GOD Helps Those Who Help Themselves.

We the People need to live instead of waiting to be saved.

January 28th 2021

We have had almost a year at home, with nothing but free time to do the research in order to come to the stunning conclusion that our entire system — worldwide — is contaminated at every level.

We must remove our focus, our time, our efforts, our money and our need for approval from this current contaminated system.

We are the ones who are controlled by asking for their consent to exist, not the other way around. That has to stop right now!

We have had almost a year to do the research in order to educate ourselves on how to become as self-sufficient as possible.

We have had almost a year to understand that we must remove ourselves from the dis- information stream. We must educate our children and remove our focus from the legacy media which includes the public education system and the mainstream information channels of Big Tech and their fake news. Because they control access to the Political System, it has become the most contaminated of all.

For almost a year we were not allowed to see doctors or go to hospitals without a hell of a lot of trouble, danger and death. Therefore, we had almost a year to find alternative methods of keeping ourselves healthy through diet, supplements, sunshine, clean water, herbal medicines, body detoxifications and exercise. Thus, we have had almost a year to realize the difference between natural healing and the damage, death and threat that our contaminated useless and arbitrary medical system actually is.

We have had almost a year to focus on growing our own food or working with local growers and organic distributers to get uncontaminated sustenance because our food is contaminated with unhealthy ingredients, chemicalized agriculture and GMOs. Any focused researcher can find the plan to destroy our food supply in the near future in order to control us.

We have had almost a year to do the research in order to find uncontaminated fluoride free water which is essential to survival and available everywhere. There are filters, there are springs, there are distillers, there is rain water. There are even trash bags and plants which cost next to nothing in order to gather clean water from the environment, there are rainmakers and the list goes on.

We have had almost a year to do the research into how our technology is not only ruining our health, but our environment/ our animals, wildlife, trees and plants, our consciousness and our privacy. Thus, we have had plenty of time to start researching methods to change our technology so that it works for us instead of against us.

We have had almost a year to realize that our Justice System is a giant fraud which serves as a bludgeon for us and a protector of the Criminal elites. Therefore the legal system needs to be avoided as much as possible because there is no Justice within the system, there is only karma.

We have had almost a year to focus on our personal relationship with our Creator because our churches and religious institutions have been being paid in many instances to stay closed.

The world controllers have turned the planet into a massive “ADULT DAY CARE CENTER” where few people think for themselves and all pray but do nothing else to act upon their prayers.  The whole point of free will is that one must act in order to make one’s prayers realized.

The Lord helps them who help themselves.

There are no more excuses left since all of humanity has now had the time and access to see what we have created or have allowed to come into existence. What we are watching is a soap opera reality show! It has caused many of us to waste our lives through our addictions to victimhood and intrigue.

There is a great lesson in all of this and it is about us being forced to act and take responsibility for ourselves.  For us to become the drivers of our own destiny and the catalyst for change and to quit waiting for someone else to save us from ourselves. Only we can save us from ourselves.

That starts with removing our focus and our energy from this rigged and completely contaminated system that has always controlled us by lies, betrayal and secrecy. To have real freedom means that we must quit waiting for saviors and become our own savior.

Please take a look at the link below to take the first step toward freedom at 2ndVote.com.


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