Part 5: When a High God Demands Genocide
By A Mortal Man
Much of the world is in shock over the genocidal atrocities and psychopathic hubris of Israeli war against civilians. This truth rings even more so when it is obvious many Western world leaders are doing little to nothing to stop the unimaginable and criminal viciousness.
Part of the reason why so few normie people understand how wicked this all seems, with their naïve assumptions, is because most people have been living in a Barbie bubble world of massive cultural disinformation while wearing blinders (their entire lives) having little awareness to the depth and breathe of the decrepitude and maleficent rot).
The entire world, if not at least the entire West, has been systematically brainwashed into believing that Jews as an ethnic grouping, in general, are the world’s “special victims” of hatred and persecution historically—as in “like forever” and by people world-wide, and so it is especially shocking to see today’s huge discrepancies as in ‘they’ are committing the barbarity that they have claimed they suffered and in their special and protected identity.
For the most part this “pity-our-victim-stasis” is mostly a massive lie, such as in today’s world, despite they being a sliver of a minority in most countries, they still manage to control finance, media, publishing, government entities, the brunt of the non-profit organizations, and through donations and intimidation the brunt of politicians (throughout the Western world).
The amount of time, energy and creativity that influential Jews have invested in brainwashing the world to their special status as being persecuted and genocided is beyond even a superseding imagination. The hundreds of ‘fictional’ Hollywood movies about the Nazis and Hitler alone is astounding. And Hollywood has had, and continues to have an enormous influence in how people think about history.
Ron Unz, outstanding history writer and courageous author, quoting from The Holocaust in American Life September 2000 from a subtitle of an essay “Prof. Peter Novick and the Historiography of the Holocaust”:
“Between the end of the war and the 1960s, as anyone who has lived through those years can testify, the Holocaust made scarcely any appearance in American public discourse, and hardly more in Jewish public discourse—especially discourse directed to gentiles.”
Ron’s article at his website: Unz.Com is a must read!! “American Pravda: Gaza, Jewish Power, and the Holocaust”
RON UNZ • FEBRUARY 19, 2024 (you can also listen to his audio version as he routinely reads his essays verbally****).
Suffice it to say there is more than a ton of solid evidence that proves the so-called Nazi Holocaust never happened (nor any number of millions of genocided Jews in camps) which is why there is such a massive war on those who make such revisionist claims, backed up with concrete and real evidence.
Nevertheless, many people have been imprisoned for such thought and free speech crimes, so certainly Zionist fanaticism is not in any way new to history. This is equally why there is so much emphasis to control what can be published and accessed via the Internet because once a critical mass learn of the massive efforts of deceit to pull over so much wool over humanity’s eyes it will be all manner of Medea cats out of the bag.
This goyim world (95% of all peoples not Jewish) have been subjugated to Jewish exaggerations or lies about their singularly eminent persecution for centuries (compared to all other peoples).
Moreover it was Jews, who have enormous control over the media of the West for many decades, who inspired the Hate Everything German propaganda machines, and who with their political influence in various governments caused a vast Holocaust against the German people, killing 21 million by war, by slaughter of civilians and by deliberate starvation. To which we, vastly, know nothing!
It is hardly mostly Palestinians who have been subject to massive bombing campaigns perpetrated by the will of Jewish people. Here, for example, is an excerpt of an Amazon.Com excerpt for the book: “Germans Must Perish” by Theodore Kaufman:
“This March 1941 book-written by a New Jersey Jewish-German émigré-caused a storm in Germany and America with its open advocacy of the physical extermination of all Germans and Germany itself. This was to be achieved through a process of mass sterilization, and the physical dismemberment of that country. Arguing that Nazism was in fact just another expression of militant Germanism, the author said that the Germans would never change and the only way to end the ongoing struggle was to end Germany and the German people. Because of Kaufman’s claimed links to the policy advisors of the American president, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels used the book to help encourage Germans to fight to the last. Ironically, significant sections of Kaufman’s book, despite being dismissed as the work of a loner, came true. At least 12 million Germans were expelled from their land following the end of the war, and their deportation became the single largest transfer of any population in modern European history, and one-third of German territory was ethnically cleansed of Germans and permanently seized. …”
Study the massive rape of German women by Soviet soldiers during World War 1 and 2. Example:
Ironic that Israelis today so readily engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to claim Hamas soldiers were raping Israeli women amongst many dishonest propaganda claims. Yes indeed so reflective.
Watch the video called “The True Face of Israel” by Max Igan’s The Crowhouse on Bitchute:
Max Igan doesn’t pull any punches. He knows the truth—the very dark and bitter truth. This video is very worth one’s time and attention. Twenty minutes into this video you see IDF soldiers taping up Palestinian civilians eyes and hands, and marching them blindfolded, one by one, to fall into a big crater hole, where in they are individually shot, and eventually the slew of bodies will be burned by scorching tires aflame if they are not already dead.
But mass killing of gentiles, such as shooting them in the back of the head creating mass graves, was nothing new to the Jewish dominated Bolshevik revolution. Look up “Katyn massacre” at The first paragraph reads:
“The Katyn massacre was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia prisoners of war carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD (“People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs”, the Soviet secret police) in April and May 1940. Though the killings also occurred in the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons and elsewhere, the massacre is named after the Katyn forest, where some of the mass graves were first discovered by German Nazi forces.”
And when one studies the various methods of torture dished out during the “Jewish-dominated” Bolshevik Revolution you would be hard pressed to find more sadist butchery and cruelty.
Read Chapter 5: ‘The Red Terror’ of “The Myth of German Villainy” by
Benton Bradberry (which you can find free at Archive.Org) a very important work with much historical detail*****
One reason for the disinformation gap today is that most people are not familiar with these truths, such as it has been Jewish Communists and Zionists who have led the way on the modern world’s barbarity. People still think you are racist neo-Nazi if you try to educate them about real Jewish history.
Another example is that many pogroms against Jews, such as in Russia, have been highly exaggerated and distorted.
Note too there were many New York City newspapers that announced “six million Jews were being persecuted in Russia” way before WW1 let alone WW2. Imagine. Engine search (use Yahoo)
“SIX MILLION JEWS 1915 1938 (understand The Numbers Signific Holocaustianity “The magic number six million” at Internet Archive:
And six million Russians were supposedly being persecuted before 1915 as well.
Equally checkout this book review (one not subjected to Jewish filters and circumspection) on some of the Russian pogroms by University College London’s Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, John Doyle Klier:
“Revisiting the 19th-Century Russian Pogroms, Part 1: Russia’s Jewish Question” May 8, 2012 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. at:
Here we have a far more nuanced version of real history about pogroms against Jews rather than the usual Jews pretty much solely dominating the propaganda writing their own history with their own biases and untruths.
Here are two early paragraphs from that very interesting and badly needed form of scholarship:
“Little or no historiography has been dedicated to peeling back the layers of “refugee” stories to uncover what really happened in the Russian Empire in the years before and during the riots. This lack of historical enquiry can be attributed at least in part to a great reluctance on the part of Jewish historians to investigate the pogroms in any manner beyond the merely superficial. In addition, historical enquiry by non-Jewish historians into the subject has been openly discouraged. For example, when Ukrainian historians discovered evidence proving that contemporary media reports of Jewish casualties in that nation were exaggerated, the Jewish genealogy website ‘JewishGen,’ responded by stating: “We believe that [these facts] are more than irrelevant because it redirects public attention from the major topic: the genocidal essence of pogroms.”
“It should suffice to state here that this response contravenes the very essence of historical enquiry – to uncover history as it actually happened, irrespective of the uncomfortable truths which may lie therein. The statement could be translated as “Let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good story.” Also, as this paper will show, the tendency to portray the riots as “genocidal” is completely lacking in foundation. University of California Los Angeles Professor of Sociology, Michael Mann, has provided substantial evidence indicating that “most perpetrators did not conceive of removing Jews altogether.”
So, given all the manifold deceit, and the censoring hiding of reality that has gone on in history, and continues to go on today, should not really surprise anyone in the know how vicious and dangerous is the current state of Zionism to the world order.
It is not just the Palestinians who are lined up for extermination and control rather it is all the goyim world.
If you study the realities beyond what many Jews believe as their historical future, you quickly come to realize they intend to dominate over all mankind from Israel, and they will murder everyone who does not convert to their religion as Noahide practitioners. Study the many podcasts by Adam Green on Noahide laws and the right-wing rabbi mindset as racist and completely authoritarian.
Israel is at the forefront of the latest technology because having a chokehold on modern technology will ensure that all people can be monitored and controlled (or dealt with). They already have access to all important United States government databases, and have enormous representation in the State Department, CIA, military, etc. etc. (and this is hardly meant for just Americans).
There is a serpent’s grip extending its fascist hand over all the world including new forms of weather weapons and material logistics. The world needs to wake up.
Ryan Cristian and his crew at TheLastAmericanVagabond.Com puts out some of the best in-depth reporting on what has been happening in Gaza. Make sure you are paying attention to what he is continuing to reveal.
Yes it is true the world is currently ignorant and naïve on many aspects to history over a couple of decades including the current times, nevertheless even what is being allowed to air in the mainstream media is unnerving to most.
What is so spine-chilling, in its slow scratch of the head awareness, that we are starting to realize, is that no leaders within the West (save hopefully Russia) are going to do anything about it.
The crap hit the fan a long time ago. Time to gather your senses and awareness.
P.S. Israel, you, and your supposedly God Yahweh are coming down your mountain. Enough of tyrannical religions.