The U.S. Department of Justice is a Trojan horse that is destroying the country!

December 22, 2020

When the Supreme Court or a Federal District Court of the United States makes a ruling, an injunction or a judicial decree which requires the people involved in the criminally unconstitutional process, of harvesting invalid votes to defraud legal voters within their State, the enforcement arm of the Justice Department is responsible for ENFORCING those injunctions! An injunction is a judicial decree that requires that those involved in illegal activities cease and desist. 

Maybe the reason that the Courts are now refusing to hear any more cases having to do with 2020 Election irregularities is because all of their rulings and restraining orders before the 2020 election were ignored by the criminal Democrats and paid-off Republicans who have been in the process of stealing the 2020 election with the help and control of China since March of last year.

Those criminals that stole the 2020 election had to be colluding with the State and Federal law enforcement arms of the Justice Department or they would have never gotten away with it. Furthermore, they are continuing to blatantly cheat and destroy the evidence of their crimes with no consequences to this very day. This is TREASON.  Treason that they are not even trying to hide. Moreover, they don’t seem the least bit worried about being punished for it!

When the original pre-election restraining orders by the Federal District Courts were ignored and the Justice Department refused to step in and do their job, there was no one to stop those bastards from stealing the 2020 election from the American people! We have lived under Martial law since last March so that the Chinese Communist Party and the nation’s worst traitors could conspire to wage war on our country, our people and our Constitution!

The enforcement arm of the Justice Department failed to go to those States and arrest those bad actors or hold a gun to the heads of those criminals and crooks to make them stop CHEATING!  The Justice Department, who was statutorily responsible for confiscating the evidence of their election fraud crimes to stop them from destroying it, did nothing!  Absolutely nothing!

The Justice Department, which was responsible for arresting, indicting and prosecuting the traitors for collusion and treason in the overthrow of the existing Government of this country by election fraud, refused to act and had nothing to say except “we can’t find any evidence of election fraud.”

Therefore, the Department of Justice of the U.S. Government is the most responsible for criminal collusion by refusing to act when ubiquitous fraud has been discovered across every facet of this 2020 Election! Moreover, it seems that the enforcement arms of the Justice Department are the guiltiest branches of the crime of TREASON as accessories before, after and during this ongoing overthrow of the American Republic and the Constitution of the United States.                                                                                                    

The horror of the last four years has culminated in this last despicable conspiracy between the MSM, the DNC, the Justice Department and the FBI to steal the 2020 election from the We the People of the United States. The Justice Department has refused to acknowledge, enforce or follow the orders of the U.S. Supreme Court and the State Supreme Courts regarding their decrees and injunctions before, after and during this despicable joke of an election!

These enforcement arms of the Justice Department have ignored enforcement of State and Federal Supreme Court restraining orders, both leading up to and continuing through the entire election cycle. They have refused to arrest and prosecute those criminals involved in election fraud and have allowed the perpetrators to continue to cheat and, when caught, have ignored their crimes and allowed them to destroy evidence instead of securing it!

Furthermore, they have aided and abetted the overthrow of the country by allowing ongoing acts of Election Fraud by criminals like Stacey Abrams, currently involved in criminal treason in the Senate runoff in Georgia, and Gretchen Whitmer, who sent her goon police squad to lock the alternate voters out of the Michigan electoral college building where they were supposed to formally cast their votes that day. Both the Presidential race and the two Georgia Senate races are still in play during this 2020 Election Cycle.

Why is it that law enforcement still only works for the Democrats and the criminal terrorists of BLM and Antifa? They can murder conservatives and get away with it while law enforcement is all over investigating a BLM sign being burned as a hate crime and the burning of an American flag is ignored.

BLM is not about race, it is about foreign espionage, treason, election fraud, campaign finance fraud and the violent overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and of the people of the United States by the DNC in collusion with America’s enemies, especially China!

Judges, attorneys, and lawmakers are being threatened. Witnesses and whistleblowers are being threatened and physically attacked, fired from their jobs and murdered! Law enforcement refuses to protect them or investigate, arrest, or prosecute their attackers?

No matter how many times criminals, like the ones who have been cheating to keep their seats for decades and those in the process of stealing the election from the President, are exposed for being some of the planet’s worst criminals, the Justice Department protects them, the MSM covers up their crimes, and rewards them with fake awards and attacks their critics with libel, slander and real threats! 

The financial, system allows them to continue to rob the people of the world while the government continues to be used by these perpetrators of genocide and human organ harvesting to force their victims to pay for the instruments of their own destruction and genocide.

The Justice Department is a Trojan horse that has nothing to do with justice or the enforcement thereof. Barrack Obama has been in control of the Justice Department for the last four years, which means that a Constitution-hating, cultural marxist, globalist, megalomaniac is in control of the enforcement arm of American justice! Therefore, we should not expect justice from the DoJ, period!

It is now time to consider our options and what the revolution that freed us from the tyranny of King George was all about! No more taxation without representation! No more fake two-party, uni-party system! No more manipulation! No more peace for criminals! The American people are done with this screwing by this system that swears by the Constitution but never follows it!

China has declared war on America and the traitors who have aided and abetted them are at war with every law-abiding American citizen. The enforcement arm of the DoJ has made it abundantly clear with their intentional failures to prosecute and stop this election fraud by the criminals who are getting ready to highjack the executive branch once again, that they are part of the NWO globalist cabal that has sided with China and with the overthrow of the U.S. Federal Government.

President Trump could have put honest courageous people in charge of the DoJ, but he did not. Now all that we are left with are severe consequences.

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