ONLY IN LGBTQIA CORRUPTED CANADA! Trudeau government ‘sponsoring’ Drag Summer Camp for children 7 to 11 years old: report

Melissa Fine

Residents of Vancouver now have a Justin Trudeau-approved, taxpayer-funded summer alternative for their little kiddies: a drag queen summer camp at the Carousel Theatre for Young People.

Children age 7 to 11 and teens age 12 to 17 will get a free drag makeup starter kit for their folks’ $460 and $900 “tuitions,” respectively.


“Led by some of Vancouver’s established and emerging drag artists, you’ll learn how to access your inner confidence, show your true colours, and maybe even let out that inner diva!” the website states. “Join some of Vancouver’s most amazing drag artists and learn how drag can brighten up your life!”

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you’ll discover the theater is supported by the City of Vancouver, the Canada Council for the Arts, British Columbia, and the British Columbia Arts Council.

“According to Government of Canada grant data, Carousel Theatre received federal funding to the tune of $280,849 since 2018,” True North reports.

And if you’re thinking that sending minors off to be groomed by drag queens isn’t such a great idea, why, you’re just denying your closet Queen, “honey.”

“You might be wondering, is drag for kids?” the website concedes. “Drag is for everyone! Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag honey, you just don’t know it!”

As in America, Canada is flaunting drag queens in the faces of its youth.

Who can forget the shop teacher with the enormous fake bazoombas?


And in Canada, they are preventing people from even protesting the drag queen story hours.

“Recently, Calgary’s City Council voted for a bylaw which limited drag queen protests around public spaces,” according to True North. “The bylaw prohibits ‘specific protests’ from taking place within 100 metres of an entrance to a city operated or other designated facility such as a library.”

(Video: YouTube)

But what would else would you expect when the Prime Minister of the nation celebrates International Women’s Day by mansplaining the very definition of a woman?

“I want to be very clear about one more thing,” he tweeted earlier this month. “Trans women are women.”


Thank God we live in America, amiright?

Oh, wait…


“Stop paying your taxes people,” responded one user on Twitter to news of the drag queen summer camp.

“Parents that send their children here should be arrested for Child Abuse,” tweeted another.

Canada’s priorities are warped, another user suggested.

“Meanwhile domestic abuse shelters are close to closing because of under funding,” the user wrote. “Imagine. The insulting irony of this country.”




Even liberal HBO host Bill Maher can’t believe how pervasive and inappropriate the drag queen push has become in America’s schools.

Thankfully, Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R-Va.) was on hand to set him straight.

On Friday’s episode of “Real Time,” Sears referred to a video posted by Libs of TikTok in which a drag queen is seen giving a young student a lap dance.

While the comedian acknowledged that drag queens are reading to kids, he refused to believe they’d go that far.

“I’m not sure about lap dances,” Maher smirked.

“Bill, you gotta read more,” Sears stated.

As one user commented in reference to Canada’s summer camp, the drag queen push is “Starting to remind me of a Cult.”



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