Their Global Control Matrix of FEAR Is Breaking Down Thanks to the CORONAhoax

Submitted by AJT

The Internet has brought about “the corrupt forces” destruction.

Having control by divide and conquer, which has worked for eons, they purposefully set up the Internet with hidden agendas to restrict information and to continue suggestive and subliminal control.

The World Wide Web has completely reversed the cabal’s engineering as we are all now CONNECTED to each other.

Our human connection through natural human vibrational frequencies via the heart, brain and, of course, the chakras was supposed to be slowly disconnected through hypnotic subliminal messaging and various other mind control tactics.  However, due to the vast popularity of the Internet, the seduction of humankind has backfired as the natural desire to be connected with each other overrides their tactics.

We, the human race, are stronger than ever and their isolation routines via sheltering in place and social distancing, etc, have made us all realize the power of family ties and connections through the heart.

In fact, the isolation of so many has silently made us aware that WE ARE in control and that the tides of fear-mongering and control are turning.

Going back through the ages, we have all been purposefully seduced by governments and corporations to basically work for free and to accept “hand outs” from these draconian sources under the pretense of wages.

The harder you work, the more you pay in taxes; what an oxymoron?

When we work extra hard or overtime, the government gets ALL of the benefits—what’s wrong with that?

At what point does the working population get rewarded for a job well done or merit points and bonuses only to be immediately scooped up by the tax demons.

One example is working as a car salesperson: you get to drive a “demonstrator” as this is part of your job (selling cars).  Well, the demonstrator is classed as taxable and not a required promotional tool.

How can you begin to sell a car if you can’t show it off and parade around in it?

This is one of the more obvious money grabs that we let slip through our fingers, and right in plain sight.

How can we compete with the taxman, corporations et al. when we didn’t even know we were in a contest in the first place?

We continually accept the beaten-down hammerings and comply because we are divided.

When we collectively rise, we are strong with numbers of unity and the elite have a FEAR of that happening.

This Covid wakeup call has certainly allowed the human race to choose which fork in the road to take, whereas before we were being led blindly and astray.

The mixed fear-mongering due to the pros and cons of swabs and vaccines has created major discussion groups like never seen before.  This, in and of itself, shows the true character of humankind that’s saying “enough is enough”.

One may ask where all this is leading to and the answer is simple: less than a thousand evil minions run this planet and we the 99.9% no longer conform to their draconic agendas and evolution is rekindled.

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