The 9/11 Crime Scene Is Still Hot!

9/11 – The Laundry List of ‘Many More’ Involved in its Creation

Commentary by TLB Staff Author: Lucille Femine

This video by Robert Steele is expanded data on many more who were involved in 911. Some of the names are pretty startling, if you don’t already know.

I was living in New York on this momentous, tragic day and I was privileged to be able to help many firemen and police with certain therapeutic processes. It was very gratifying to see these brave people jump up afterwards as they went back to work after a full day and night of exhausting digging.

I will never forget the images I saw of the devastation as well as the tremendous outpouring of help in the form of food, including mounds of dog food and many other essentials. Many people showed up, some as far as California and some from Europe.

This horrible event was heartbreaking, shocking, unbelievable and yet, heartwarming to see the human spirit at its best.

It gives me great hope, when I think about it, that we will overcome this most dangerous era in our long history and to know for sure that the ability and willingness to help is embedded in our minds and souls. It’s what defines us and joins us together. The glue of humanity.

It’s not at all pleasant to consider that this event is mild compared to what the Deep State has planned for themselves – an almost complete annihilation of the planet’s population through economic devastation and worse, a vaccine or several vaccines which will either kill or severely main most of us.

What do they really want? Do they even have a clue that the mass murder and mayhem they envision and possibly bring about will eventually kill them as well, even if only to finally realize what they have done? Well, they usually turn on each other to blame them before doing themselves in.

Well, maybe we can take comfort in that thought but we can’t wait, can we? The answer is exposure which will not only reveal to us all exactly who and what is being done but this vital action greatly aids in revealing it all to THEM simply because it is shoved in their faces with less and less places to run and hide.

I have faith it will all come out just fine. But the point is that reality is CREATED by us. It will not come about by simply waiting for it to happen or even by just exposing them. Now, more than ever, we must envision the future the way we want it to be and bypass the fear and terrible images that come to mind of a destroyed world…all while we continue to fight for our freedom.

In particular, we need to fight for all the children of the world, rescuing them from pedophilia and sex trafficking. They are our future which these globalists want to wipe out while they indulge in the most hideous crime in all the universes. We should be heartened by Trump’s hard work in helping to rescue many of the children and arresting many perpetrators.

The powerful and timeless spirit, no matter how you see it, is our answer. Believe in your abilities and never succumb to the tiniest thought that they might win or that you are less than they are – that is the greatest lie which they try to feed us every moment of their existence. They have to because they are terrified and their only weapon is destructive force.

They are losing. Know by their desperate actions.


Watch this revealing presentation …




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