HIDDEN AGENDA: “Flatten Gaza in preparation for the Projects!”

ISRAELI WAR: Facilitating Two Israeli Projects – For Money

Posted by Helena, The Nationalist Voice


Well, well, well, some interesting puzzle pieces are taking shape in analyzing the “Israel War”.  

It isn’t about anti-Semitism.  It isn’t about Muslims.  It isn’t about the reviling slurs coming from the mouths of ‘supposed’ Christians.  It isn’t even about Hamas.  It is about money.   Follow The Money.   The Rothschild Cabal envisioned two projects for Israel – but there was one obstacle that needed to be taken care of before the projects could commence.   Netanyahu was inserted as Prime Minister 10 months ago to fulfill the elimination of the obstacle because he was the only one brutal enough, evil enough, calculated enough who would not feel an ounce of remorse.

The two projects are:  1.  The Ben Gurion Canal,  and 2.   A high speed rail system from tel Aviv to the shores of Gaza.   The obstacle was the Palestinians in Gaza.   Bring on the bombs and bulldozers!   Flatten Gaza in preparation for the Projects!

The Ben Gurion Canal is a revitalized concept to be a challenge to the Suez Canal owned by Egypt.   The Canal will connect the Mediterranean with the Red Sea from the port of Eilat thru Gaza.   The original route would have gone north of Gaza at a considerably higher price.   In the world of the Cabal, eliminating an entire population of Palestinian men, women and children – is simply collateral.   Just ask Hillary and Albright.

The high speed rail will increase tourism traffic exponentially and will operate parallel to the Canal.   The $14 billion ‘military aid’ the US just gave Israel is a down payment on an investment – an investment that will never return a dime to the American People paying for it.    The new military base the US is currently building in Negev, near Gaza, will house the engineers and construction base for the Canal’s excavation.

Western nations knew this was going down well before Netanyahu provoked Gaza, turned off the Iron Dome, and ignored warnings of incoming rockets.   The party in the desert was likely staged to provoke the necessary rage to support the genocide Netanyahu had already planned.

They made a strategic error in information propaganda regarding the music festival party;  Hamas supposedly came via paraglidering and trucks equipped with AK’s.   But victims are now being identified according to their ‘ashes’ – per the Israeli media still stoking rage.  AK’s do not burn a person to ashes.

The problem with lies is forgetting what you said previously.

Our esteemed CIA has now stated that we should expect food and retail shortages throughout 2024.  Why?   Because they are planning a series of catastrophes to hit the Suez Canal so as to ultimately promote greater traffic to the Ben Gurion Canal.   They already stoked the concept when the Ever Given ran aground in the Suez sparking concerns of the Canals’ viability.  This coming year, 2024, more incidents are being provoked which will affect supply chains.

China’s One Road – One Belt project will take a hit.   Egypt’s revenues will take a hit.    And Palestine will no longer exist so they cannot take a cut of the revenues.

The cost to excavate/blast open the Canal is estimated to cost $35-$55 billion.   The estimated revenues from shipping traffic alone is believed to be $8-$10 billion annually.  The tourist trade could easily double, and the Saudi’s Project NEOM located on the north side of the Red Sea will see increased heavier trade.

NEOM began as the Saudi’s futuristic 15 minute city in 2017 encompassing 10,200 square miles.   Construction halted in 2020.  Since 2022, other projects the Saudi’s began building in conjunction with NEOM include Trojena – an outdoor ski destination in the desert that has been signed to be the Host for the 2029 Asian Winter Games.

The Israeli Canal and High Speed Rail will greatly increase traffic access to NEOM.

Egypt and Saudi relations have been somewhat compromised over the last few years.  Most recently due to rival factions in Sudan.  In addition, when Ethiopia built the Nile River dam, Egypt found its water supply severely diminished.   The Saudi’s and UAE supported Ethiopia and Ethiopia is now assisting Israel diverting water to its Canal.

Not only will Egypt suffer from diminishing water supplies, it now faces losing Suez traffic to the Israeli projects.  The economy will suffer.  Which is why Egypt cannot host any refugee Palestinians.  The added burden will cripple their economy.  Which is why Israel told Gazans to move to the southern border with Egypt – to push them into the unwanted hands.

The puzzle pieces are in place.  There is no WWIII.   There is no coming nuclear holocaust.   There is only Israel manipulating the entire Middle East invoking genocide in order to facilitate making more money while lining the pockets of the Saudi’s, Ethiopia, and UAE.   The losers will be Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, and Egyptians – the Iran alliances.

And once again We Have Been Played!    The Israel/Gaza War is simply a hyped nonreligious genocidal desire to make MONEY.



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