A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed

A Warning to America – 25 Ways the US is being destroyed in under two minutes.

By Western Lensman and Blake Habyan

1. Open borders and illegal immigration.
2. Rampant crime and unsafe cities.
3. Mass addiction and widespread fentanyl use.
4. Election in security and interference.
5. The educational indoctrination of children.
6. The asymmetrical weaponization of justice.
7. The destruction of private property rights.
8. Increasing inflation and debt.
9. The global de-population agenda.
10. Record low fertility and plummeting birth rates.
11. Unaccountable federal bureaucracies.
12. Toxic food supply.
13. Vaccine and pandemic disinformation.
14. The transcontagion and sterilization of children.
15. Overprescription of pharmaceuticals.
16. Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights.
17. DEI, White Replacement and the new racism.
18. Moral and societal decay.
19. The financing of endless foreign wars.
20. The sprawling surveillance state.
21. The centralization and consolidation of government power.
22. The destruction of trust in all institutions.
23. The censorship industrial complex.
24. State media propaganda.
25. The smearing of those who challenge it.


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