By the way, it’s not adrenochrome they’re after, it’s DNMN which is the…..

…strongest natural regenerative molecule known to
exist and which is only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience.


Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Note Adrenochrome is simply oxidised adrenalin and a clotting agent or the precursor to what they are really truthfully after which is dimethyl neuronal melanin or (DNMN)

When methyl is added to Neuronal Melanin making dmnm DIMETHYL-NEURONAL-MELANIN (the strongest natural regenerative Molecule known to exist only made in pure undogmafied individuals during a near death experience) you can repair neurological damage and restore central nervous system functionality

Tyrosine > L-Dopa > Dopamine > Nor epinephrine > epinephrine > Adrenochrome > Neuronal Melanin

Here is a link in case anyone is interested in the science

Comment posted by Chad Wittke


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