Mike Bloomberg Pledges $100 Million to Flip Florida for Joe Biden
Billionaire and failed Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg pledged to spend at least $100 million to flip Florida in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden, according to a report released on Sunday.
The Washington Post reported Bloomberg hopes, according to his adviser Howard Wolfson, to encourage early voting to “give lie to what we expect to be Trump’s election night messaging that Democrats are stealing the election, because unlike other battleground states, Florida counts its absentee ballots on or by Election Day.”
Capturing Florida during the 2020 presidential election would give Biden a sizeable boost over President Donald Trump.
The Cook Political Report changed the prediction for Florida towards Trump, as the Report altered the state’s rating from “leans Democratic” to “toss up.” Many recent polls in Florida have shown the race for the state tightening between Biden and Trump.
Bloomberg’s $100 million commitment to help Biden take Florida arises as Hawkfish, an analytic firm funded by Bloomberg, claimed that Trump would likely appear to win the 2020 presidential election on Election Day, but may lose once mail-in and absentee ballots are counted.
Hawkfish describes this scenario as a “red mirage.”
Bloomberg also pledged $60 million to help House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) keep the House majority.
Bloomberg spent at least $600 million on his failed presidential campaign that lasted only 101 days.
Kevin Sheekey told the Washington Post Bloomberg’s investment in Florida would allow Democrats to focus on other swing states.
“Voting starts on Sept. 24 in Florida so the need to inject real capital in that state quickly is an urgent need,” Sheekey said.
“Mike believes that by investing in Florida it will allow campaign resources and other Democratic resources to be used in other states, in particular the state of Pennsylvania,” he added.