Message Of Support To All Truckers

Let the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy be an inspiration to all truckers worldwide.

May Trucker Freedom Convoys converge on every capital city in every nation across the world.  

These totally peaceful demonstrations must continue until the plandemic/scamdemic is shut down.  This is a life-or-death Civil Rights struggle against medical & political tyranny—an evil power-grab by Ruling Elites based on a fake pandemic, fraudulent diagnostic tests, junk data, illegal mandates, and a lethal injection (falsely labeled “vaccine”) which is actually a genetic-modification treatment that’s killing and badly damaging millions of people.

This must stop.

We The People are with you.  We support all protesting truckers in your courage, determination, strength, and intelligence.

Reasonable demands:

* No more mandates

* No more gene-based “vaccines”

* No more bogus diagnostic tests rigged to yield false-positives

* No more health “passports” for travel, shopping or anything else

* No more oxygen-inhibiting, bacteria-infested Masks

* No more censorship by the lying News Media and Social Media—

All the scientific findings by truth-telling doctors

and researchers must be fully presented to the public.

* Full compensation by the vaccine manufacturers

and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to every person

injured by the COVID-19 “vaccines” or their bereaved families.

This is a Civil Rights struggle for human dignity and liberty, against a very real and very evil totalitarian threat.  We must win.  There is no other option.

Let’s roll out!

Submitted by a Concerned Citizen in solidarity with Canadian and American Truckers and Truckers Worldwide.


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