The NWO Globalist and Pseudo Pope Proves He Is NOT Catholic

BCP: The pseudo Pope calls on Big Tech 
to impose totalitarian censorship

Francis Bergoglio has expelled himself from the Church on grounds of the most serious crimes and heresies against the fundamental truths of faith and morals. He is therefore not a valid Pope. He occupies the papacy illegitimately. He seeks to satanize the Church with the spirit that dominates him. Since 17 October, through the so-called Synod on Synodality, he has manipulatively promoted a spirit of self-destruction of the Church in every diocese, in every parish and in every Catholic. He commits the most serious crimes in the history of the Church. This religious deceiver constantly repeats phrases about tolerance and listening to the People of God… On the other hand, he has employed vaccination terror in the Vatican itself as a precedent for all states! He is now also promoting totalitarian censorship on the Internet. He has proved to be a despotic dictator who does not tolerate the slightest manifestation of truth, justice or freedom. Three guardsmen have left Bergoglio’s Vatican in protest.

Quote from the press: “In his 16 October video message, the (pseudo) Pope called on the technology giants – Big Tech – to hasten the censorship of fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories and political manipulation, and in the name of God he asked them to put an end to their spread.”

Commentary: What does Bergoglio consider to be fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories and political manipulation? Everything that is still true on the Internet is labelled by him with these derogatory terms. However, he himself brazenly spreads real fake news, which has a catastrophic impact! Why does Bergoglio want to completely suppress the voice of truth? Because more and more scientists and doctors report the true statistics and the tragic impact of forced experimental vaccination. These experts have become the voice of conscience for humanity and are disrupting the plans of contemporary Satanists, who, along with Bergoglio, are behind the pseudo-pandemic. Bergoglio is the Apocalyptic false prophet!

How can a person who promotes a genocidal agenda be considered a Pope? Bergoglio is a public heretic who denies the essence of Christianity! He proclaims a pro-vaccine and pro-climate antigospel (Gal 1:8-9). He has betrayed Christ and the Church, and leads humanity to self-destruction by abusing the supreme ecclesiastical authority. The tragedy is that bishops and priests tolerate this and have not risen in defence of the foundations of faith and morality on which the Church stands. His activities are outrageous crimes, but most Catholics do not want to see or hear it. They tolerate and support his heresies, rebellion against God and visible manifestations of satanization. How can one refer to this professional liar, religious impostor and criminal by the title “Holy Father” and recognize him as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth?! This is a brutal mockery of and insult to our Saviour! To submit to Bergoglio means to publicly renounce Jesus Christ!

One of the three guards who left the Vatican said openly: “The Vatican … betrays faithful Catholics as well as the official doctrine of the Church.”

Quote from the press: “In his video message, Bergoglio also asked all the great pharmaceutical laboratories ‘to make a gesture of humanity and allow every human being to have access to the vaccines’.”

Commentary: How can a crime against humanity be a gesture of humanity? The guardsman who refused compulsory vaccination in the Vatican said: “A faithful Catholic has a moral obligation to avoid abortion-related medical interventions.” The experimental mRNA vaccines against Covid contain tissue torn from a live unborn baby before it is killed. The pseudo Pope vehemently promotes experimental vaccination, and hence the killing of unborn children. In addition, by promoting mRNA vaccines he promotes a change in the human genome as well as gradual chipization coupled with planned genocide. Bergoglio publicly sins against the 5th commandment “You shall not kill!”, thus committing crimes against God and humanity!

Bergoglio’s quotation: “We need to adjust our socio-economic models so that they have a human face.”

Commentary: Bergoglio talks about models with a human face and in fact promotes the satanization of humanity.

The member of the Guard testifies: “What we are experiencing (in the Vatican in connection with mandatory vaccination) has nothing human let alone Christian about it!”

Every bishop, priest and believer must realize who Bergoglio is. He who considers him a rightful Pope and refuses to see or hear about his crimes has already publicly renounced our Saviour, Jesus Christ, by this attitude. Bergoglio paves the way of Judas, which leads those who submit to him to eternal destruction. Bergoglio does not serve God, but publicly serves the devil, who is the father of lies and a murderer (Jn 8). Every bishop, priest and believer today must call the truth the truth, a crime a crime, heresy heresy, and a pseudo Pope a pseudo Pope! Otherwise they have renounced the way of truth and are on their way to perdition!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops


BCP: What is going on with Bergoglio’s encouraging BigTech to a total censure?

We thank to the journalists, especially to the South American ones, who were able to unmask enciphered intentions of the professional ecclesiastical deceiver Bergoglio with regards to his request of total censure. Only few people from among the ordinary readers, and even fewer Catholics, would deduce from Bergoglio’s virtuous phrases what he is after.

Bergoglio’s quotation: “In the name of God, I ask the tech giants (Big Tech) to stop abusing human weakness… and make a profit without worrying about hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.”

Commentary: The information and psychological war between truth and lie is going on. The true intention of Bergoglio’s statement is to achieve a total censure to make sure that no source of accurate information is allowed. How did he encipher this intention?

He partly abused the divine authority and partly created his own image in such a way as if he was admonishing the owners of Big Tech companies to clean the Internet, regardless of profit, and remove the false information in the interest of the common users. In fact, well concealed in this statement is an urgent suggestion for the absolute censure of the truth. When using expressions such as hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, political manipulation, he does not really mean a deceitful misinformation, but rather, using these terms he labels true sources of information. This is a diabolical mastery of Bergoglianism. This is the antichristian spirit that suggestively uses words to the contrary in order to suppress the voice of truth. Why is all this already obvious? Because Bergoglio serves the system of lies and today promotes mainly vaccination, which is one of the means to achieve depopulation. In addition, Bergoglio advocates the enforcement of fraudulent lockdowns and other measures related to alleged climate change. Furthermore, by launching the Synod on Synodality this month he seeks total destruction of the Church and its transition into the Antichurch of the New Age worshipping the devil and demons. However, he disguises all this with the loftiest religious terms and phrases. Bergoglio’s statements must therefore always be deciphered in terms of who Bergoglio is and what his true aim is. A wise man knows that a poisoned root always results in poisoned fruit no matter how beautiful it is. The greatest heretic and rebel against God, a servant of lies and death, a deceiver occupying the papacy does not lead souls on the path of truth and salvation, but leads them on the path of lies to eternal destruction.
Those who believe him and refuse to hear the truth have already condemned themselves.

Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

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