New Gold Standard Will Trigger Depression

COMMENT: Anthony Migchels: New Gold Standard Will Trigger Depression

Long held beliefs are being challenged everywhere.

Please consider Dr. Paul Martin’s May 2021 disclosure video titled ‘How did we get here?’

Dr Martin chronicles how the campaign we are now living began in 1804, and that it is not the Federal Reserve and Central Bankers who control the U.S. financial system, it is life insurance executives who pull the strings, all the strings.

The campaign we are now living began with Edward Jenner who introduced the word vaccine, which had to do with a fledging economy that arose due to conflict between T. Jefferson and G. Washington actively engaged in how to manage a plague.

Jenner saw opportunity and risk with regards to playing with nature. In 1903, he coined a conversation that lasted 80 years about how to use a plague constructively. In 1883, Francis Galton responded. Bacterium, viruses and plague could be conscribed in a term he published in 1883 as eugenics; harness nature to weaponize it against man.

If we examine the business plan that gave rise to now, mysteriously no one has mentioned in the past 15 months anything about life insurance.

From 1883-1993 the largest growth contributor to GDP in the USA was the trade in the ‘fear of death’. The life insurance industry represented more than the combined contributions to the economy than coal, steel, and manufacturing industries combined in the 10 years 1883-1893.

We were fooled into believing the Federal Reserve was a central bank money grab by bankers and the cabal in 1913, when in fact it was the insurance companies who put the banks up to be the fall guy, in 1904.

David Martin details the strategy and history that led to eugenicist’s current mass culling.

Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Via ethernet to safeguard life


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