There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen
By The Red Elephants
According to CBS News, President Trump does not plan to concede in the event that the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election, and elected the 46th president of the United States. The Trump campaign and it’s top advisers called for multiple lawsuits on the grounds that the ongoing vote count would result in tallying illegally cast ballots.
The lawsuits will amount to an aggressive effort to highlight anomalies, statistical impossibilities, or other perceived problems that could affect vote counts before a final presidential winner is declared.
Many reporters at press conferences that took place in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan on Thursday asked his political appointees and supporters for evidence of the wide-scale problems they alleged occurred.
If it is just the mathematical evidence Americans are looking for, there is endless evidence. Here are just the facts.
Statistical Impossibilities in Wisconsin and Michigan:
In both Michigan and Wisconsin, several vote dumps occurred at approximately 4am on Wednesday morning, which showed that Joe Biden received almost 100 percent of the votes. President Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes in both states as America went to sleep, and turnout in the state of Wisconsin seems to be particularly impossible.
The voter turnout in Wisconsin apparently annihilated the historical record of 66.8% by almost 30 percentage points.
Statistical analysts have noted that this 5-point deviation was not only a statistical improbability, but a virtual statistical impossibility.
The odds of this occurring are 0.00000189% or 1 in 52,910,052.
Some claim that this is because of same-day registration, however 20 other states allow same-day registration, and results within those states were not close to reaching a turnout this unprecedented. Additionally, it is highly dubious that hundreds of wards suddenly doubled their voter registration in a single election year.
With absentee ballots, former vice-president Joe Biden was also 60 points in Pennsylvania and almost 40 points in Michigan According to the New York Times. Comparably, Biden was only up single digits in absentee voting in most other battleground states. Wisconsin has not yet been reported.
Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin could not explain Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.
Voter tallies from both states spiked at around 6 a.m. in favor of Biden, according to graphs of live tallies posted by FiveThirtyEight.
When asked at a Wednesday press conference how this occurred, Michigan Department of State spokesperson Aneta Kiersnowski told reporters “We cannot speculate as to why the results lean one way or another.”
This is particularly concerning considering republicans led in mail-in ballots requested and mail-in and in-person ballots returned leading up to and at the start of election day
According to NBC News on election day before the polls opened, In Michigan, Republicans led 41% to 39% in Mail-in Ballots requested. Republicans also led 42% to 39% with Mail-in and in-person ballots returned.
In Wisconsin on election day before the polls opened, Republicans led Mail-in Ballots requested 43% to 35%, and Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 43% to 35%. Almost ALL of the ballots found, while most in the country were sleeping, after they officials stated they would stop counting, were for Joe Biden.
Some statistically savvy observers noticed other mathematical flaws, as random numbers in statistics should follow a pattern in their distribution. If the numbers are falsified, it is easy to detect.
Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law:
According to some analysts, Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law, as all of the other candidates’ tallies follow Benford’s law across the country, except for Biden’s when he gets in a tight race. Biden pretty clearly fails an accepted test for catching election fraud, used by the State Department and forensic accountants.
Analysts ran the data with Allegheny using the Mebane 2nd digit test with Trump vs Biden. The difference was significant. It just doesn’t work. Biden’s is fishy, many significant deviations. In Trump’s there were only 2 deviations but neither are significant at the 5% level. The X-asis is the digit in question, the Y-axis is the % of observations with that digit.
So as an example, if the total votes for Biden is 100 in a precinct, “0” is the second digit. If the total votes were 110, “1” is the second digit, and so on.
For Biden in Allegheny absentee ballots, there are multiple significant deviations. For Trump, none of the deviations are significant at the 5% level.
Senate and House Races Compared to Presidential Seem Curious
Others have taken a look at ballot numbers in important states with no down-ballot votes, versus states that are not swing states, and noticed a disturbing trend.
In Michigan, Trump received 2,637,173 votes while the GOP senate candidate received 2,630,042 votes. The difference here is only 7,131 which is not far off from what we see historically. In the same state, Joe Biden received 2,787,544 votes while the Democratic senate candidate received 2,718,451. The difference is 69,093 votes which is much higher than the historical norm.
In Barack Obama’s 2008 victory, he received a total of 2,867,680 votes, while the democratic senate candidate received 3,033,000 votes. Somehow Joe Biden gained over 60,000 ballots with no down-ballot vote.
In Georgia, it’s even worse. President Trump gained 2,432,799 votes, while the GOP Senate candidate tallied 2,433,617 votes. This is a difference of only 818 votes. Joe Biden in contrast gained 2,414,651 votes, while his Democratic Senate candidate tallied 2,318,850 votes. This is a difference of 95,801 votes.
In many counties and states across the country, including in those called for Biden or where Trump is now trailing, Republicans substantially overperformed what was projected. NBC estimates Republicans may ultimately end up gaining as many as eight seats.
In Cuyahoga, Ohio, Joe Biden only had a net gain of 4,000 votes compared to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 performance, yet at the same time had a net gain of almost 70,000 in Wayne County Michigan. Numbers like this are unprecedented and highly questionable. Some economists have even expressed their confusion regarding what happened in Wayne county and Milwaukee in the dead of night.
Joe Biden apparently ended up with millions more votes than Barack Obama received in his historic 2008 election where he ended up with 365 electoral votes, winning Florida, North Carolina, and even Indiana. This is even with millions more votes to be counted yet in 2020.
Massive Enthusiasm Gap:
Joe Biden with almost record low enthusiasm, underperformed across many major cities compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
In New York City, Chicago, and Miami, he was down 201,408, 260,835, and 6,945 respectively.

Pennsylvania Chaos:
In Pennsylvania, Trump led by almost 800,000 votes on election night after most Americans headed to bed. Over the course of the last 72 hours, President Trump’s lead shrunk to less than a 95,000 vote lead in the keystone state, and then Joe Biden took the lead.
Over the past couple of days, batches of votes started flowing into the final tally, mostly in favor of Joe Biden. Five Thirty Eight reported recently that “Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden”
The Pennsylvania Democratic Party predicted the remaining 580,000 uncounted mail-in ballots will go resoundingly for Joe Biden, projecting that the former vice president will carry the state by about 175,000 votes.
“Based on the Party distribution of the ballots cast in each county, we believe that 75% of the remaining ballots will go to Joe Biden,” state Sen. Sharif Street wrote in a statement. “We project Biden will win by about 175,000 votes.”
Biden is only leading in Pennsylvania by just a few thousand votes.
According to Politico, it was the ballots found in postal facilities that put Biden over the top in Pennsylvania. Postal workers found more than 1,000 ballots in Philadelphia facilities Thursday and 300 in Pittsburgh. The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ballots were part of more than 2,000 ballots discovered in dozens of postal facilities across the two states and expedited to election officials, pursuant to a judge’s court order.
For what it’s worth, there also happens to be a record number of 90-year-olds registered to vote in one year, during a pandemic, than at any point in Pennsylvania history.
Confirmed Errors:
On election day, there were several confirmed reporting errors that were fixed upon being revealed by journalists as they watched the numbers roll in.
In Arizona according to Politico, An error found in Edison Research data that was identified by a journalist showed that 98% of the vote had been counted in Arizona when in fact only 84% of the vote had been counted. Officials corrected this mistake when it was pointed out.
In Georgia, Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said.
The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election. That glitch prevented poll workers from using the pollbooks to program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines.
“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained.
There was also something suspicious about the vote reporting in Antrim County, Michigan, where Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016. Initial vote totals there showed Biden ahead of Trump by 29 points, a result that can’t possibly be accurate, as plenty of journalists noted.
When NY Times journalist pointed this out on Twitter, they corrected this and called this an ‘error.’
According to the Detroit Free Press, a USA Today affiliate, officials investigated the wonky election results in Antrim County.
Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy said results on electronic tapes and a computer were somehow scrambled after the cards were transported in sealed bags from township precincts to county offices and uploaded onto a computer.
In 2016, Trump won Antrim County with about 62% of the vote, compared with about 33% for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump beat Clinton by about 4,000 votes.
Wednesday morning, Antrim results showed Democrat Joe Biden leading Trump by slightly more than 3,000 votes, with 98% of precincts reporting.
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More in Michigan
In Oakland County’s 15th county commission district, a fixed computer glitch turned a losing Republican into a winner. A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later. The incumbent, Adam Kochenderfer appeared to lose by a few hundred votes, an outcome that seemed odd to many in his campaign. After the apparent computer error was found and fixed, Kochenderfer ended up winning by over 1,000 votes.
There were many other confirmed errors, including in Virginia where 100,000 extra votes were tallied for Joe Biden, and more may be revealed as the weeks go on.
There were also many processing delays, specifically in Fulton county Georgia where a pipe suddenly burst in the processing center.
On November 4th, at approximately 6:07 a.m., the staff at State Farm Arena notified Fulton County Registration and Elections of a burst pipe affecting the room where absentee ballots were being tabulated.
As of 7 p.m. on Wednesday Fulton County Elections officials said 30,000 absentee ballots were not processed due to a pipe burst. Officials reassured voters that none of the ballots were damaged and the water was quickly cleaned up.
But the emergency delayed officials from processing ballots between 5:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Former Politicians of Blue Cities Chime In:
Political analysts and historians have described that election as one of the most egregious examples of the fraud that allowed the Institutional Revolutionary Party to control this country for more than seven decades, and the beginning of the end of its authoritarian rule.”
Rod Blagojevich explained that there is no question that this is what is happening in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and other cities. “In big cities where they control the political apparatus and they control the apparatus that counts the votes, and they control the polling places and the ones who count the votes, it’s widespread and it’s deep,” Blagojevich said on Friday.
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I guess even corrupt politicians who went to jail understand the impossibility that Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in only cities located in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin. All while the GOP lost zero house races, and won 8 of 11 governors races.
As Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza once said, “Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count.”
Ballots Received After Election Day
A federal judge on Wednesday said he may call Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to testify about why the U.S. Postal Service missed an Election-Day deadline to sweep locations in several states for left behind mail-in ballots.
The order, issued by U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, was meant to trigger sweeps of facilities in six key battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida. Some of the 12 districts included in the order have legislation against accepting ballots after midnight on election night.
“Now you can tell your clients this in no uncertain terms,” Sullivan said in a Wednesday hearing. “I am not pleased about this 11th-hour development last night. You can tell your clients that someone may have a price to pay for that.”
According to the Washington Post, more than 150,000 ballots were caught in U.S. Postal Service processing facilities and not delivered by Election Day.
In a pair of decisions, the Supreme Court on Wednesday let election officials in two key battleground states, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, accept absentee ballots for several days after Election Day.
In the Pennsylvania case, the court refused a plea from Republicans in the state that it decide before Election Day whether election officials can continue receiving absentee ballots until November 12th.
In the North Carolina case, the court let stand lower court rulings that allowed the state’s board of elections to extend the deadline to nine days after Election Day, up from the three days called for by the state legislature.
On October 26th, the Supreme Court declined to extend the deadline for counting of mail-in votes in Wisconsin, a victory for Republicans who brought the legal challenge. This particular extension order originally came from a federal judge in September, a crucial point that the conservatives on the court all agreed on: federal courts shouldn’t micromanage state-run elections.
The Supreme Court ordered Pennsylvania Democrats to respond by Thursday evening in a case challenging the state’s three-day extension for counting mail-in ballots.
President Trump has moved to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republicans, arguing the state’s Democratic Party and Secretary of State violated the law by extending the time for counting mail-in ballots to Nov. 6 at 5 p.m., despite the state legislature setting the deadline as Election Day.
The lawsuit takes issue with a state Supreme Court ruling that postmarked ballots be presumed to have been mailed before Nov. 3, even if not clearly postmarked to that effect.
North Carolina will not finish counting votes in the presidential and state elections until local elections boards process outstanding mail-in and provisional ballots next week, according to state elections officials.
The process, spelled out in state law, means the winner of North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes for president likely won’t be known until next Friday, Nov. 13.
The court, at Trump’s request, recently issued an interim order to election boards to set aside certain mail ballots that lack identifying info for the voter, and to not count those votes until after the court rules further.
Thousands of Deceased Confirmed to Be Registered and Some Even Voting:
An observer noticed something curious about some of the names on the ballots recorded in the state of Michigan. Upon further review, one particular name out of the list, and confirmed to have cast a ballot, happened to be born in 1902 and passed away in 1984.
A pollster noticed the list and video and used social security death index data confirming the deceased voter.
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Here is a list of over 14,000 dead people who either voted in Wayne County (Detroit) or we’re registered to vote.
Here is the website where you can verify for yourself. Note that you have to guess-check the month of birth.
Another poll watcher who was later kicked out for taking photographs, noticed a decent sized list of Michigan residents who have also been confirmed to have cast their ballots. All of the names on the list he reviewed show their birthdate in chronological order. Apparently, there are many voters born in the early 1900’s in the great lakes state.
Studies Finds Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Ballots, and More Votes than Existing Registered Voters:
According to CBS LA, Ellen Swensen with the Election Integrity Project California says they found more than 277,000 questionable ballots were mailed this election year in L.A. County before election day.
That’s 63% of all the questionable ballots mailed statewide.
It includes more than 4,800 duplicate ballots mailed to the same person, and 728 ballots mailed to people who likely have died. In 2016 their investigation found many dead voters still registered. Now four years later, there are more.
If this is happening in LA, it’s certainly happening in major cities nationwide.
In October, Judicial Watch released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity.
The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.
“In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100% including Michigan.
Milwaukee recently “updated” its voting data for its wards after a newspaper pointed out 7 wards had more votes than registered voters. Some voter turnouts originally showed higher than 200%.
A lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) alleges that there are at least 21,000 dead people on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls. The lawsuit claims that Pennsylvania failed to “reasonably maintain” their voter registration records under federal and state law in time for the 2020 presidential election.
“As of October 7, 2020, at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants have been dead for at least ten years, and at least 197 registrants have been dead for at least twenty years,” the lawsuit states.
“Pennsylvania still left the names of more than 21,000 dead individuals on the voter rolls less than a month before one of the most consequential general elections for federal officeholders in many years,” the lawsuit continues.
According to the lawsuit, about 92 percent of the 21,000 dead people on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls died sometime before October 2019. About 216 dead people show voting credits after federally listed dates of death in 2016 and 2018, the lawsuit alleges.
In Nevada, lawsuits are underway regarding over 3,000 individuals who have cast their ballot illegally in the election.
A Letter to from lawyers to Attorney General Bill Barr, which included 60 pages voter records, stated that they have identified 3,062 individuals who appear to have improperly cast mail ballot in the election. We verified this by cross referencing the names and addresses of voters with National Change of Address database,” said Catherine Herridge of CBS News.