TODAY! The JERICHO STRATEGY Mobilized in Ottawa

Feb 17.22 Circling Ottawa Parliament Bldgs 7X

Our Greater Destiny

Heart centered sound for freedom

Grab some pots and pans, tingshaws, Tibetan bowl, musical instrument, to transform injustices and dark agendas into unity, peace, justice freedom.

Christine wrote: I am still in Ottawa, along with up to 300 people.

We are in the process of walking around the parliament buildings everyday for 6 days.

Then on the 7th day (Thursday Feb 17.22) we will circle 7 times as God asked Joshua to do. Joshua 6: 1-5

After the final lap is completed, everyone is going to blow their shofars, honk their truck horns, shout a battle cry, or bang pots and pans for 7 minutes!

This will be happening all across Canada and around the world simultaneously at 10:00 am Pacific time, which is 1:00 pm Eastern (Ottawa) time, ending at 1:07 pm.

Please join with us in knocking down those walls and inform people around the world!

If you value freedom stand, walk, sit, talk, support truckers in Ottawa.

Truckers are the people’s army

In case you missed this video …

Justin Trudeau’s Emergency

Please copy, paste, close the gaps

https : //’s%20“COVID%20Mandates”%20Which,%281985%29%20%28Section%203%20%28a%29%29%20By%20Prof%20Michel%20Chossudovsky

Politicians now govern through polling – please respond

And please share. TY!


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