Covid Land Christmas Starring Dr. Dracula Fauci, The Jesuit Globalist Marching Band, The Orange Monster, The Duke of Dementia and many more on The Greg Anthony Radio Show

The Greg Anthony Show & His Investigative Journal

t was Covid Land Christmas all week long on The Greg Anthony Show as he takes a comical and satirical look at the crazy world we live in. There were gifts galore given out on the show. Suicidal Barbie, The Killer Vaccination Board Game and The Orange Monster Doll to name a few, telling us when you pull his string, “I really do work for the Vatican Jesuit NWO to bring about globalism like my buddy Joe.” Thanks Don for the info but we already knew that. What else is new? How about the Pope may resign giving us 3 Jesus’s on earth. Anything is possible in Jesuit conspiracy land with all their evil elves turning lies into truth by the snap of their little fingers.

Tragedy plus Time equals comedy, as they say, and it took Greg one second to start the jokes rolling way back when he first heard about the fake Virus, which may be a parasite, may be nothing at all or may be the stench coming from the lies spewed by Dr. Dracula Fauci and all his cohorts in crime, including the aforementioned Orange Monster and Joe, Duke of Dementia.

All week Greg was barraged with serious questions, people not smiling and wanting fact after fact about the massive election fraud and why Covid from top to bottom is a fraud.

“I get a little tired of it,” said Greg. “The masses and majority will never get it and that includes the so called patriot movement. They will not get it because they hinge their hopes on […] Republicans without out understanding how the Jesuits use the Hegelian Dialectic to take over a country.

“I have spent the better part of two decades releasing solid evidence, more than needed to prove your case in a court of law, about so many lies and tricks played on the American people by the Rulers of Evil, including but not limited to the harmful effects of aluminum and barium spread in the air through chemtrails, the fake moon landing, the fake agency NASA, 9/11 the inside job and many more false flags” added Greg. “How about fluoride in your water and toothpaste creating mindless zombies?”

As the Jesuits are known to assassinate their enemies like Lincoln, Greg was asked by a listener why they haven’t killed him.

“I just don’t have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers and I like to keep it that way otherwise it is curtains. So please, please don’t listen to my shows!” Greg said. “

However, before I replay my shows from last week but don’t listen, let me refer you to one of the more colorful internet writers who seems a bit pissed off about the current events from 2020.

Here is the disgruntled internet writer who did not give his name:

Of course, the only reason why these assholes even get away with making so much mayhem is the media.  All those MSM assholes ever do is shove fake news down our throats 24/7.  It’s all garbage!  That’s all the fakestream media ever reports is fake news—trash, nothing but lies for the eyes and ears ALL FRIGGIN’ DAY LONG … EVERY FRIGGIN’ DAY OF THE YEAR … FOR OUR WHOLE LIVES!!!    FAKE NEWS that’s really DANGEROUS NEWS!  In the Covid era, their fake news is VERY dangerous.  It’s called their new and improved FEAR VIRUS—COVID-19!

Then these assholes used this FEAR VIRUS to lock you down.  They plastered a sickness-causing mask on your face, told you to stay 6 feet away from everyone, kept you cooped up at home out of the fresh air and sunlight, closed down your business, shut down your places of worship and sheltered you in place for good measure.  It wasn’t a quarantine for the sick, it was a lockdown for the healthy.  This is how these total assholes have shut down whole cities and communities.  Livelihoods gone in a day, a week, or month.  Families are now broke, busted and disgusted but still putting up with these assholes. Why!  WHY ! ! !  They’re genocidal maniacs.

What these assholes don’t tell you about is that COVID-19 is a bioweapon.  But what they really never say is that there’ve been hundreds of bioweapons released across America since World War II.  You name the flu; it was bioengineered, weaponized, and then launched at any target they want to take out or incapacitate.

But the real damage these assholes are inflicting with these bloodline-targeting bioweapons is this: Every new weaponized pathogen that’s marketed under a new infectious disease name like HIV/AIDS, SARS, Lyme Disease, Ebola, West Nile Virus, Zika, Hantaviruses, Anthrax, MRSA, Meningitis, Gulf War Syndrome I, II, III, etc. is slowly degrading the human immune system.  That’s why there’s such a burgeoning epidemic of chronic degenerative diseases nationwide…that the doctors can never diagnose.  How convenient for Big Pharma, the biggest assholes of ’em all!
(Source: WAKE THE F*CK UP! & Let’s. Go. Get ’em.)


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