This is what the Biden Administration Takes Pride In (X-Rated Photos)

Excerpt form Tuesday, June 13, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠

☕️ Coffee & Covid 2023 🦠

Pride occupies White House

🔥 Biden’s official Pride celebration this weekend featured men with extreme surgical body modifications frolicking semi-naked with Joe Biden on the White House lawn. I’m not even exaggerating much.

Sorry about the imagery, but you’ve seen worse. This is your White House:

Mere moments before this indescribably embarrassing photo was taken, the man covering his artificial breasts in the picture above, so-called “trans influencer” Rose Montoya, 27, shook hands with Joe Biden, who some people believe is the President of the United States. Here they are:

Joe even took the opportunity to grab a selfie with Mr. Montoya, presumably for Joe’s personal collection:

It’s hard to calculate which was more disgraceful and humiliating, the pornographic celebration of atypical sexual lifestyles at our Nation’s most important, historic, and traditionally dignified monument and seat of authority, or the fact that the White House’s “celebration” featured the so-called Pride flag carefully located in between and higher than two U.S. flags surrounding it, which was itself a grotesque violation of flag etiquette, and metaphorically suggested that Pride governs the United States.

If the Joe Biden were a Chinese puppet, he could hardly do more damage to the Nation’s morale, or humiliate us worse, than through this deliberately offensive travesty. I hardly even know what to say about it, except that it reminds me of the famous quote by anti-communist researcher Robert Conquest:

“The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.”

Given the context of the state of the world these days, I also pick up strong Biblical vibes, such as the sentiment expressed in Proverbs 16:18:

“Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.”

How about a C&C Challenge: name any other stable nuclear-capable country that would ever allow this kind of thing to go on at their national capitol?

We win by NOT being humiliated and discouraged. We despise secret enemy cabals; we understand we are at war; and this too shall pass. “Weeping may stay for the night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5(b).


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