Here’s how the Plandemic will be terminated!

The plan to control the whole world – warning from scientists

Doreen A. Agostino
Our Greater Destiny

Thanks to Margaret for the following:

In the midst of the global pandemic of Covid-19, a ray of light breaks through: an age old medicine called hydroxychloroquine is healing thousands of Covid-19 patients. There are no side effects, no hospitalizations and virtually no deaths. World renown scientists like professor Didier Raoult from France, who is named ‘the rock star of science’, publicly declared:

Mass murder by the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization tested this medicine on 3500 patients in 400 hospitals worldwide… and a third of them died.

As a result hydroxychloroquine was banned across the world. 

Dr. Meryl Nass looked into the trial and discovered something horrendous: the World Health Organization gave their patients absurd, lethal doses of HCQ. (4)

The WHO tests use excessive, dangerous HCQ doses. These tests are not testing the benefits of HCQ on Covid-19, but rather testing whether patients survive toxic, non-therapeutic doses.

America’s Front line Doctors censored

A group of physicians called ‘America’s Front line Doctors’ gave a national press conference, in which they openly declared:

‘The media have been lying to you about Covid-19. We are here to tell you there are effective and safe treatments. Nobody needs to die. Nobody needs to go to hospital. Most people who are treated with HCQ+zinc recover quickly.’

The video of their press conference was viewed over 17 million times in one day… and was then removed from Facebook and YouTube. Their website was even taken down from the internet!

Warning for global tyranny

Prominent leaders within the worldwide Catholic Church wrote an open letter to warn mankind. Below you can read some excerpts from this letter which was compiled by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Cardinal Joseph Zen and Cardinal Janis Pujats. (59)

Based on official data on the spread of the epidemic and the number of deaths, we have sufficient reason to believe that there are forces interested in causing panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of imposing permanent and unacceptable restrictions on their freedom of movement.

The imposition of these illegal measures is a disturbing step towards a world government that would escape all control.

We must not allow centuries of Christian civilization to be erased under the pretext of a virus, and replaced by an abhorrent technological tyranny, in which nameless and faceless individuals can decide the fate of the world by relegating us to a virtual reality.

Join the global freedom army!

What can we do about this? A lot! History shows that every attempt to impose global dictatorships always failed. There is more than evil in this world. Whether you are a person of faith or not, we all know there is good as well. And throughout human history we see that ultimately good always conquered evil. So there is hope!

How can we fight this evil? We must understand that it works through deception.

As you will see in the remainder of this in depth documentary, there is massive deception working in our world. Covid numbers are fraudulently inflated, patients are being murdered in hospitals, doctors are forced to report fake covid cases, fake hospital and test sites are set up to lie to the people, and much, much more deception is going on. But before you read about this shocking global fraud with covid numbers, I encourage you to make a decision to take action against this crime.

Please become part of a global army of freedom warriors. 

How can you join? Simply sign up for our free emails. No, this is not like any other email list that we usually reject for good reason. We are raising up an army of freedom warriors who will protect mankind against this crime, that is playing out right before our very eyes.

You will be informed about the major deception, and discover truth that sets you free. You will be equipped to stand up against this invasion of corruption. Important new facts will be shared with you, so you don’t remain ignorant or deceived by the corrupt media.

Truth will empower you to protect yourself and your beloved ones against the grab for power by these billionaires.


The second part of this documentary might shock you even more, as it exposes a level of global corruption and fraud, that nobody could ever imagine. Yet it is a dark reality in our world, that needs to be brought into the light, if we want to deal with it.

I encourage you to open your eyes for it, don’t deny obvious realities but be brave.

If we stand together as humanity, we can take this down. But we must be willing to see what is going on, shake off any irrational denial because we are afraid, and rise up as courageous warriors of truth.

Everything you will see here can be checked in the dozens of sources at the bottom of the page. We don’t ask you to blindly believe everything – as many do with the corrupt media (!) – but I encourage you to do your own research, check the sources, and come to your own conclusions.

It’s time to set humanity free from the greatest scam the world has ever seen. The virus is real, people die from it, but there is something going on that goes way beyond that…

See it with your own eyes.

In another post I will share the plan for BIOPIRACY a.k.a. GMO patented humans.

Please share the ‘stop world control’ information to give everyone a chance to stand in their power, and together take back our lives, health, prosperity, freedom, and home planet. Thank you.


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