HUGE BOMBSHELL! WaPo Reporter Says Dr. Fauci Was Behind Wuhan’s COVID-19 Outbreak

SOTN Editors Note: This website has published numerous articles and exposés that have proved the case that SARS-COV-2 has never been scientifically confirmed to exist.  However, SARS-COV-2 is entirely different from what SOTN has identified as the COVID-19 bioweapon.  This bioweapon(s) was meticulously bioengineered to evade quick and easy diagnosis by being launched as different variants in the various large metro areas that experienced major COVID-19 clusters.  Wherever these Covid clusters mushroomed seemingly overnight actually represents bioterrorist attacks often using different COVID-19 variants, which then mutated in different ways and at different rates depending on the specific variant that was released.  In light of these established facts, it should be noted that the interview below ought to be interpreted as follows: Dr. Fauci was directly behind the gain-of function research that was conducted in the Wuhan, China lab just before the first Covid outbreaks. And, that the pathogenic micro-organisms bioengineered into the bioweapon were not just the coronavirus; rather, they were also pathogenic bacteria, parasites, fungi and mycoplasmas, each of which are showing up in Covid patients around the globe today.  For example: Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather a bacterium according to Russian autopsy.

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