US House Preps For War With Iran

I am for compulsory transfer; I do not see anything immoral in it.”

 — David ben-Gurion, June 1938; First Prime Minister 1948 – 1963

“Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on
the Planet.  We are as different from the inferior race as
they are from insects.

Menachem Begin,  Sixth Prime Minister of Israel (1977 – 1983)

Renee Parsons 

It never ceases to amaze how naïve or inattentive or uncaring some Americans are as they consistently accept  the narrative of lies, inverted reality or hyperbole constantly being fed to the public especially regarding war or those extreme simulations of life-changing events and never expecting an explanation or resolution in return:  whether it be the series of 1960’s assassinations, the 911 attack, the entire Covid drama, the Maui destruction, multiple wars in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine and now the war in Israel and Gaza being the most recent evidence of a coordinated accumulation of which has led to today’s disintegration of American society with nary an American hero in sight.     

For starters, it is essential to know that the Haganah Zionist underground militia in Palestine first approved its ethnic cleansing program in March, 1948 to begin the systematic expulsion of the indigenous people whose presence, as semitic Canaanites, can be traced back to 2000 BCE.  Those efforts would include large-scale intimidation, laying siege and bombarding villages and population centers, setting fire to homes, forcible eviction and bombing the rubble in order to dissuade inhabitants from ever returning.   The ten year extermination consisted of displacing 750,000 indigenous population, destruction of 531 villages, 11 urban neighborhoods – all of which was a crime against humanity but the Zionists had the necessary chutzpah,  the political and economic support to suppress Palestinian protests. 

So much for God’s Chosen People which was the beginning of a brilliant PR campaign initiated by master propagandist, atheist and nationalist founder of the World Zionist Coalition Theodor Herzl in 1897.   His movement was adopted by the British government and the Rothschild family after the WWI collapse of the Ottoman Empire.  His formula for domination found success at the hands of true terrorists like ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, the Irgun and others for the next seventy five years and has been carried on by the US Congress,  AIPAC, the ADL and fundamentalist preachers open to Zionists’ financial contributions. 

With no real leadership in Congress, there is little grasp of the implications of a foreign policy that further alienates the US hegemon from the rest of the world as it moves in the direction of BRICS II with its focus on mutual trade and energy in control of the planet’s major energy resources  – but apparently, with the strategic petroleum reserve bottomed out and the neo cons still in control of foreign policy,  no one in Congress or the State Department  has figured out that it might be advantageous for the US to pursue a non militarist agenda. 

As if setting the stage, Steve  Bannon who emcees and runs the War Room, a self-styled Christian Zionist and former editor of the Zionist Brietbart news site, regularly hypes ‘war room” MAGA activists whose natural inclination is no more foreign interventionist wars.  As a captured audience, there is a concerted effort to persuade MAGA that Israel is a ‘best ally’ without ever suggesting what that two way street might look like or advantages of a ceasefire instead of bamboozling the US into incessant financial and military obligations.   

Yorum Hazony, President of Herzl Institute and an astute polemicist was recently introduced and allowed to dominate the air waves for forty minutes with his Zionist rant justifying war crimes and an unending globalist elite agenda.  

With new Speaker Mike Johnson on board, it did not take long for the House to set the stage for a series of AIPAC-inspired self- serving legislation, with floor debate dominated mostly by Members with Israeli dual citizenship.  All of which are designed to further obligate the US to Israel’s apartheid government of war crimes and to stir the pot against Islamic people and countries as if 911 was but a distant memory.   Speaker Johnson’s most recent statement shameful refutation of a ceasefire totally discredits any of his claims as a Christian, the inhumanity, the stunning insensitivity to the lives of civilians qualifies Johnson as a misguided Zionist who in reality knows little about the Bible or God’s grace. 


The bottom line is that the following legislation adopted by the House on November 2nd represents a level of aggressive confrontation that State Department neo cons and Congressional war hawks have eagerly anticipated in anticipation of justifying an escalated  US military response to Iran.  The US has been itching for an opportunity to go to war with Iran for some time and the Israel – Gaza war provides just the excuse they have been waiting for.   One expert guess is that Iran is militarily stronger than the woke US which will get its ass kicked.  

HR 340  To impose sanctions with respect to foreign support for terrorist organizations,  including Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”  363-46  Sanctions Against Terrorist International Financing Prevention Act   

HR 559  Declaring it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable.”  354 – 53 25 Not Voting  use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

HR 599 Urging the European Union to designate Hezballah in its entirety as a terrorist organization.” Declaring that US policy on nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable  Adopted roll call vote

HR 829   “Censuring Reprensentative Rashida Tlaib for antisemitic activity, sympathizing with terrorist organizations, and leading an insurrection at the United States Capitol Complex”. Greene’s resolution failed when Rep. Clark(Mass) offered a Motion to Table the Resolution  which was adopted 222 – 186 – 24 NV with 23 Republicans who still value the First Amendment voted in support to the Motion to Table. 

HR 1626  Israel Security Appropriations Supplemental Act 226 – 186 with 2 Republicans Rep. Massie/Greene) voting No and 12 Democrats voting yes.       

“Providing $14 Billion to Israel although Speaker Johnson believes the funds will be offset by cuts to the IRS; the reality is that the Senate has the option of restoring IRS funds with President Biden signing whatever the final bill looks like; thereby adding $14 billion to the $34 Trillion debt; meanwhile the Senate prefers one bill to include Ukraine and Israel.   

HR 798Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff.”  396 – 23  with 100 co-sponsors

HR 3266 “Peace and Tolerance in Palestine Education Act” requires Secretary of State to conduct annual review of PA curriculum – adopted on a voice vote with 34 co sponsors-

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC.

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