Wake Up Call: Death Penalty for Bioweapons Used for Political Control

Bill Gates/Anthony Fauci/ WHO: The men who planned the lockdown of the entire world-MUST MUST WATCH

Vaccine Liberation Army

VLA Comment: I took the time to watch this. One of the best summaries of Bill Gates as the emerging world power person calling the shots from behind the alter of the UN Agenda 21, Agenda 30 to Blockchain Digital currency; artificial intelligence and its part in identifying  and vaccinating every human being on the face of the earth. A MUST WATCH

More on Fauci:

Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic

Put Judy Mikovits, Dr. Shiva and David Icke into our search engine for their take on Fauci, Gates, WHO and the corrupt forces that that have planned world wide dominance of every facet of life.

If you don’t know George Webb…check it out


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