COSMIC RESET: Project Blue Beam, Mirage Men and the Fight for the Future

Vista CA
June 22, 2023

by Rich Scheck

Earthlings are experiencing a Cosmic Reset: the current UFO craze is elevating the
conversation beyond the WEF’s focus on The Great Reset into a far more spiritually
significant dimension as we witness a fight for the future of humanity!

I’ve written in prior articles that the foundation is being laid for a new human origins story
to deal with the UFO issue that involves a competition among the world’s religions and
major political entities to dominate the narrative so they can claim control of it.

Far more important than whatever martial arts event that see Musk and Zuckerberg duke it out is the intense contest forecast two years ago by former CIA official, John Ramirez.

Ramirez is one of the modern day Mirage Men who have been approved by whoever is in charge of the UFO File to drip out tidbits of alluring facts that keep the UFO Community enthralled because of its infatuation with the Phenomenon as they eagerly pursue Disclosure.

He predicted that the JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) findings would facilitate support for an expanded notion of humanity’s true origins that transcends the established world religions by providing “scientific” evidence that both undermines current belief systems and validates a new understanding of who we are.

This competition is partially on display in the political arena these days as government officials do their best to soften the implications of decades of false official narratives constituting psychological warfare against the public’s ability to know the truth.

Steve Bassett rightly describes this process as a massive public relations effort but fails to grok how nearly impossible this task is in light of the long history of dissembling now admitted by the latest batch of Mirage Men like David Grusch. Grusch openly refers to these cover-ups while Congress, the media, presidential candidates and the UFO Community scramble to find the right language that fully captures the reality of this extraordinary Phenomenon.

As one observer has succinctly said: “It’s presumptively a psyop unless evidence is shown to prove otherwise!” (paraphrasing).

This competition to end the Truth Embargo and establish a viable new human origins story has many groups vying to prove that their version of history and religion is best suited to match new scientific discoveries that advanced technology like the JWST produces.

As William Bramley so brilliantly described in his classic, Gods of Eden, the long history of mankind is marked by wars essentially fought over which doctrines embodied the best expression of the current understanding of knowledge.

We are seeing this process being enacted again on the battlefield in Ukraine which is merely one aspect of the broader Cosmic Reset sweeping Earth at the end of the Kali Yuga.

Emboldened by passion and enthusiasm for their specific creed, many a crusader has battled to the death or committed atrocities in the name of the God resonating most strongly in their consciousness.

What our collective survival now demands is a new interpretation that elevates the conversation away from the endless violence we see again manifesting itself in Ukraine in part 4 of the European Wars for control of the Mackinder Heartland following the Crimean War in the 1850s, WW1 and WW2.

The short list of entrants in this globe-shaking contest that will surely end in some form of Great Reset in the immediate future includes major religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism as well as economic systems like Capitalism and Communism.

They, too, are all vulnerable to the impact of science which is itself limited by its lack of a high spiritual component that has triggered deep concerns about an emerging technological totalitarian dystopia as foreseen by Rudolf Steiner among other great thinkers like Orwell and even Huxley as well as more recently in the Hunger Games.

Whether the Super Intelligence Hypothesis ends up manifesting as Transhumanism (WEF, Harari) or something far more soulful like the vision of Anne Baring in her Dream of the Cosmos remains to be seen.

What one cannot deny is that the fight for the future is now full blown and will see dramatic shifts unfold at even a faster pace than the Warp Speed Quickening that has been apparent since Toffler’s Future Shock alerted us to the unmistakable impact of technology as a force for sweeping change.

The good news in all this comes once one realizes failure is impossible because the Soul is Indestructible! Should a Noah type flood event occur in the form of a Project Blue Book alien invasion/salvation scenario; a climate change triggered collapse of civilization; mass depopulation from a pandemic; nuclear war or any of the many possible messy cataclysms that now seem inevitable, each of us can find refuge by going within to claim salvation irrespective of whatever level of End Times horror is our fate.

Ufology has a unique perspective that enlarges the domain of understanding by virtue of its special integration of science, religion and deep spirituality, thus earning authenticity and its current recognition as a valid zone of inquiry far more exhilarating than things that merely go bump in the night.

As Ananda Bosman recently wrote: “Broad spectrum brushstrokes are being strewn on the world canvas!” I am calling that The Cosmic Reset Competition in the fight for the future.

We will soon see what vision is the most endearing and powerful for us Earthlings!

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