Virginia Governor’s Office Releases Map of 2A Restricted Protest Area — Numerous Arrests Made Before Monday Protest
by Jim Hoft
This is what tyranny looks like.
Democrat Governor Blackface Northam is putting the squeeze on Virginia gun owners before Monday’s protest.
The map of the protest grounds was released and shows only one entrance for tens of thousands of Virginia protesters expected at the event.
Via Erick Hayden.
The group will be fenced in.
And the governor is ordering the 2A protesters to leave their guns at home — in an Open Carry State!
The FBI arrested at least three alleged white supremacists in Georgia before the rally next week.
3 more linked to neo-Nazi group arrested in Georgia
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) January 18, 2020
The power hungry Virginia governor is applying a huge amount of pressure on gun owners.
Pray for a peaceful event on Monday.