Dear Concerned Citizens ….
- 4/28/2021 — Bizarre Phenomenon: Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed — Makia Freeman COVID Vaxxed: Transmitting Ill Effects to the Unvaccinated Around Them ( THE STORY:Numerous reports are coming in with an unmistakeable theme: unvaccinated people are contracting various ill effects, some quite serious, just by being around those who are COVID vaxxed.
THE IMPLICATIONS:Is the COVID vaccine (which is not a vaccine) having mysterious effects beyond the person directly receiving it? If so, how? Was it designed to be like this?
In a bizarre turn of events, the COVID vaxxed are apparently them, as countless reports and anecdotes affirm. The more time goes by, the more horrible effects of the COVID “vaccine” (which is not a vaccine but a medical device and experimental gene therapy) come to light. If you thought you’d be safe just by avoiding being COVID vaxxed, think again! These reports reveal that the unvaccinated are getting sick or suffering some kind of ill effect just by being in the vicinity of the COVID vaccinated. Women are feeling it most, especially in the reproductive realm. They are coming donw with irregular and heavy menstruation, bleeding while pregnant and suffering miscarriages. Other non-vaccinated people are getting migraines, random bruising and sudden nosebleeds just being around those who got the COVID shot. Others report their pet died when touched by someone who got the COVID jab. Is the COVID vaccine excreting pathogens? Is this more than viral shedding? It is transmitting disease in some way? What is going on here? COVID Vaxxed Women Greatly and Negatively Affecting Menstrual Cycles of Unvaccinated Women ….Women who are in menopause have gotten their period back … in this community, something that is well known is that if a women bleeds, and she is postmenopausal, that it is cancer.” This is gene therapy that is causing your body to make these spike proteins, this is mRNA gene therapy, this is … human experimentation, this is not anything that’s been done before. It is in fact altering the human makeup of the body … that process starts in the human body and doesn’t stop. It’s coming out in their breath, it’s coming out through their pores, so spike proteins … this is what is causing reproductive problems in people, this is what is causing sterilization of people. they are trying to sterilize us … we’ve seen miscarriage go up by almost 400%.” Women … and men … who have come into contact with people who have had this [vax] … have suddenly become covered in strange bruises … women as young as 10 years old starting their periods early, 11 year olds getting 2 periods in a month, people getting severe migraines … people having clots the size of their fists, people that were in menopause for years suddenly having severe periods … men [whose spouse had the vaccine] go to bed and wake up covered in bruises. The COVID Vaccine Infertility-Sterilization-
Depopulation Connection Many doctors are pulling no punches and loudly calling a spade a spade. German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who has debunked the official COVID narrative, recently alluded to the role of the COVID scamdemic in the depopulation agenda when he said that “COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population.” Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former chief scientific officer and vice president at Pfizer, was also bold when he said that “if someone wished to harm or kill a significant proportion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now will enable it. It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that this [COVID vaccine] will be used for massive-scale depopulation.” Yeadon has launched a petition in Europe along with Wolfgang Wodarg which requests a stay order to suspend all clinical trials involving COVID/SARS-CoV-2 until a study design is produced which addresses the significant safety concerns raised. What Exactly Are the COVID Vaxxed Being Programmed to Do or Become? We are in the middle of a giant human experiment. No one knows exactly how this is going to turn out. Keep these quotes in mind from the top brass at Moderna: “mRNA is like software. You can just turn the crank and get a lot of products going into development.”– Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel “So if you could change that … if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer … We are actually hacking the software of life.” – Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks What exactly are the COVID vaxxed being programmed to do or become? Some believe the New World Order (NWO) only wants to kill people and bring down the population of “useless eaters” up to a certain point. After that point (which I assume would be a certain ratio where they calculate they can easily squash any would-be future rebellion), they are more interested in having people around under their control than dead (remember Brzezinski talking about killing vs controlling?); in other words, they want human slaves. This will not be the old-fashioned idea of slavery (people in ball and chain carrying logs and doing hard labor). The slaves of the future will be technological slaves, programmed to love their servitude as Aldous Huxley predicted. If the NWO manipulators get their way, these technological slaves will be barely human, having had their genetics continuously modified to serve the ruling elite. … I would not be surprised if it turns out that the COVID not-vaccine, by virtue of re-wiring people’s genetic code, is also affecting their physical and energetic fields. Since we live in a holographic universe, this alteration or disruption in the field may be affecting people close by via resonance or frequency, firstly at an invisible level, which later manifests in a disruption on a denser visible level.