 12-year director Robert S. Mueller who was chief counsel for London-based bank HSBC which was exposed in 2015 for sheltering $100 billion in client funds in murky offshore tax havens populated by drug dealers, money launderers, and arms traffickers.
Comey also served as chief counsel for Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world. In 2012, Comey’s Bridgewater salary was $6,632,616 just before taking over the helm at the FBI. In his first year at the FBI, he received another $3.3 million in Bridgewater severance cash outs. A year later, his net worth jumped up to $34 million. Comey also disclosed direct holdings in IBM Eclipse Foundation members: Verizon, Intel, Emerson Electric, Microsoft, Qualcomm, AT&T, Apple, HP, Morgan Stanley, Lockheed Martin, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, none of which has ever been disclosed or caused him to recuse himself in any case.
Comey was a director of the London money launderer extraordinaire, HSBC. Even the Clinton Foundation website boasts about HSBC donations. This fact alone disqualifies Comey from involvement in any Hillary Clinton investigation.
Robert Mueller’s salary went from $1.8 million in 2001 to $7.0 million in 2011.
Mueller held Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund LLC and Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund LLC. These “funds of funds” invest in other’s hedge funds. Mueller’s exclusive funds were not open to the public. The minimum investment in several of the funds of funds is $10,000,000. But as HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani revealed in 2015, many are secret havens for money laundering, arms trafficking, and tax evasion.
Both Mueller hedge funds were managed by Mellon Bank of New York (BNY). No less than ten (10) BNY directors were shared between Mueller’s Defenders and Mellon Optima funds. Tellingly, the FBI never prosecuted any of these BNY Ponzi schemers associated with Mueller’s defenders hedge fund or Comey’s actions with Bridgewater.
Even while U.S. Attorney in San Francisco, Mueller worked to cover-up the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, and Ruby Ridge evidence by changing the rules of evidence so that the FBI and prosecution did not have to share as much evidence with defense attorneys in the cases as would have been required in the past. He changed the Brady rules of evidence in concert with the U.S. prosecutor Beth Wilkinson in the McVeigh and Nichols case who had assumed a position in the same department at Department of Justice that Mueller had worked earlier.
Mueller was brought into D.C. to head the transition team for Ashcroft, whereupon he proceeded to steer Ashcroft through the cover-ups by FBI and DOJ on the Oklahoma City bombing case. Mueller did such a superb job that Ashcroft personally nominated Mueller to Bush for FBI director to help perpetuate the FBI and DOJ cover-ups of Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Mueller was also involved in covering up the Noriega, BCCI, and BNL banking scandals of Bush Senior. Mueller worked closely at several points with Larry Potts, the former Deputy Director of the FBI, who was kicked out of the FBI for lying about the FBI having Vickie Weaver murdered.
Congress investigated Mueller’s and the FBI’s handling of memos from FBI agents Coleen Rowley and Ken Williams before the 9/11 attacks about the Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda connections to hijacker pilots training in the U.S. Mueller’s ties to the Saudis and BCCI are especially troubling because the FBI had been ordered not to investigate Saudi businessmen, Saudi Royals, and government officials that had been backing Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Bin Laden in their efforts to attack the U.S.
Mueller was Acting Deputy Director of the DOJ from January through May, went home for a month, and was then nominated to head the FBI. The Judiciary Committee and the Senate acted on Mueller’s nomination and within 2 weeks he was confirmed, but then it took over a month to swear him in as FBI director, just in time for the 9/11 attacks creating plausible deniability for the new director. See our article below for more details on how 9/11 was planned and implemented by United States citizens, including many names that have been mentioned already:
Comey’s FBI and Lynch’s Justice Department have stubbornly refused to prosecute heinous criminal acts of the Obama Administration. America, and especially Washington D. C., has become LAWLESS. Comey is the King of Lawlessness in America. Here is a short list of unprosecuted crimes that Comey ignores or outright supports.
- Hillary Clinton Benghazi gun running
- Ambassador Steven’s death
- Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun running
- Hillary’s private server espionage and treason
- Bush and Clinton bank bailouts
- Bombing seven sovereign nations without congressional approval
- Obama’s IBM Eclipse Foundation’s social networking patent theft
- James Clapper’s illegal NSA/CIA/FBI surveillance and his perjury before Congress
- Obama’s energy company subsidies
- Obama’s misuse of banker fines to support liberal activist groups
- Obama’s theft of Fannie May and Freddie Mac
- Obama’s IRS targeting of conservatives
- Obama and Clinton’s confiscations from the Bureau of Land Management
- Planned Parenthood eugenics and baby parts trafficking
- Gold, silver, and LIBOR rate rigging
- Ignoring “missing person” reports and supporting human trafficking
- Clinton Foundation theft of $2 billion under the guise of a Presidential Library fund
- Hillary taking money from foreign nations while Secretary of State
- Maintaining open borders and sanctuary cities
- Refugee trafficking and fraud
- Allowing overstayed visas of more than one million people
- Non-enforcement of existing immigration laws
It would take too long and too many pages to make a complete listing of the “Crimes of Comey” that are well known. The scarier fact is that this list of 18 crimes is only the tip of the iceberg. These are just the crimes that are internet-available, and Comey is great at keeping things arcane. Several these crimes are some of the largest rip-offs and fleecing of the America people in U.S. history.
It is well known is D.C. circles that Lockheed Martin is the military’s place to launder money for the Department of Defense and the CIA. Some say the missing $6 -10 trillion dollars from Pentagon accounting is shuffled through Lockheed Martin which can simply keep false inventories of fighter jets and hide hundreds of millions at the time. Just count the number of planes the government pays for, and then count the number delivered, and you will find the missing money. Each B-2 bomber cost $2 billion.
This list of “Comey Crimes” range from “fixing” D.C. insider law suits to defending the biggest criminals in the world – the rogue CIA bankers who use HSBC and many other “CIA gold-backed banks” to conduct the business of the “company.” The “company” is the inside name for the CIA whose job it is to maintain a destabilized geopolitical atmosphere where warlord bankers and brokers make huge profits from war-mongering. The CIA’s corporate imperialism is only slightly disguised as United Nations globalization.
Comey’s actions show that he is not an honest U.S. citizen. His actions are those of a traitor whose treasonous actions against the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Bill of Rights must be acknowledged and brought to justice. Comey belongs behind bars as you can see by the crimes highlighted in the list below.
Patent Theft and Insider Trading. Comey was general counsel at Lockheed Martin and is an active IBM Eclipse member. Comey and Lockheed were complicit in the patent theft of social networking and later using insider trading information to manipulate stocks.
See our breaking articles on IBM Eclipse at
Fixing Hillary Clinton’s Email Espionage. In fact, the email server “probe” marked the third time Comey has investigated Bill or Hillary Clinton and found them innocent even before a formal investigation was conducted.
See our article below on an additional list of these crimes:
Fixing Clinton Whitewater Investigation. In the mid-1990s, Comey joined the Senate Whitewater Committee as a deputy special counsel to investigate allegations that the Clintons took part in a fraud connected to an Arkansas real estate venture gone bust. No charges were ever brought against either Clinton thanks to Comey.
Fixed the Pardon of Robert Palmer. In his last days in office, Bill Clinton pardoned 450 people. One of those pardoned was Robert Palmer who pleaded guilty for his part in the Clinton’s “Whitewater” scandal.
Fixed the Pardon of Marc Rich. Marc Rich fled the U.S. to Switzerland to evade $100’s of millions in taxes on his commodity trading profits. Rich’s ex-wife Denise made donations to the Democratic Party, the Clinton Library and Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign as part of a plan to get Rich off the hook.
Failed to Recuse Himself. Comey himself had overseen Rich’s prosecution between 1987 and 1993 so he should have recused himself from an investigation of Rich or Clinton.
Fixed Hillary’s Vote Rigging. In 2002, Comey was the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York and was investigating a case involving the Clintons and suddenly, with very little explanation, closed the case. The case was concerning the infamous New Square Four, who were convicted of bilking the government out of tens of millions of dollars.
Fixed Clinton’s “Donations for Pardons.” Comey oversaw the criminal investigation into the 176 last minute pardons that Bill Clinton made on his last day in office. Many of the pardon recipients, including Rich, had donated to Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign and to Bill Clinton’s presidential library. Comey found no criminal wrongdoing.
False Accusations about Khobar Towers Bombing. Comey lead the team of investigators who determined that Iran had bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Later it was found that Al-Qaeda was responsible. This false accusation was much in line with Mueller’s false accusation that Al-Qaeda was responsible for the 911 attacks.
Fixing Clinton’s Part in 9/11. In 2004, Comey as Attorney General of the Justice Department limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.
Fixed the Sandy Berger Theft. As Deputy Attorney General, Comey was involved in the investigation of Sandy Berger who removed classified documents from the National Archives that should have been turned over to the independent commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks. Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge and was fined $50,000.
Fixed Clinton’s Continued Use of Berger. Messages found stored on Clinton’s private email server show that Berger – a convicted thief of classified documents – had been advising Clinton while she served as secretary of state and had access to emails containing classified information. Comey did nothing about it.
Illegal Surveillance of Americans. In 2006, Comey refused to certify the legality of aspects of the NSA surveillance program. The certification was required under White House procedures for the program to continue. Comey refused to answer the Senate Judiciary Committee’s questions over the question. Comey met directly with President Bush who gave his support for making changes in the surveillance program. That program continued to surveil all Americans illegally with Comey’s approval.
Condones Torture. In 2005, as Deputy Attorney General, Comey endorsed a memorandum approving the use of 13 enhanced interrogation techniques, including waterboarding and sleep deprivation for up to 180 hours, for use by the CIA when interrogating suspects.
Fixing Crimes for Lockheed. In 2005, Comey became the General Counsel and Senior Vice President for Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Department of Defense’s largest contractor. Under Comey’s direction and influence, Lockheed continued to break many laws and rip-off the Pentagon mercilessly. There are 58 cases for Lockheed involving more than $600 million in fines, damages and other payments that are registered. When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers. But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year. Lockheed Martin is a Clinton Foundation donor. Lockheed became a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010. In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department. Comey needed to recuse himself from any case involving Clintons.
Allowing Illegal Accounting. In 2005, KPMG, about two weeks after meeting with Comey personally, the KPMG legal team was told that Comey and Gonzales decided against an indictment of the firm. This sent a message to the Big Four public accounting firms, KPMG, Deloitte, EY and PwC. The largest global public accounting firms are now, as a result of their decision, considered “too few to fail” by the Justice Department and SEC.
Lying to Congress. In his July, 2013, FBI confirmation hearing, Comey said that the oversight mechanisms of the U.S. government have sufficient privacy protections even though the Chinese had hacking almost every department in Washington and stolen military secrets, personnel information, and blue-prints to military aircraft and weapons.
Illegal Surveillance by FBI. Comey requested Google, Facebook, Apple, Cisco and others to install a “back door” for U.S. surveillance agencies to use.
This short list of Lockheed Martin’s wrongdoing demonstrates the criminal record of intention to defraud the US government by its largest contractor. These are some of the ways trillions of dollars “come up missing” from the Pentagon’s spending. Comey, as Attorney General, should have stopped Lockheed’s criminal activities. Instead, Comey went to work for them knowing they were one of the most obviously criminal enterprises in America. Comey used his insider information to help Lockheed continue to steal and rip-off America. These actions speak volumes about Comey’s integrity. And remember, these crimes below are just the ones they “got caught” doing.
- In 2007, Lockheed agreed to repay the federal government $265 million plus interest in connection with overbilling for work on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
- In 2003, Lockheed agreed to pay $37.9 million to settle charges that it inflated costs in several contracts for the U.S. Air Force.
- A federal jury has issued a verdict that would require Lockheed Martin Corp. to pay $51.5 million, including $50 million in punitive damages, in an age discrimination suit.
- In 1976, a sub-committee of the S. Senateconcluded that members of the Lockheed board had paid $22 million in bribes to foreign officials in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft.
- In 2003, Lockheed paid $7.1 million to settle charges that one of its units submitted fraudulent lease cost claims to NASA for work on the space shuttle.
- Lockheed Martin reached a $10.28 million settlement with the United States to resolve allegations under the False Claims Act. Lockheed inflated the overhead rates that it used to price and bill government contracts performed for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.
- Lockheed Martin paid the Justice Department $4.7 million to settle charges it fraudulently paid a lobbyist with illegally-used taxpayer funds. It paid the lobbyist, a revolving door former U.S. Representative, to help it get a giant, no-bid, $2.4 billion-a-year contract.
- Anti-competitive bids acquired on a regular basis. The last competition, when Lockheed’s subsidiary, Sandia Corp., got a competitive award, was over twenty years ago, in 1993. Since then – no bidding.
- Paid a Representative $10,000 a month to gain contracts.
- Justice Department settled with Lockheed’s Sandia to pay $4,790,000 to resolve allegations that Sandia violated the Byrd Amendment and the False Claims Act.
- In 1998, Lockheed agreed to pay $3.15 million to settle charges of artificially inflating prices of spare parts sold to the Commerce Department.
- In 2000, the State Department fined Lockheed $13 million for violations of the Arms Control Export Act in connection with the transfer of information about space launches to China.
- In 2002, Lockheed’s Tactical Systems Division agreed to pay the federal government $2.1 million to settle charges that it submitted fraudulent bills to the Navy for work on Trident Missiles.
- In 2003, Lockheed agreed to pay $1.4 million to settle allegations that Loral Corp., which it acquired in 1996, had overbilled the Air Force on the F-15E Weapon System Trainer.
- In 2005, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control agreed to pay $1.4 million to resolve allegations of mischarging the U.S. Army in connection with its production and support contracts for the Multiple Launch Rocket System.
- In 2008, the Project On Government Oversight made public a 2007 report by the Defense Contract Management Agency that found Lockheed failed to follow 19 of 32 Pentagon guidelines on tracking and managing costs on major weapons programs.
- In 2008, Lockheed agreed to pay $4 million to settle charges that it failed to get permission to sell missiles to the United Arab Emirates and that the company revealed classified information during negotiations with the Persian Gulf nation.
- In 2010, Lockheed agreed to pay $10.28 million to resolve federal charges that it overbilled the Air Force and the Navy for the C-27J tactical aircraft.
- In 2011, Lockheed agreed to pay $2 million to settle allegations brought in connection with a contract competition.
- In 2012, Lockheed agreed to pay $15.85 million to settle allegations that it overcharged the Pentagon for tools used on military aircraft programs.
- Lockheed Martin settles a $1.3 billion class action lawsuit over employee 401(k)s. Lockheed agreed to pay $62 million to settle the lawsuit.
In 2010, Comey announced he would leave Lockheed Martin to join the senior management committee at Bridgewater Associates, a Connecticut based investment management firm that is the largest hedge fund company in America. Bridgewater earns the greatest returns on investment of any company in America and has never been investigated by the SEC. Somehow, Comey had found a company even more corrupt than Lockheed Martin that could avoid all government scrutiny completely. Comey was then able to take his millions from Lockheed and bet it on derivatives that multiplied it into tens of millions.
In 2013, Comey was appointed to the board of directors of the London-based financial institution HSBC Holdings, to improve the company’s compliance program after its $1.9 billion settlement with the Justice Department for failing to comply with basic due diligence requirements for money laundering regarding Mexican drug cartels and terrorism financing.
Comey had now found a way to make boatloads of money without litigating or betting on derivatives. He joined one of the “rogue CIA banks” that was notorious for committing crimes and a track record of never having a banker go to jail. HSBC was used to paying millions, if not billions, in fines regularly as just “a part of doing business.” Comey, who had no training or skill in banking whatsoever, became an international banker dealing with billions. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings with no prior experience, except his track record of corruption.
HSBC Holdings and its various philanthropic branches routinely partner with the Clinton Foundation. For instance, HSBC Holdings has partnered with Deutsche Bank through the Clinton Foundation to retrofit 2,500 housing units in New York City. Clinton Foundation records show that the Foundation projected $1 billion in financing.
Comey was a HSBC director when whistleblower Hervé Falciani exposed $100 billion in murky offshore private banking deals being sheltered by HSBC. These crimes occurred on Comey’s watch, as well as money laundering, gold and silver rigging, and LIBOR rate fixing. HSBC agreed to forfeit $1.25 billion and enter a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department for HSBC’s violations of the Bank Secrecy Act, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act. HSBC has also agreed to pay $665 million in civil penalties – $500 million to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and $165 million to the Federal Reserve – for its AML program violations.
In 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Comey to be the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, replacing outgoing director Robert Mueller, his criminal mentor. Comey was confirmed by the Senate on July 29, 2013, for a full ten-year term to run the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was sworn in as FBI director on September 4, 2013.
KEY POINT: Obviously, no vetting was done on James Comey or any of his continuous criminal activities. The public record should have put Comey in jail, but instead crowned him the King of FBI Lawlessness.
No law was “too big” for Comey to break in the full daylight of Washington D.C. Going unchecked, Comey continued to act with impunity and helped lead the war against the rule of law.
As the Top Law Enforcement Officer in America, Comey was well placed and ready for the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the many false-flag attempts to take Donald Trump out of the presidential election. Comey was geared up for his old friend Hillary so she could run the country with her unchecked criminal activities.
When Hillary’s personal email server scandal arose, as usual, Comey’s non-investigation investigation did not find evidence “sufficient to establish” that Clinton knew she was receiving or sending classified information with intent and that it was not against the law. Comey said, “I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can’t establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent,” he insisted. This determination of Comey’s made lawlessness perfectly legal.
On July 5, 2016, Comey announced the FBI’s recommendation that the United States Department of Justice file no criminal charges relating to the Hillary Clinton email controversy. Thus, Comey kept Clinton from going to jail….yet, again.
Comey’s public comments came after his close friend Attorney General Loretta Lynch, after meeting privately with Bill Clinton, announced that she would “fully accept the recommendation of the FBI” regarding the “probe.” It was believed to be the first time the FBI disclosed its prosecutorial recommendation to the Department of Justice publicly.
On October 28, 2016, less than two weeks before the presidential election, Comey announced in a letter to Congress that the FBI learned of the existence of emails that appeared to be pertinent to the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s email server and that the FBI would take steps to allow investigators to review these emails. Comey’s announcement was inconsistent with Justice Department policy and he was warned by lawyers at the Department of Justice against proceeding with his letter to Congress which could be a possible violation of the Hatch Act.
On January 12, 2017, the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General announced a formal investigation into whether the FBI followed proper procedures in its investigation of Clinton or whether “improper considerations” were made by FBI personnel. But, Comey’s letters again exonerated Hillary Clinton again, even though she was clearly guilty.
Chairman Chaffetz asked Comey during the investigation what the consequences would be for Clinton if she had been in the FBI and carelessly handled classified information as she, Abedin, Podesta and Obama did concerning Clinton’s personal server and Abedin’s forwarding of those classified documents to her home computer. “There would be a security review and an adjudication of their suitability and a range of discipline could be imposed from termination to reprimand, and in between suspension, loss of clearance,” said Comey.
According to FBI Director Comey, there was not enough clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues “intended” to violate laws governing the handling of classified information even though Hillary lied concerning a number of critical issues regarding her personal email account, her home-based server and conduct as Secretary of State. Comey lied to Congress by giving answers which were at once contradictory, irrational, and lacking legal propriety. It is evident to every discerning American that Comey is at the very center of a massive covert Clinton criminal enterprise the secrecy of which hinged directly upon a cover-up coordinated by Comey himself.
Lead FBI agent John Giacalone abruptly resigned in the middle of the Clinton Foundation investigation in February 2016 stating that the pay-for-play Clinton Foundation was not properly investigated and was ultimately white-washed and ignored. He cited that FBI agents were blocked from serving search warrants to retrieve key evidence and not allowed to interrogate witnesses and targets without warning.
FBI agents had been trying to interview Clinton since December 2015, because approval was delayed by “top brass.” Agents believed the Clinton case was being “slow-walked” to run-out-the-clock. They were also stunned that targets Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were permitted to sit in on Hillary Clinton’s FBI’s interview. Hillary and her aides cited amnesia, and in Hillary’s case, she claimed to not remember due to medical complications surrounding her unexplained fall. Attempts to secure Clinton’s medical records to confirm her head injury were sabotaged by FBI Director James Comey.
Comey, in his usual fashion, had already prepared his written statement that the Clintons are “now” and will “always be” innocent and that there is no need to even have an investigation. “There’s nothing here folks, just keep moving along” sings Comey as his familiar tune.
Peter Comey serves as Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing. DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton’s first big push to put the Email Scandal behind them.
DLA Piper’s employees, taken as a whole, represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base. DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career top contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.
In 2011, Peter Comey became Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas for DLA Piper. Two real estate services businesses filed a $10 million suit against the law firm alleging it stiffed them on as much as $760,000 of work done at DLA Piper’s Chicago office and improperly gave proprietary information to a competitor. The plaintiffs took aim at Peter Comey, DLA Piper’s senior director of real estate operations and were sharply critical of Comey’s handling of the matter.
Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director. Peter Comey’s financial records show that he bought a $950,000 house in Vienna, Virginia, in June 2008. He needed a $712,500 mortgage from First Savings Mortgage Corporation. But on January 31, 2011, James Comey and his wife stepped in to become private party lenders. They granted a mortgage on the house for $711,000. Financial records suggest that Peter Comey took out two such mortgages from his brother that day. This financial relationship between the Comey brothers began prior to James Comey’s nomination to become director of the FBI, but were never disclosed.
Peter Comey, after getting an MBA in real estate and urban development from George Washington University in 1998, became an executive at a company that re-designed George Washington University between 2004 and 2007 while his brother was working for the Bush administration.
In 2009, at the beginning of the Obama administration, Peter Comey became “a real estate and construction consultant” for Procon Consulting. Procon Consulting’s client list includes FBI Headquarters Washington, DC. Procon provided strategic project management for the consolidation of over 11,000 FBI personnel into one, high security, facility. Services provided included project management related to site evaluations, budgeting, due diligence, and the development of procurement and funding strategies. Peter Comey made out like a bandit while his brother climbed the ladder of DC success.
None of the questionable activities of Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother, ever came up during the Congressional approval process for James Comey in any of his political appointments.
We have provided a short list of why James Comey must be prosecuted and meet justice; he is the perfect example of the corruption in the Washington D.C. swamp. Comey has protected the D.C. corrupt elite as a fixer, a for-hire deceiver, and a criminal conspirator. There is no challenge “too big” for Comey because he is so good at deceit and CIA/Jesuit style subversion, espionage, and narrative manipulation. Comey can lie from both sides of his mouth at once and no one in D.C. questions him.
Comey’s crimes are so copious that we are appalled that our citizen intelligence has turned up so much wrong-doing, yet taxpayers pay a huge staff at the Department of Justice who apparently don’t know how to use a search engine.
Maybe Attorney General Jeff Sessions might put his staff on performance based goals, like successful entrepreneurs do with their staff, to make sure they are competent enough to hold their positions.
May we also suggest that AJ Sessions dole out the criminal allegations we have outlined in this article to his staff of attorneys at their next staff meeting? One topic per attorney and start doing your homework and preparing indictments.
- James Comey has violated every office that he has held, from the Justice Department to the FBI.
- Comey is a known criminal who provides “fixer services” for those involved in the CIA White House criminal families.
- Comey has exonerated the Bush family, the Clinton family, and the Obama Chicago mobsters from endless crimes.
- Comey is one of the most vile and immoral people in DC, and yet he is the head law enforcement officer in America who needs to be behind bars with the criminals he has protected for years.
- Comey is a lawless lawyer only looking out for his personal interests of power and greed, which he seems he have an endless desire for possessing.
- Comey’s crimes with his White House buddies, his brother, criminal cartels, warlord bankers, military corporations, patent lawyers, and every other imaginable criminal must be prosecuted.
Comey, like FBI director Hoover, has blackmail evidence on everyone in D.C. and therefore is truly a “D.C. untouchable” who always seems to be appointed to a high-level government position just when the going gets tough for DC criminals. Comey is always there to rescue them and pronounce them innocent, even before the investigation is complete.
James Comey is the best “political fixer” in American history and citizen journalists should make sure to expose his true nature through his lawless actions reflected in the public record.