The Massive, Hidden Holocaust Of German Civilians

The Massive, Hidden Holocaust Of German Civilians
The Satanic Vendetta By ‘God’s Chosen People’
Who Genocided 37 MILLION German Civilians

By Patrick O’Carroll
In the German Holocaust of 1914-55, the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided  37 million Ethnic-German Civilians,  but still portrayed themselves as “democratic” “liberators” despite genociding over 30 million of those victims after they took control of Germany and Austria on 8 May 1945, or after WW2 was officially declared “over”.

This article combines multiple sources (James Bacque, Thomas Goodrich, Konrad Adenauer, Willy Brandt, etc.).

Anyone who knows the Germans is fully aware that they may well be  God’s Chosen People,  and that Jesus really must have meant the Germans, or else people very like the Germans, when in Matthew 5 He said  “You are the Salt of the Earth … and the Light of the World”  (“Ihr seid das Salz der Erde … und das Licht der Welt”).  But the Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) wanted the Germans either wiped out, or else under their total control, and they had largely achieved those aims by 1945.  Yet the biggest secret the Talmudists kept covered-up for over 70 years was their genocide of over 30 million Ethnic-German Civilians  after “VE Day”, on 8 May 1945.  If their gullible audience had known THAT, it would have stopped falling for their hogwash official-“truth” narrative overnight.

It is really not that difficult to understand the REAL reasons behind the German Holocaust. If you lived in the era of 1866-1871 and you were a dedicated Satanist, for instance a member of the Talmudists, Zionists, Freemasons, or “Illuminati”, and you already knew that Jesus would have had a VERY HIGH opinion of the Germans, possibly considering them “the Salt of the Earth … and the Light of the World”,  would you not plan terror, malevolence, and destruction for them? As a dedicated Satanist, would not such a plan be your very FIRST inclination or instinct?

In WW2, the Three Biggest WAR-CRIMES committed by the Zionist powers were:

  1. The genocide by collective punishment of over 30 million Ethnic-German Civilians  after “VE Day”,  8 May 1945, when WW2 was officially declared to be “over”. This attests to a massive Talmudic blood sacrifice;
  2. The entire saturation-firebombing of  Germany after 1943,  although by then, it was very clear that  Germany  had already lost the war. This again attests to a Talmudic blood sacrifice of German Civilians to Molech;
  3. Referring to ALL Germans as “Nazis” in Zionist propaganda during and after WW2, although the NSDAP only had 5.7 million members in 1939 (meaning probably less than 8 percent of the population).


The official-“truth” narrative for WW1 and WW2 was always implausible. By the 1990s, leading authors such as Carroll Quigley, Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier, had proved beyond all doubt how both WW1 and WW2 were planned and all sides financed by the Zionist London-NY-Alliance starting around 1866-71, as the weary process of German Unification was being finalized. The Architect-in-Chief of the German Holocaust was Talmudist Edward VII, who was likely 75 percent Jewish, and whose advisors urged him to launch one war in two stages  “to get rid of the Germans for once and for all” . He died in 1910, before his vast German Holocaust even began.

Already in 1883, German Chancellor Bismarck launched the world’s first social-welfare state that promised to create a “European Workers’  Paradise “. But such noble aims completely flew in the face of the goals of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance which sought, and still seeks, the total enslavement of mankind pursuant to the Talmud.

The Germans were selected for special punishment for the temerity they had demonstrated by creating systems and industries serving to free humanity. So, in 1871-1920,  London ‘s QUATUOR CORONATI lodge built Nazism, the Nazi ideals, founded the Thule Society that then morphed into the NSDAP, and later installed their “Illuminati” Agent-Stooge Adolf Hitler on 30 Jan 1933, with his book “Mein Kampf” most likely written by Tavistock.

WW1 and WW2 were both  religious wars  whose 2 main aims were to create  Israel  as the venue for the reign of the Antichrist and to genocide Christians, exactly as the Talmud commands. The Talmudists genocided 65 million Christians in WW1, and 85 million Christians in WW2. In the entire twentieth century, in mostly  religious wars , the Talmudists genocided a total of around 400 million Goyim “Livestock” and they plan 4000 million this century.

Thus, any gullible US Christians who still salute their flag must bear in mind that, in the coming  religious war  called WW3, they are to be genocided by decapitation in the FEMA Death Camps pursuant to the (wholly invented) Talmudic Noahide “Laws”, which were placed on US “law”-books in 1991 by House Joint Resolution H.J.RES.104.ENR. This is set to take place once the  USA  declares Martial Law in the early stages of WW3. So, US Christians are now about to get “special treatment” that will be SIMILAR to what the Germans were given in WW2, but also in WW1.  Concisely, the Talmudists want all Goyim “Livestock”, especially Christians, dead.


In 1992, British historian Alan Bullock gave the figure of  3.81 million Ethnic-German Civilians  genocided between 3 Sep 1939 and 8 May 1945. In his 2010 book “Hellstorm”, Thomas Goodrich described WW2 and its aftermath from the viewpoint of the Germans.  In WW2, the Zionist powers dropped over 20 times more bombs on German territory than  Germany  did vice versa. Unexploded bombs from WW2 are still a problem in  Germany today.

The 2015 documentary “Hellstorm” can be viewed here:  https://www.bitchute. com/video/qq555itW7IQT/ .

After the Dresden Holocaust, the Dresden Chief of Police reported that over 200,000 bodies had been recovered from the ruins, adding that the toll might possibly reach 250,000 (contained in Daily Order #47 dated 22 Mar 1945, Office of the Dresden Chief of Police). Later, the International Red Cross estimated that 275,000 had died in the Dresden Holocaust. Other estimates place the death-toll at 300,000 to 400,000 given that many “melted like wax”.

Apologists for the Dresden Holocaust often tried to argue that  Dresden  was “Revenge for  Coventry “, but only 380 people died in Coventry-England during all of WW2. Apologists also tried to argue that  Dresden  was “Revenge for the Blitz”, but  London  escaped with damage to only 600 acres during all of WW2, whereas 16,000 acres of  Dresden ‘s land were obliterated in this single night.  Also, the total headcount of British Civilians who died in WW2 was 70,000, a tiny figure that pales in comparison to the  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians genocided in 1914-55.  [Source “Hellstorm”, by Thomas Goodrich (2010), pages 122-123].

Before the Dresden Holocaust, Winston Churchill had warned:  “I do not want to receive any suggestions how we can destroy militarily important targets in  Dresden ‘s hinterland, I want to get suggestions how we can fry 600,000 refugees from Breslau in  Dresden “. [Source: A minute by APS of Air Chief Marshal Wilfrid Freeman, dated 26 Jan 1945, in Air Historical Branch file CMS 608].

It is important for “Christian” Zionists of the  USA ,  Britain , and elsewhere, not to “celebrate” the Dresden Holocaust  because the satanic Talmud commands very clearly that, ONE DAY, THEY TOO must  be slaughtered like animals,  just as the Germans of  Dresden ,  Hamburg , and countless other terror-bombed cities, were.


Today, it is very clear that the expulsion of 15 million Germans from their eastern homelands was the single gravest act of Ethnic Cleansing the world has ever seen, and that it was part of this same Crime of the Century.  In total, 7 million Germans perished on their way to the core nations of West and  East Germany , and  Austria .

On 23 Mar 1949, Konrad Adenauer gave a speech to the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bern-Switzerland in which he said that a total of 13.3 million Ethnic-Germans had been forced to flee the East, but that only 7.3 million of those German refugees had arrived in the occupied zones of East or  West Germany . He cited their origins as Prussia, Posen, Silesia, Masuria, Pomerania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, and noted:  “Six million Germans simply disappeared; they are dead and gone [‘Sechs Millionen Deutsche sind vom Erdboden verschwunden; sie sind gestorben, verdorben’]” [Source: Konrad Adenauer’s “Erinnerungen 1945-1953”, DVA Stuttgart 1965, page 186].

But Adenauer failed to include a further death-toll of 1 million “missing” since he did not mention Ethnic-Germans fleeing into Austria, particularly those fleeing the Balkans and Romania, and because he made his speech in Mar 1949, when many Ethnic-German Civilians were still on the run, in many cases in fact up until the mid-1950s.

15 million Ethnic-German Civilians were forced to flee their homes in  Eastern Europe  and 7 million died in so-called Death Marches, mostly of exposure, but many also mercilessly slaughtered by the Red Army, by Red Army deserters, by former Red Army POWs, by Slavic nationalists, or by Slavic partisans.  Recall that, just after WW2,  nearly two million Russian deserters and former POWs  were at large in Russian-occupied  Eastern Europe.


The Zionist powers (US, GB, FR) genocided 9-10 million Ethnic-Germans under the Morgenthau Plan, which  was enforced under JCS1067 from 8 May 1945 until 31 Dec 1950.  In “Crimes and Mercies” (2nd edition dated 2003), meticulous Canadian historian James Bacque presented all the detailed statistics, and summarized:  “More than nine million Germans died as a result of Allied starvation and expulsion policies in the first five years after WW2 – a total far in excess of the figures actually reported. That these deaths occurred at all is still being concealed and denied, especially by Western governments”  [Source: “Crimes and Mercies”, James Bacque, 2nd edition (2003), Introduction, page 3 of PDF].

Despite sufficient food being available, for over 6.5 years, the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR, PL) “granted” Germans only 1500 calories (about six Mars bars) per head per day. But the minimum to sustain life is quite a bit higher. Bacque said the following of this savage Zionist policy:  ” Germany is the only nation where UNRRA is not permitted to feed its nationals.  Germany  is the only nation subjected to a deliberate starvation policy of 1,500 calories per day”  [Source: “Crimes and Mercies” by James Bacque, 2nd edition (2003), page 38].


In his 1989 book “Other Losses”, James Bacque focused on the German POW-Civilians genocided by Dwight Eisenhower for his boss and Rothschild-Zionist-Handler, Bernard Baruch. In the intro, Bacque synopsizes:  “The victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 900,000, and quite likely over a million”.  [Source “Other Losses”, by James Bacque (1989), Introduction, page 2].

But the single “most official” figure came in 1969, when Germany’s foreign-minister Willy Brandt told the German parliament how he had  “to ‘instruct’ Germany’s historians on how to ‘correctly’ write about the 1.5 million German soldiers still missing 24 years after 1945”,  and added that this was because the German Foreign Ministry “wanted to PREVENT said German historians from provoking a public discussion at home and abroad which would only open up old wounds and would not serve the reconciliation efforts of Germany’s foreign policy”.

[Source: 1969 teilte der deutsche Aussenminister Willy Brandt dem Deutschen Bundestag mit, dass das deutsche Aussenministerium sich IN DAS VERLAGSWESEN EINMISCHEN MÜSSE. So konnte er eine Gruppe deutscher Autoren “anweisen”, wie sie über die 1,5 Millionen deutscher Soldaten “richtig” zu schreiben hätten, die “24 Jahre nach 1945 noch immer vermisst waren”. Willy Brandt sagte, dies geschehe deshalb, um die Autoren davon abzuhalten, eine Diskussion in der Öffentlichkeit des Inlandes und gar Auslandes zu provozieren, die nur alte Wunden wieder aufreissen würde und die auf Versöhnung ausgerichtete Aussenpolitik “nicht dienlich wäre”.]

General George Patton was murdered on 21 Dec 1945 on the orders of  OSS  boss William Donovan, who was yet another lackey of Zionist exterminator Bernard Baruch. This took place just after Patton had labeled Eisenhower a  “sadistic psychopath” . But Eisenhower’s motivation may also have been his stark resentment of NSDAP racial ideology, because he was one-quarter African, given that his mother, Ida Stover Eisenhower, was a mulatto.

German military law prohibited Wehrmacht soldiers from being members of the NSDAP (Nazi Party). But military historians Christian Streit and Bernhard R Kroener found that the proportion of NSDAP members among officer applicants was 44 percent. Thus, in all reality, only perhaps one-quarter of Wehrmacht  officers  may have been Nazis, but it is certain that  only very few of the ordinary soldiers  were Nazis, because German military law (“das Wehrgesetz”) actually forbade that. And that means that the Quarter-African Eisenhower was incorrectly blaming ordinary German soldiers for being “Nazis” when in fact very few of his victims were even NSDAP members.


Wikipedia confirms here that roughly 1.1 million German POW-Civilians were genocided by communist Russia:  “A commission set up by the West German government found that 3,060,000 German military personnel were taken prisoner by the USSR and that 1,094,250 died in captivity (549,360 from 1941 to April 1945; 542,911 from May 1945 to June 1950; and 1,979 from July 1950 to 1955)”.  ( 10,891  Austrian POW-Civilians also died.)

[Source:  https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/German_prisoners_of_ war_in_the_Soviet_Union ]

So, taken together, 2.6 million POW-Civilians were genocided (1.5 million in the West; and 1.1 million in the East).

NB: In total, roughly 9.1 million Combatants died for  Germany ,  Austria , and  Bavaria , in WW1 and WW2. But “only” 2.6 million of them were genocided as POW-Civilians by the Zionist powers after WW2. Thus, “only” 2.6 million of them are included in the total of  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians genocided by the Zionist powers in the German Holocaust.  The other 6.5 million Combatants are  not  included in said headcount of victims.


In the seven years 1944-50, a  VERY conservative estimate  for the number of illegal abortions in  Germany  and  Austria  due to systemic rape is  12 million.  The official stats acknowledge that there were over 2 million illegal abortions per year in  Germany  in each of the years 1945, 1946, 1947, and 1948 (total over 8 million). We must infer 0.8 million illegal abortions for  Austria  in the same years given that it had roughly one-tenth the population of  Germany . That brings our tally to around 9 million. But we must also add about 1 million illegal abortions for each of the as-yet-unmentioned years 1944, 1949 and 1950, thus bringing our cautious estimate to  12 million in total.

Red Army eyewitnesses confirmed that roughly one-in-eight of the German women were actually raped to death.

Wikipedia gives the following confirmation for post-WW2 abortions in  Germany :  “After WW2, abortion remained broadly illegal throughout both German states [West and  East Germany ] … The legal requirements in the West were extremely strict, and often led women to seek abortions elsewhere, particularly in the  Netherlands . It has been estimated that about 2 million women had abortions each year between 1945 and 1948, mostly in the Soviet Zone. An abortion cost around 1,000 marks and was performed without anesthesia”  [Source:  https:// Abortion_in_Germany ].


In WW1, about 1 million Ethnic-German Civilians were genocided by the Starvation Blockade (“Hungerblockade”) led by the British Navy in 1914-19. This blockade took its severest effects on the northern and eastern regions of  Germany ( https://en. of_Germany_(1914%E2%80%931919) ) . Added to the Starvation Blockade, a further 0.4 million civilians were genocided in  Germany ,  Bavaria  and  Austri a  during WW1.

If  Germany  had not signed the unjust “peace” treaty of  Versailles  on 28 Jun 1919,  Britain  would have continued to genocide even more of its civilians by this Starvation Blockade, which was clearly an act of State Terrorism.


  1. 270,000 Ethnic-Germans raped to death (of over 2 million rape victims), mostly by the Red Army;
  2. 240,000 excess suicides among Ethnic-Germans in 1919-39 (Interwar Era, Zionist economic war);
  3. 100,000 Ethnic-German POW-Civilians murdered by  Britain  after WW2;
  4. 100,000 more Ethnic-Germans starved from 1 Jan 1951 till 27 May 1955 (outside Bacque’s purview);
  5. 70,000 Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1937-39 (Interwar pogroms) in  Poland ,  Czechoslovakia , etc.;
  6. 50,000 Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1937-38 (Interwar Era) by  Russia ‘s NKVD order 00439;
  7. 30,000 Ethnic-German civilians shot for “sport”, and under post-WW2 general shoot-to-kill policies;
  8. 20,000 Ethnic-German civilians mass-murdered in the West post-WW2 (BE, LU, NL, DK, NO, IT, FR);
  9. 310,000 other Ethnic-Germans genocided in 1914-55.


So now, let us calculate the total:  Alan Bullock’s 3.81 million before 8 May 1945; 7 million perished refugees from the East; 9 million starved under the Morgenthau Plan; 2.6 million murdered POW-Civilians; 12 million illegal abortions due to systemic rape; 1.4 million Civilians genocided in WW1; and 1.2 million other Civilians (including women raped to death, Interwar pogroms, Russia’s NKVD Order 00439, German Civilians shot for “sport”).

That gives us a final plain estimate of  37 million  for the TOTAL genocide of Ethnic-German Civilians in the German Holocaust of 1914-55, but, most atrociously of all, 30 million of those victims after “VE Day”, 8 May 1945.

So please tell me, dear reader: Is that why they call WW2 the “good” war?


In truth, no one knows the exact death-toll of the German Holocaust. Greater  Germany  (“Gross- Deutschland”) had roughly 90 million Ethnic-Germans in 1940, after inclusion of the Ethnic-Germans of  Austria ,  Poland , Sudetenland (CZ), and Memel-Klaipeda, and as shown here:  https://www.feldgrau. com/WW2-germany-statistics- and-numbers/ .

But the total Ethnic-German population of  Europe  in 1942 was about 98 million (including other German exclaves, see German Diaspora by 1910 census:  https://upload. commons/4/44/German1910.png ).

Calculating the exact death-toll of the German Holocaust is a Herculean Task because of the following facts:

  1. By 1950, the three core nations had shrunk to 76.29 million total  ( West Germany  50.96 million,  East Germany  18.37 million, and  Austria  6.94 million), although population is a number that is constantly in flux;
  2. Some Ethnic-Germans ended up citizens of other nations beyond the new borders of  Germany  or  Austria ;
  3. Of course, the number of illegal abortions is not reflected anywhere in the official population statistics;
  4. In 1942-50,  Germany  and  Austria welcomed an “excess” of approximately 8 to 10 million newborns (when “normal” fertility was about 20 per thousand, and “normal” mortality about 10 per thousand);
  5. In WW2,  Germany  had 13.6 million combatants (5.53 million died in battle, 2.6 million were genocided by the Zionists after WW2, and 5.47 million survived). So the newborns all but replaced the dead combatants;
  6. There is no political will to find the true death-toll of the German Holocaust, because, since 1945,  Germany  and  Austria  have been ruled by Zionist Freemasons who, as Willy Brandt well knew, must follow their orders from  London ,  DC ,  Paris .  The Talmud decrees that only Jews are human, so,  under Talmudic “law”, the German Holocaust must not “count”, and it must never even be PERMITTED to “count”.

In a nutshell, the population stats do confirm excess deaths of around  23 million Ethnic-German Civilians in 1939-50.  If we add to those 23 million the 12 million illegal abortions due to systemic rape, and the 2 million other Ethnic-German Civilians (who were genocided in WW1 and the Interwar Era),  we can confirm with near-total certainty that the death-toll of the German Holocaust in 1914-55 was indeed  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians.


In all the Holocausts of the twentieth century,  the most SUPREME of all IRONIES  is that there are quite literally dozens of written plans by Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) to genocide every last German; but there is  not one single written plan, and not one single written order, by any German man or woman to murder any single Jew.

It would be foolish to believe that the German Holocaust had not been planned.  The lion’s share of genocide took place after 8 May 1945.  A quick glance through the writings of, and statements by, several of its architects should suffice to convince even the most reluctant skeptics that this huge genocide was done with ice-cold premeditation.

The following list of MAIN architects of the German Holocaust is alas incomplete, but it shows most of them:

  1. Edward VII, Architect-in-Chief of the German Holocaust (most likely 75 percent Jewish, his alleged father being Lionel Nathan Rothschild, and his alleged maternal grandfather being Jakob Mayer Rothschild, as shown here: royals_files/The-Royal-Chart- 30Sep2016-Res150-w1500-ForWeb- V1.jpg );
  2. Zionist Winston Churchill (most likely 87.5 percent Jewish, as an alleged son of Talmudic Jew Edward VII);
  3. Bolshevik-Zionist “Stalin” (Ioseb Dzhugashvili) (crypto-Jew, whose surname is a cognate of “Jewson” from the Georgian “Dzhuga” meaning Jew, and who also had Jewish in-laws and grandchildren);
  4. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Zionist Sephardic crypto-Jew and communist traitor, real name Rosenfelt);
  5. Adolf Hitler (who was the Zionist Agent that committed dozens of deliberate military “blunders” to enable the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) to perpetrate the German Holocaust of  37 million  German Civilians);
  6. Bernard Baruch (Jewish Zionist of the Committee of 300, and Eisenhower’s Rothschild-Zionist-Handler);
  7. Dwight David Eisenhower (African-American Zionist (his mother a mulatto) who had zero Jewish lineage );
  8. Ilya Ehrenburg (Bolshevik-Zionist propaganda-writer, highly “esteemed” in communist  Russia  and  Israel );
  9. Chaim Weizmann, Jewish Zionist and first president of the  Khazar-Supremacist State of  Israel ;
  10. Henry Morgenthau Jr (one of “FDR’s Murder Quartet”, known in German as “Roosevelts MordQuartett”);
  11. Theodore Newman Kaufman (Zionist member of “FDR’s Murder Quartet”);
  12. Louis Nizer (Zionist member of “FDR’s Murder Quartet”);
  13. Earnest Albert Hooton (Zionist member of “FDR’s Murder Quartet”);
  14. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, leader of the satanic CHABAD, who moved its HQ from Europe to the  USA  in 1940. Schneersohn is often dubbed “Hitler’s Boss”;
  15. Alexander Sachs (Kabbalist-Zionist bankster, identified by Carroll Quigley as one originator of the concept of, and setting up of, the UN Security Council, ultimately for establishing the reign of the Antichrist);
  16. Samuel Untermyer, Jewish-Zionist leader, who led World Jewry’s war-declarations against  Germany  in Mar and Aug 1933 and chaired the Keren haYesod fundraising organization that funds Zionist terrorism;
  17. Menachem Begin, Jewish-Zionist terrorist and later president of the  Khazar-Supremacist State of  Israel ;
  18. Prof Alexander Kulisher, Jewish-Zionist lawyer;
  19. Bernard Lecache, president of the World Jewish League;
  20. André François-Poncet, French ambassador to  Germany , and a Rabid Zionist;
  21. Ewan Cameron, deranged “psychiatrist” and eugenicist, involved in “Illuminati” mind-control experiments;
  22. Robert Vansittart, powerful Zionist diplomat high up in the British Foreign Office;
  23. Maurice Samuel, Jewish-Zionist author;
  24. Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of Jewish terrorist group Irgun that morphed into the ZioFascist LIKUD party;
  25. David Brown, president of the American Hebrew, and national chairman of the United Jewish Campaign;
  26. Emil Ludwig Cohn, Jewish-Zionist author;
  27. Rabbi Felix Mendelssohn, Jewish-Zionist leader of the Temple Beth Israel congregation in the  USA ;
  28. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of genocidal super-lodge PAN EUROPA, author of the Kalergi Plan.


As the process of German Unification was being finalized in 1866-71, Talmudist Edward VII (who was probably 75 percent Jewish) began hatching his plans for the German Holocaust. His military advisors urged him to plot and launch  “one war in two stages  to get rid of the Germans for once and for all”.  And how “well” he succeeded!

But the Talmud commands that all Christians must be savagely slaughtered because they are “animals”:

The Talmud says:  “All Gentile children are animals”  (Yebamoth 98a).

The Talmud says:  “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form, so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form and condemned to serve the Jew day and night”  (Midrash Talpioth).

The Talmud says:  “Murdering a Gentile is like killing a wild animal”  (Sanhedrin 59a). Thus, Talmudic “law” makes it very clear that the life of a non-Jew has no value and that Gentiles exist only to serve Jews. Furthermore, the same “law” implies that  commemorating the German Holocaust must remain strictly prohibited since the Talmud refers to Goyim “Livestock”, such as Germans, as “animals”, “ants”, “cockroaches”, “beasts”, “dogs”, “donkeys”, “goats” etc.  The Talmud states only Jews are “human”.  Thus, only the Jewish Holocaust must be commemorated, but not any single one of  the other circa 50 Holocausts  that took place in the whole WW1-WW2 Era of 1914-55.

The Talmud commands:  “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed”  (Abodah Zara 26b).

Satanists pay a great deal of attention to the words of Jesus because they often discover “welcome opportunities” in those words to  disobey the Divine Will. Already in 1870, the Talmudists knew the Germans, and they knew well that  the Germans lived up to Matthew 5:13-14 “You Are The Salt Of The Earth … And The Light Of The World”.  That is the reason they selected Ethnic-Germans for genocide. Similarly, Talmudists and other Satanists choose to brazenly disobey Matthew 18:6 (“these little ones”) whenever they torture, rape, and sacrifice a child to Molech.


The Talmudists plan to intensify the German Holocaust once their new Bolshevik-Zionist Totalitarianism takes over after 2030. So far, the Kalergi Plan has succeeded in genociding many White Christians, but that will worsen.

In the domain of  Germany  and  Austria  today, the Talmudic plan is to genocide all remaining Ethnic-Germans by 2100 AD.  So, the German Holocaust is set to escalate and intensify, even as brainwashed Germans offer ZERO resistance to their own extermination.  By 2100, you can expect a brown-mixed-race population living in a handful of “smart”-cities where  Germany  and  Austria currently live today, and that population will speak some variant of English. At least, THAT is the Talmudic plan of “Team Antichrist”, but it might yet be foiled by the King of Kings.


The Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) need to lie about history because, otherwise, the “profane” slaves might at least TRY to prevent them from getting history to repeat.  If history books told the truth that the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians in the German Holocaust of 1914-55, their slaves would at least TRY to prevent this from ever happening again.  By falsifying history, the Talmudists have done much worse than “merely lie”, they have actually weaponized history to safeguard their future plans to genocide ALL Christians, except for 2,800 Gentile slaves for each Talmudist, as is also decreed by the Talmud.

The very last thing the Talmudists want is to prove  Jorge Santayana  right, because history, and genocide, would stop repeating for them if the slaves ever learned the truth about history. The falsification and weaponization of history are key tactics for enabling their planned genocide of 4 billion Gentiles in this, the twenty-first, century as is printed in the sermons of many “holy” rabbis, and contained in many files on the UN website.  Satanic rabbi Yosef Mizrachi called for the genocide of 6 billion Gentiles here:  https://www.bitchute. com/video/qjj7CABP4MYy/ .

Today, British and American slaves are still taught that the Normandy Landings were something to be “proud” of, because they produced a “great” Zionist victory. But if those slaves had been told the truth that the Zionist powers genocided 30 million Ethnic-German Civilians after “VE Day”, 8 May 1945,  humiliating shame  would soon replace that “pride”.  The  USA  has lived under  Zionist Totalitarianism  since 1913,  Britain  since 1808 when Proto-Zionist Nathan Mayer Rothschild became a financial “advisor” to the British Regime. The Zionists have owned and run the mainstream media of Europe since the 1880s, and those of the  USA  since around 1917. This WW2 and post-WW2 genocide of Germans is still kept secret by the sheer power of  Zionist Totalitarian Propaganda , and that power will not be broken until the “secret” of the German Holocaust has been revealed, and the truth finally told.

“Voltaire” (François-Marie Arouet) stated:  “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”.  And the Zionist powers ( US , GB, RU, FR) successfully deployed the myth of German villainy to dupe the “brave” men of their “honorable” Zionist militaries into committing BY FAR THE GREATEST CRIME of the twentieth-century, which was the genocide of  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians in the German Holocaust.

Most slaves still believe the official yarn about WW2, including how genociding  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians inspired “bluebirds” to “fly over the White Cliffs of Dover”, how US and British soldiers were “cool dudes smoking Luckies and Woodbines”, or how WW2 was the “good” war. None of that was true; quite the opposite in fact.

In a nutshell, the Talmudists are obliged to continue presenting an official-“truth” narrative that is totally FALSE, or else face having to surrender their power.  And that is also the reason why the mainstream-media have been the single biggest source of Conspiracy Theories for at least the past 150 years.  It is these Conspiracy Theories that have succeeded in keeping  at least 99 percent of the slaves thoroughly brainwashed, complacent, AND complicit.

You were LIED TO, but that does not necessarily imply that you will remain deceived for life. Right?

After 1955:

During the COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE, many alt-media commentators called for “Nuremberg 2.0 Trials” for the perpetrators who had compelled many slaves to take the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB so as to kill, maim or sterilize themselves in the name of fighting the Climate “Change” Hoax, sometimes called the Global “Warming” Hoax.

But in reality, the “Nuremberg 1.0 Trials” of 1945-46 were the greatest travesty of justice in history, by a Kangaroo Court stacked with 80 percent Jews.  Nuremberg  also launched Zionist Revisionism and its “Six Million” slogan.

But what we really still need are  what might be dubbed the “NEWTONBURY 1.0 TRIALS”,  under which the tyrants of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance, and all their lackeys, would finally be brought to justice.

What became of the PERPETRATORS of the German Holocaust afterwards?

  1. Zionist Bernard Baruch elevated his murderous lackey Dwight Eisenhower to puppetician-in-chief of the  USA  and to “author” of a #1 bestseller about his “righteous” “crusade” to genocide the Ethnic-Germans of  Europe . Baruch remained an “advisor” to, and Rothschild-Zionist-Handler of, very many DC puppeticians;
  2. Zionist Freemason Churchill was knighted by the English monarch (who in Ireland is affectionately called “the Beast”) in Apr 1953, and was awarded the IgNobel “literature” prize in Oct 1953 for WW2 “memoirs” in which he “forgot” to even mention the German Holocaust, or the other Holocausts he had perpetrated;
  3. Zionist Freemason  Franklin Delano Roosevelt was murdered after he was poisoned, probably at the Yalta Conference in Feb 1945, and most likely slow-poisoned by Churchill’s physician Charles McMoran Wilson ;
  4. Zionist Freemason  Henry Morgenthau Jr  survived to mismanage the Bretton Woods conference for FDR, was then rejected by Dirty-Harry Truman, and ended as an “advisor” to an agronomic community in  Israel ;
  5. Zionist Freemason Ilya Ehrenburg fell out with “Stalin” (Ioseb Dzhugashvili) but remained an “esteemed” journalist for another 20 years, and the ZioFascists of Khazar Israel still regard him as a “hero” today;
  6. Agent Adolf Hitler’s “Illuminati” bosses gave him his freedom after WW2 in gratitude for his part in the highly successful German Holocaust and the establishment of  Khazar  Israel . Hitler was a major traitor to  Germany . CIA-Insider John Lear confirmed that Hitler died in the Mayo Clinic in  Rochester MN  in 1968;
  7. Zionist Chaim Weizmann was made puppetician-in-chief of Khazar  Israel , and launched the Arab-Semitic Holocaust of 1948-2024, in which the Zionists have so far genocided around 10 million Arabic Semites;
  8. Zionist Menachem Begin was a terrorist and mass-murderer in WW2 Europe and in the fledgling  Khazar Supremacist S tate  of  Israel , before he was made puppetician-in-chief thereof. He continued the Arab-Semitic Holocaust of 1948-2024, and so far the genocide of around 10 million Arabic Semites;
  9. Zionist Freemason Charles De Gaulle was made puppetician-in-chief of  France  and also wrote “memoirs” in which he “forgot” to mention the German Holocaust or his role in it, but they still made the bestseller list;
  10. Zionist Freemasons Konrad Adenauer and Willy Brandt were made puppeticians-in-chief of  Germany  and helped to keep all knowledge of the German Holocaust under wraps, especially from the German people;
  11. Zionist Freemason “Stalin” remained puppetician-in-chief of Russia, until Bolshevik-Zionist Jews poisoned him in 1953 when his megalomania made clear to his “Illuminati” handlers that he had served his purpose;
  12. Zionist Samuel Untermyer was made president until his death in 1940 of the Keren haYesod, an agency that still supports Zionist terrorism in the Khazar Supremacist, and Terrorist, State of Israel.

So, as you can see, not a single perpetrator of the German Holocaust was ever brought to justice.  Instead, they were all made “stars” within the Zionist Totalitarian System in both sides of the wholly-staged “Cold” War that was overseen centrally by “Mafia Don” Victor Rothschild who “worked remote” in London from 1945 till his death on 20 March 1990. Indeed, the Zionist House of Rothschild decided most “design aspects” of the past 250 years.

In 1983, Victor’s “crown prince” or successor, Jacob Rothschild, made it clear that he viewed the wholly-staged “Cold” War as having served its purpose. That was the REAL reason the Zionist-Totalitarian London-NY-Alliance decided to install Super-Technocrat Gorbachev in  Moscow . His job would be to wind down the staged “Cold” War and help to replace it with the era of “globalization”, which was a brief period of peace in 1991-2011. After 2012, the Zionist-Totalitarian London-NY-Alliance replaced “globalization” with today’s newer “Overture to WW3 Era”.

In the twentieth-century, the Talmudists (Zionists, Freemasons, “Illuminati”) genocided around 400 million victims; They already demonstrated their talents for murder and cover-up.  But maybe hellfire will be their final conclusion?


Today, the German Holocaust is most often commemorated with the orchestral piece  “Ombra Mai Fu” by Georg Friedrich Händel of  Halle-Saxony-Anhalt. It is a musical celebration of the soothing shade of a GREAT PLANE TREE, under which King Xerxes I was very fortunate to rest, and find shelter from the searing summer sun: v=Rm8lM1BC5x4

The  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians who were genocided in the German Holocaust deserved, but never got, any such shelter from the sheer terror and malevolence done to them by the Zionist powers in 1914-55. It is a very unfortunate yet proven fact that “Team Antichrist” genocided  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians for the “cause” of establishing the Talmudic “new” world order, while deceitfully presenting itself as the “restorer” of “order”. It is also very tragic that so many willing dupes served as Useful Idiots to commit and cover up this enormous genocide.

May those victims never, ever be forgotten!

Some questions for you to ponder, dear reader:

  • Can you trust any “history” books that “forgot” to notify you of this the Crime of the Century, the German Holocaust of 1914-55, which was the premeditated genocide of  37 million  Ethnic-German Civilians?
  • Can you trust any “news” media that “forgot” to notify you of this huge “liberating”, “democratic” slaughter?
  • Which Nazis were worse? The German Nazis who at least fought fairly or the Judeo-Freemasonic Nazis who subjected innocent Civilians to Illegal Collective Punishment, as Zionists always do?
  • Who were the worse order-followers? The Germans or Useful Idiots of the Talmudist-directed militaries?
  • Can you trust the Zionists given they applied collective punishment throughout the German Holocaust, the Arab-Semitic Holocaust, the Russian Holocaust, the Chinese Holocaust, and today’s Gaza Holocaust?
  • Can you trust the  Khazar-Supremacist State of  Israel , which is quite clearly a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE?
  • Do you really believe that the Talmudists (Zionists and Freemasons) would stop short of doing the exact same to YOU as they did to  37 million innocent Ethnic-German Civilians in 1914-55, and that they would not manage to cover up the genocide of YOUR group? Really?  They would draw the line at YOU? Really?


    1. James Bacque – Crimes and Mercies (1997, 2003): Main focus: 9-10 million German Civilians starved to death under the Morgenthau Plan, JCS1067, in 1945-50
    2. James Bacque – Other Losses (1989): Main focus: 1.5 million German POW-Civilians genocided by the  USA  and  France
    3. Thomas Goodrich – Hellstorm (2010): Main focus: 3.81 million Ethnic-German Civilians genocided during WW2 (e.g. in  Dresden  in Feb 1945)
    4. Erich Maschke – “Zur Geschichte der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen des Zweiten Weltkrieges” (On the History of the German POWs of WW2) (1965, 1973): Main focus: 1.1 million Ethnic-German POW-Civilians genocided by communist Russia
    5. Konrad Adenauer (later Chancellor), March 1949 speech in  Bern : Main focus: 7 million German Refugees who perished while fleeing Ethnic Cleansing in the East
    6. Foreign-minister Willy Brandt (later Chancellor), 1969 speech to German parliament: Main focus: 1.5 million German POW-Civilians genocided by the  USA  and  France


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