HUGE REVELATION: IPCC Admits Contrails (and therefore Chemtrails) Contribute to Global Warming

IPCC: Aircraft Contrails Are Warming The Climate

Harold Saive
“…contrails created by airplanes are contributing more to global warming than all the CO2 that has been caused by the entire 108 years of airplane flight.” — (Source)

“…aviation contrails play a huge role in the impact on the climate and an even greater impact than that created by the CO2 emissions” (source)

“Contrails tend to warm the Earth’s surface, similar to thin high clouds”.


Dane Wiggington, at geoengineeringwatch appeared on Detroit’s WXYZ News to get the word out about the global aerosol geoengineering plague. Local affiliate stations have a long history of running chemtrail stories that tend to make activists look like conspiracy theorists and WXYZ was no different.

However there was an unexpected payoff in this report when meteorologist, Chris Edwards interviewed UN IPCC climate scientist, Dr. Joyce Penner at the U. Michigan.  Penner was involved with the IPCC SPECIAL REPORT ON AVIATION AND THE GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE” that found contrails aggravate global warming to make the climate warmer.


(NSF)   Will Clouds Speed or Slow Global Warming? What will be the net effect of all of the Earth’s clouds on climate as the Earth continues to warm in the future? Will clouds accelerate warming or help offset, or dull, warming?

( In a study published in Nature Climate Change, Dr. Ulrike Burkhardt and Dr. Bernd Karcher from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics at the German Aerospace Centre show that the contrails created by airplanes are contributing more to global warming that all the CO2 that has been caused by the entire 108 years of airplane flight.


Chemtrails Are Not a Conspiracy Theory According to NASA Scientist


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