The New American Bolshevik Elites

by Prof. Pedro Blas González

To the all too few who care enough to give tongue.
– Chapman Pincher
The Secret Offensive

Bolshevism’s New Class Elites

In order to understand the source and driving motivation behind the despotism of the internationalist, globalist elites that dictate American culture, mores, and politics today, one must first understand the communist ‘New Class.’

Communism has traditionally dazzled fellow travelers and sophomoric idiots by waving a proletariat ‘carrot’ in front of them since Vladimir Lenin forged Bolshevism with a hammer – at the start of the twentieth century. The proletariat, what is a vague invention of Marxists, was publicly billed as the inspiration and public relations campaign that would launch international communism as a movement.

The proletariat, the poor workers who will liberate the world from the money class and capitalists, a.k.a. the 1% who rule the world, will re-constitute the world as a communist utopia. This is the mantra of communism.

Before that fateful day when international communism takes over the world as a one-party world government: banking, industries, power grids, the indoctrination of children, and the use of natural resources to consolidate the control of the one-party state, communists warn that much blood must be shed.

Communism alleges that violence and ruthless suffering is necessary in order to rid the world of the aforementioned oppressors. That is clearly stated in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and the writing of Lenin, Mao, Jean-Paul Sartre, and a bevy of intellectual foot soldiers that take it upon themselves, as ‘committed’ communists, to spread communism throughout the world.

Communism’s traditional model of control and oppression of the people it rules over has always been disinformation, imprisonment, and physical violence.

Taking over financial institutions, industry, governments, and cultural and religious institutions continues to be deemed necessary to cleanse and purge the bad, capitalist blood that ‘oppresses’ the world. This is why Bolshevism censors, persecutes and imprisons its enemies as ‘enemies of the state.’ The word continues to be censorship, not ‘canceling.’

Bolshevism banishes political opposition, and as we are witnessing today with grassroots Trumpism’s blue-collar, working-class populism, creates show trials for people that Bolshevism considers obstacles to their plan for world domination.

Fast Forward to Current American Bolshevism’s Show Trials

The fall of the communist Iron Curtain in 1989 offered communism an opportunity to re-structure Bolshevism. Communist intellectuals pointed their finger at the past and asserted that communism would never make the same mistakes it made in the past. They hired public relations and marketing firms to aid them in this about-face.

After the collapse of the Iron Curtain, Marxism realized that in the age of television, mass media, and today’s Internet, the traditional power-grab grievances of Marxism have become tired and ineffective: class warfare, the affected (fake) song and dance about ‘the poor’ had to give way to alleged global warming and open borders that would make democratic nations less ‘white.’

Bolshevism relishes the public appeal that making apparent race relations corrosive creates. One difference between democratic governance and Bolshevik rule is that the former fixes crises and the latter manufactures them.

Hence, Bolshevism must rile up the masses about these and a slew of other time-sensitive and timely causes. Marx wrote that the causes that Marxism embraces are determined (To Be Announced) by Marxism according to its needs at any given time. This is why Bolshevism creates local, national, and international crises on demand. This is what Marxism refers to as perpetual warfare and why genuine peace is not in the best interest of Bolshevism. That is the Marxist playbook, plain and simple.

The re-organization of communism today focuses on indoctrination in schools, universities, Catholic and Protestant churches, and cultural institutions. This creates long-lasting disinformation, which is a staple of communism’s perennial warfare that destabilizes democracies. Yet, this is only one aspect of the culture war, what a recent former American president describes as ‘the dismantling’ of America.

The New American Bolshevik Elites

The Yugoslav former communist, dissident, and writer, Milovan Djilas’ The New Class, is one of the definitive books that offer a poignant and in-depth psychological description of the pathology of communists and their machinations to attain power.

Communist show trials are not only meant to discredit their victims and confuse the populace with disinformation, these show trials, the art of which communism has perfected, are the definitive tool that Bolshevism employs to destroy the opposition.

Under communism, only one-party rule is allowed. All opposition to the communist party must be squashed through character assassination, banishment, imprisonment, and firing squad.

The job of the communist New Class nomenklatura is to rule, not govern, over the New Soviet Man. That is – the proletariat – the poor that communism alleges to want to liberate from capitalism, are used as the ticket for Bolshevism to attain social-political power.

Bolshevism is the practice of totalitarian power. There can be no shame, guilt, decency, toleration for others on Bolshevism’s road to political power. These are signs of weak communists. What matters is raw power: disinformation campaigns, intimidation, cheating, violence, and murder. These are the tools (the means) that Bolshevism uses to attain its desired end.

Why has it taken so long for American Bolsheviks to incorporate this form of social-political violence in America, especially through show trials?

The four key components that make up this answer are:

1) Infiltration and weaponization of all government institutions, including the education system, which is charged with the task of indoctrination through disinformation.

2) Corruption of the judicial process.

3) Conversion of the financial and intellectual class elites into the New Class that is promised a central role in the totalitarian use of power.

4) The take-over of the free press, turning these people into elites who are promised a substantial share of absolute, state-power.

In communist nations, the four aforementioned components of Bolshevism are government agencies. In America, the final piece of the Bolshevik puzzle to fall in place is the conversion of the free press into a weapon of the one-party system.

Looking ahead to the managed decline and collapse of American democracy, these four components of American life and freedom must become the pressing priority of Americans in exposing the New Class of American Bolshevik elites.

Further reading:

Milovan Djilas.
The New Class.  (1957).

W. Cleon Skousen
The Naked Communist. (1971).

M. Stanton Evans
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies. (2007).
Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government. (2012).

Jean-François Revel.
The Totalitarian Temptation. (1977).
How Democracies Perish. (1985).
The flight From Truth; The Reign of Deceit in the Age of Information. (1991).
Last Exist to Utopia: The Survival of Socialism in a Post-Soviet Era. (2000).

Chapman Pincher
Not Without a Bang. (1965).
Their Trade is Treachery. (1981).
Too Secret Too Long. (1984).
The Secret Offensive. (1985).


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