An Excerpt from a Highly Classified Report
Exposes Radioactive Truths Rarely Seen
“No crisis is more serious for our Money Power
than an attempt by a head of government to assume
personal control of intelligence and operations or to
by-pass existing agencies by setting up parallel ones.”
In our fully developed state-capitalist systems we have found absolute control of governmental intelligence gathering and covert operations to be vital.
Besides providing a valuable tool in our struggle with rival dynasties, such control is now an integral and necessary part of our day-to-day operations. Large intelligence communities are inevitable, given the system of all encompassing governments which we have imposed upon the world during our ascent to power. Our power would be short-lived indeed if the pervasive influence and power of these iron-disciplined intelligence agencies fell into the hands of mere politicians, especially those beyond our control.
We do not allow intelligence agencies to pursue the “national interest,” the way the public conceives “spies” to operate. Politicians cannot be permitted to divert the power and influence of our intelligence community from the esoteric requirements of our Money Power to petty political struggles.
Neither nationalistic aspirations of races and peoples nor ideological visions of intellectuals for humanity can be allowed to pervert intelligence and covert operations. Our rationalizations, both within the intelligence community and to the public at large, must be diverse and flexible, but the intelligence community must further without exception the inexorable goals we have set for humanity.
No crisis is more serious for our Money Power than an attempt by a head of government to assume personal control of intelligence and operations or to by-pass existing agencies by setting up parallel ones. Such intrusions must be met decisively. Although a contrived scandal to remove the offending politician from office is the first line of defense, we dare not shrink from assassination when necessary.
Perhaps the most accurate overview of our intelligence community can be achieved by visualizing it as a “nationalized secret society.” Our predecessors, in their struggle against the old order of kings and princes, had to finance secret societies such as the Illuminati, Masons, German Union, etc. out of their own pockets.
At great expense and risk such secret societies were able to infiltrate the major governmental and private institutions of the nations that our noble predecessors targeted for take over by the Money Power. Such bureaucratic takeovers are expensive and time consuming. They can be considered complete only when promotions, raises, and advancements are no longer based on objective service to the stated organizational objectives, but are in the hands of the infiltrating group and its secret goals.
How much easier it is for us, the inheritors of a fully developed state-capitalist system! By appealing to “national security” we are able to finance and erect secret societies of a colossal scope, far beyond the wildest dreams of our path breaking predecessors. Besides the benefits of public financing reaped by these “nationalized secret societies,” we obtain a decisive advantage from the fact that these our “spook” operations are sanctioned by law!
Maintaining discipline, loyalty, and secrecy is no longer solely a matter of propaganda, blackmail, patronage, and intimidation. Although these remain important tools, especially in emergency cases, ordinary discipline among initiates (now called agents) can be encouraged by appealing to patriotism and can be enforced in courts of law by prosecuting “national security violations.”
As massive as our intelligence community has become in itself, we still operate strictly on the finance capitalist principle of leverage. Just as a rational finance capitalist never owns more stock in a corporation than the bare minimum required for control, intelligence operatives are placed only in as many key positions as are required to control the target organizations. Our goal, after all, is agent control of all significant organizations, not intelligence community member ship for the entire population.
The organizational pattern of baffling “circles within circles,” characteristic of classical secret societies, is retained and refined by our intelligence community. That “one hand not know what the other is doing” is essential to the success of our operations. In most cases, we do not allow the operatives themselves to know the ultimate, and when possible, even the short-range objectives of their assignments.
They operate under “covers” that disguise our goals not only from the public and target groups, but from the agents themselves. For instance, many agents operating under “left cover” are led to believe that the agency, or at least their department, is secretly, but sincerely motivated by socialistic ideology. Thus, they assume that the intelligence agency’s ultimate goal is to guide left-wing groups in “productive” directions, even though they cannot always see how their own assignment fits into those assumed goals.
Other “left-cover” agents, those with right-wing predilections, are encouraged to believe the agency is simply “monitoring” violence prone, subversive groups in order to protect the public. When such agents are asked to participate in or even lead radical activity they assume that the ultimate objective is to fully infiltrate and destroy the organization for the good of the country. This is very seldom the case. We waste little or no money protecting the “public” or defending the “nation.”
Agents operating under “right-cover” are handled in symmetrical fashion. Agents with right-wing prejudices are encouraged to believe the agency is right-wing. Left-prejudiced agents are asked to operate under “right-cover” in order to “monitor” dangerous rightist organizations. Most intelligence agents remain blithely ignorant of the big picture which is so clear to us from our spectacular vantage point. Very few have enough information or intelligence to reason out how their specific and sometimes baffling assignments promote the legislative, judicial, operational and propaganda needs of our Money Power. Most would never try. They are paid too much to think about such things.
Agents with a “gangster-cover” are of two types. First, there is the sincere gangster that draws his salary from an intelligence agency. He is led to believe that the gangland “Godfathers” control the government agency for their own purposes. Actually, the situation is the opposite. The agency controls the gangster for other purposes. Second, is the sincere crime fighter who is led to believe that the agency is at tempting to infiltrate and monitor the gangsters as a preliminary step to destroying organized crime. Such “upstanding” agents commit many crimes in their zeal to rid the country of organized crime!
To envision how we operate in this lucrative field, let’s briefly look at the mechanics of dope smuggling. Police and customs officials are told to leave certain gangsters alone, even when transporting suspicious cargoes. This is made to seem perfectly proper since it is well known that secret police infiltrators of organized crime must participate in crimes in order to gain the confidence of gangsters.
What customs agent would want to upset a carefully laid plan to “set-up” the underworld kingpins of dope pushing! But the agent, as well as the police who cooperate, are mistaken in believing that the purpose of the assignment to help smuggle dope is ultimately to smash organized crime. If he could see the big picture, as we can, the agent would see that practically all our dope is smuggled by federal intelligence agents and secret police! How ever could such a volume be transported safely? Real harassment and prosecution is reserved for those who enter the field without our approval.
Here is our organized crime strategy: On the one hand we pass laws to ensure that mankind’s favorite pastimes (vices) are illegal. On the other hand, we cater to these “vices” at a huge monopoly profit with complete immunity from prosecution.
A new and growing methodology of our intelligence community is psychologically and drug-controlled agents. Properly, these are referred to as “behavior modified” agents, or, in the vernacular, “zombies.” With the use of hypnotic drugs, brain washing, sensory deprivation, small group “sensitivity” training, and other behavior modification techniques, the scope of which was hinted in the movie “Clockwork Orange,” complete personalities can be manufactured from scratch, to the specifications of value structure profiles we design by computer to suit our purposes. Such personalities are quite neurotic and unstable due to defects in our still developing technology, but still useful for many purposes.
The primary virtue of “zombies,” of course, is loyalty. Agents that are subconsciously programmed for the assignment at hand cannot be conscious traitors. All a “zombie” can do is reveal how compulsive and psychotic he is with regard to his “cause.” Even to trained psychologists he simply appears to be the proverbial “lone nut.” Although the “zombie” may have memories of psychotherapy at a government agency when questioned under hypnosis, this is unlikely to raise suspicion in the mind of court-appointed psychologists. After all, “lone nuts” should be kept in insane asylums and subjected to psychotherapy! At most, the government hospital will be reprimanded for letting a loony loose before he was cured.
Until our techniques can be perfected the use of “zombies” must be restricted to “national dramas” designed to justify the growing power of our centralized governments over the lives of our people. Most suicidal radicals and “crazies” who so mysteriously avoid arrest for years at a time are “zombies” conditioned to terrorize the public in the name of some irrational ideology. After repeated doses of such terror, the public is conditioned to accept the necessity of our intrusive police state with very little objection.
The way is clear for an accelerated program of behavior modification research to be conducted mostly at public expense in the name of mental health and rehabilitation. Such research can be conducted with little complaint in prisons, refugee camps, drug rehabilitation centers, government hospitals, veterans hospitals, and even public schools and day care centers. Mental institutions, methadone maintenance centers, and prisons are fertile fields for recruiting the deranged or drug-addicted persons most suitable for “zombie” conversions. Of course, only a few of our most trusted agents actually participate in the creation of “zombies.” The brilliant researchers and experimenters who make most of the breakthroughs earnestly believe that their techniques are destined strictly for the betterment of mankind.
Inevitably, a fraction of the population objects to behavior modification as an infringement of man’s “sacred” free will even if they are convinced that our intentions are benign. We carefully leak a few scandals to satisfy such persons that our experiments are being kept within bounds and that excesses are being stopped. Our artificial scandals exposing the “excesses” of coercive psychology are carefully designed to make the researchers seem incompetent and clumsy to the point of maiming and killing their “patients.” This effectively conceals the fantastic strides we have made toward total behavioral control. Great things are going to be possible in the future.