This despicable tactic is being used more and more to steal the 2020 election.

This Latest Democratic Plot to Steal the 2020 Election From Trump Will Leave You Sick

American Patriot Daily

Donald TrumpDemocrats will stop at nothing to defeat President Trump in the 2020 elections.

But while their plans to keep Trump from winning a second term constantly change, the party just pulled one move that instantly marked an all-time low.

And this time, Democrats have a new plan to steal the 2020 election from Trump that will leave you sick.

President Trump’s re-election campaign is already in full swing.

But while the President and his team are working to find the best path to ensure he wins another term in the White House, they’re having to deal with a constant flood of Democrats’ attempts to rig the election, steal the election, or even deny Trump a place on the ballot in the next election.

In California, Democrats recently passed a law denying Trump a position on the Presidential primary ballot in the largest state in America.

While in numerous other states across America, Democrats have recently passed laws to eliminate the electoral college, opening a wave of election fraud that could make it easier for Democrats to steal the 2020 election if enough states adopt the plan before next November.

But this latest Democratic plot to defeat Trump will almost certainly leave the President and his supporters feeling sick to their stomachs.

Bloomberg reports, “Donald Trump’s fundraising swing through the Hamptons on Friday is creating headaches for some of his high-dollar donors, who face threats of boycotts and employee complaints for supporting a president Democrats say is racist.”

Democrats have gone from attacking Trump in a desperate bid to keep him from winning a second term, to attacking the President’s supporters.

And that’s a line that they may end up regretting to have crossed.

It’s one thing to attack a politician or elected official.

It’s another to attack their supporters.

And as Democrats can only blame themselves for losing the 2016 election to Trump in the first place by alienating many of their own voters in states like Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan, attacking Trump supporters seems to be a surefire way to guarantee that they will show up to re-elect him in 2020.

If Democrats wanted to find the quickest way to unite the Republican Party and re-activate the President’s supporters, attacking his donors and calling for a boycott of anyone who supports him is a quick way to accomplish that.

“Celebrities and social media users have threatened to cancel their memberships to [groups that support Trump like] Equinox Fitness Club and its indoor-cycling subsidiary SoulCycle after Stephen Ross — a real estate developer who owns the fitness brands and the NFL’s Miami Dolphins — agreed to host a fundraiser at his Southampton home,” adds Bloomberg.

What Democrats are missing, however, is that attacking people who are supporting Trump is only going to lead to more people supporting the President.

Americans are tired of bullying in politics and the intimidation tactics that members of Congress and others are employing to shame Trump voters is only bound to backfire in the end.

We will keep you up to date with any new developments in this ongoing story.


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