Fulfilling Doomsday Prophecy


(Schneerson to Satanyahu- Destroy the world to hasten the coming of the AntiChrist)

I hate to repeat myself but few people are considering the possibility  that religious fanatics are fulfilling a demented prophecy that calls for apocalyptic catastrophe. Israel is controlled by these fanatics and through Israel, the West. This is why Satanyahu refuses to compromise. He insists on attacking Iran and Rafah. Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas are Freemasons. Satanyahu is a Freemason Thus the lines are drawn for the third Masonic Jewish world war. The “enemy” is civilians on both sides.

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com

A reader of Christopher Jon Bjerkness explains: “So for the Jews to return to God & ‘redeem’ the world (Tikun Olam), the Kilipot (goyim) must be destroyed & their sparks taken from them.  Previously, as it was not clear, I thought these sparks w/in we Gentiles go back to God, but this Rebbe makes clear they are to be taken by the Jews to enhance themselves, their power (like cannibals) – truly a black magic sort of ideology. (Like ,drinking blood – the soul – which CJB just covered too.) What’s bothered me re all this is Steiner’s Soul Stealing via inoculations. I kept wondering why do they seek to steal the soul (divine spark) instead of just kill us outright?

Now it’s clearer & this also helps explain the degradation of Gentiles under communism, Weimar & now – we must be weakened to be destroyed in order to steal our souls as well as not allow us to build up our souls. I think this helps explain porn, perversions, poverty, corruption, etc., in order to debase us & remove us as far as possible from the divine. Truly, all this is pure sorcery & is akin to the dark, magical, mystical arts of Babylon, from where I know they got them as well as some from Egypt, Cannan, etc. So primitive & unGodly. Hah! And almost no one knows! All go about parroting the ‘chosenness’ & Juedo-Christianity – insane.”

My time notes on this vid which I was going to send –
Their Divine Mission to Destroy Us – The World to Come – Tikun Olam – CJB – Grab divine sparks. @31:30 Gentiles have no right to exist & their sparks must be taken from them.@47:45 Purpose of Diaspora was for Jews to steal the spark of other nations, destroy them.



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