SOTN: Important Status Report for Regular Readers (Updated)


First of all, thank you to all of our great readers. You folks are the best, and certainly the brightest, in the world … and not just because y’all read SOTN. (-:

2023 will surely go down in the history books as “the end of the then-known world”, as we like to say. In other words, this year will mark the defining moments when the Great Tribulation and Revelation, the Apocalypse and Armageddon, Doomsday and Judgment Day, The Fourth Turning and Day of Reckoning, the End Time and the Four Horsemen all broke out in the open. Therefore, we at SOTN are busy preparing just as many of you folks have been doing for years … especially for this year’s long anticipated epoch-ending Super Shemitah Jubilee.

For the unaware, State of the Nation was first established as a network of strategists. Yes, we are also conspiracy realists and investigative journalists as well as historical revisionists and geopolitical analysts. In our early years we were especially known for our fierce health advocacy and fiercer environmental activism. But it is perhaps our deeply penetrating political analysis that is the most incisive and, therefore, threatening to the BEAST System. Which is why SOTN has been hacked so many times since its very inception.

In those various capacities, SOTN quite purposefully floated many of the most powerful and well-known memes ever to hit the Internet. Many of you know those memes well such as “Epstein didn’t kill himself”, “Pizzagate is local, Pedogate is global” and “Covid Clotshots, Cancershots & Killshots”. We also did the Second American Revolution and Civil War 2.0 among many similar memes such as Khazarian Cabal and Democrat bolsheviks. But perhaps our first BIG meme was Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama and the Obamanation he stealthily created. In this way going back to 2008, SOTN was particularly instrumental in the creation of a highly influential culture of memesters across the Alt Media (we did that one, too)

KEY POINTS: As strategists, our main mission was make sure that the Second American Revolution happened right on time. And so it did … on Election Day, 2016. Now we’re entering the hot war period which is analogous to the most kinetic phase of the First American Revolution as well as of the Civil War. This 21st century war is quite unique in that, instead of bullets and bombs, it’s being fought with classified information and radioactive ideas, sensitive data and devastating downloads. Hence, high-integrity news, analyses and commentaries via factual articles, videos and audios are the primary weapons thus far. However, that does not mean that the communist-run Democrat Party has not frequently let loose their bolshevik mercenaries and Gladio-trained terrorists (e.g. BLM & Antifa) to create as mush chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide as possible. Which makes “Khazarian Cabal” the single most important meme of them all.

Going forward … … …

Now that this planetary civilization has crossed the point of no return, the force of inexorable destiny has essentially taken over. True, the writing has been on the wall since the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, but with the advent of the COVID-19 Plandemic, the outworking of the national karma of these once United States of America has been irreversibly set in motion. Collective karma that has been carved in stone like this can never be altered, except by radical divine intervention.

Because the die has been cast in this manner, the overwhelming cascade of current events has become blurred from day to day with nary a moment to stop and analyze and interpret for even the most aware of US. However, it’s no longer necessary to perform that daily function with the level of attention and scrutiny that was brought to bear in the past. Nevertheless, SOTN readers have learned how to apply their own critical thinking skills and use their own special intuition to figure things out in real time just as our many post titles have done.

Therefore, what will really matter going forward is what’s happening where you live, work and play. For the whole place is rapidly morphing into a “New World”, and it’s practically impossible to keep up with it all. Which means that “all politics is local”; that is, all politics that really matter. Truly, this is how our respectable and still good quality of life, both individual and collective, can best be maintained—at the local level.

Toward that end, SOTN will be publishing the INTRODUCTION of a very unusual and quite revelatory book which actually began its writing in 1985. Because of what this book contains, it could not have been published one moment earlier than now (it will present highly consequential information which has never before been released on the Internet*). While we plan to post the first chapter in the coming weeks, it may be that its publication will have to be further postponed. The unfoldment of world events will have much influence on the exact date of publication.

*SOTN has received highly classified information over the years from proven institutional whistleblowers and intel deep insiders which was simply too radioactive to post. This extremely sensitive material, together with first-hand accounts about how the U.S. Intelligence Community treasonously operates under the radar 24/7, provides a whole new context for what really happened in America since the establishment of the C.I.A. in 1947. And, it’s now time for its divulgence. This book will also disclose exclusive input from some of the most talented remote viewing experts as well as from other authoritative practitioners of the sixth sense arts and technologies.

In the meantime, while our focus is directed on this extremely important work, SOTN posting will be relatively sporadic in the immediate future; however, what is posted will be the most momentous and significant events of the day and/or week. We thank you for your understanding and patience.

SOTN Editor
State of the Nation
April 13, 2023

Special Note: Knowledge is power. Right knowledge put into regular practice becomes wisdom. But the whole alchemical process begins with good information and accurate data. For example, when we understand our true history (personal, family, national, religious and/or planetary), we can forge an auspicious future that responds appropriately to the stark reality of that history, no matter how unfortunate or negative it may have been. Hence, what will soon be revealed is a HUGE piece of well-concealed and crucial history that, when properly understood will trigger a profound transformation of American consciousness the likes of which humanity has never seen before.


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