FLASHBACK: Israel was responsible for the Pan Am Lockerbie crash, not Libya — Former Mossad agent Victor Ostroviski

Mossad agent may testify in Lockerbie case


Libya–Israel, Politics, 8/11/1999

Former Mossad agent Victor Ostroviski has proposed to be a witness in the defense of the two Libyans suspected of being involved in the Lockerbie incident of 1988.

The London based al-Sharq al-Awsat daily quoted Ostroviski as saying that he has evidence which will prove innocent the two Libyans, Abdul Bassit al-Miqrahi and al-Amin Khaleifa Fahima. He indicated a role played by the Israeli foreign intelligence in the explosion, which resulted in killing 270 persons.

The paper added that Ostroviski told the defense lawyer for the two suspects that he maintained firm relations with former colleagues, who told him the secrets of this crisis and leaked information to him that might cause great embarrassment for Israel.

Al-Sharq al-Awsat said that Otroviski, who will give his testimony through a sattelite television channel, asked a British army officer who held a meeting with him just a short time after the Lockerbie incident to contact an officer in the Mossad who had told Ostroviski that the Israeli security system had a hand in the Lockerbie incident.


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