The real problem America is facing today is that Conservatives are basically COWARDS!

Comment posted by Ken Pelkey

Despite the fact that they are being told by everyone they claim they listen to and believe. It is almost impossible to get “Conservatives” to work together and actually take a stand. Oh, they’re good at talking and they’re good at pointing out who is wrong and why what they’re doing is wrong. Actually doing something about that wrong, well that’s another story. It’s kind of like the Republican Party as a whole. How many more useless committees with all the harsh glares and harsh words do you have to have before you actually do something. How many more subpoena’s that Democrats ignore do you have to issue before you actually have someone jailed for not complying. You want to know why the Left ignores you. Straight up no BS. Because they know you are cowards.They know you are all talk, no action.

Proof, how many years have we been told about Hunters Laptop, the Biden Crime Family, the corrupt DA’s in places that have zero jurisdiction over Federal Issues, but try to convict law abiding citizens while ignoring criminals that they do have jurisdiction over. What is wrong with Conservatives. Quick to point out how ball less and spineless everyone else is, but somehow never look in the mirror. And that’s just the men. The women seem to have had enough and they are slowly, snail slowly starting to get angry. What is it going to take for Conservatives to finally get mad enough to come together. To work together to put a total stop to the Leftist crap! Don’t kill the messenger, All I’m doing is pointing out what I see and hear. The Left can organize in 10 seconds flat. Conservatives are risk averse and have to wait until they see if anyone else will take the heat instead of them. Yea, I get heat everyday from those that claim they are on my side. What a load!


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