La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, has discovered that vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an absorption band for 5G frequencies and it may also be the reason behind the magnetic phenomenon.
Posted by Anonymous
They are injecting
graphene oxide as
an adjuvant in
La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, has discovered that vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an abosrption band for 5G frequencies and it may also be the reason behind the magnetic phenomenon.
Ricardo Delgado: “Nanotechnology is being introduced into the vials. Not exclusively of COVID-19, but also of the influenza vaccine. And in fact it is precisely with the anti-flu vaccine that they did it, that they caused, in our opinion, the COVID-19 disease itself.
There is plenty of evidence of the magnetic phenomenon —let’s call it “magnetic” in quotation marks— throughout the world not only with the issue of magnetization of magnets and metal objects, but also electromagnetic induction phenomena that generate variable electromagnetic fields inside the body when using measuring devices such as a gaussmeter or a multimeter, which also generates variable electric fields on the millivolt scale, but very out of the ordinary, in the order of 180mV to 200-350mV in some people, especially in the forehead.
We’ve also discovered that there are these graphene oxide nanoparticles in the PCR tests and also in the masks, and probably some other inhalation route and that’s why some people express magnetism in the nose area.
Nanoparticles of reduced graphene oxide inside the body that acquire magnetic properties precisely inside the body under conditions of body temperature, in contact with hydrogen and at certain angles, such as the so-called “magic angle” of graphene oxide.
When we have seen that it is a superconductor that behaves as an energy capacitor and at the same time, being a superconductor, people are emitting and receiving signals.”
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