Here’s what happened the last time a bunch of electoral votes were tossed out.

Precedent: The Last Time a Bunch of Electoral College Votes Were Tossed Out

American Liberty Report

truth these days. If a Democrat says something that you disagree with – you know they’re lying. Like all of the media/Democrat noise these days that it would be “unprecedented” for Electoral College votes to be tossed out for voter fraud. In their minds, if something hasn’t happened within their lifetimes, then it must have “never” happened in US history. These people are liars. There is absolutely precedent for tossing out Electoral College votes because of fraud.

The idea that “the clock is ticking” for President Trump’s reelection is also not exactly true. It could take quite a while to sort this election out, and guess what? The country will be just fine if it does take a long while to get an accurate election result. Check out what happened in 1876.

Ohio Governor Rutherford B. Hayes was the Republican nominee that year. New York Governor Samuel Tilden was the Democrat nominee. With fewer states in those days, a candidate needed 185 Electoral College votes to win the election.

You might want to sit down for this bit of news, but the Democrats cheated in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina. I know. Weird, right?

Even though the Civil War was over and federal troops were stationed in southern states, the Democrats still turned out in droves to attack black Americans and prevent them from voting for Hayes. Ballot box stuffing and other shenanigans took place. At the end of the election, both the Republicans and Democrats declared victory in the presidential race, even though the “official result” with all the fraud and violence gave Tilden the victory.

But with those three Southern states in dispute, Tilden had 184 Electoral College votes – just one shy of victory. The Republican Hayes had 165 votes. He’d need to run the table on the remaining 20 outstanding votes in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina to win.

Each party sent dueling electors to the Electoral College vote, so naturally, it was a mess that was impossible to decide. Congress ended up appointing an Electoral College Commission, comprised of eight Republicans, eight Democrats and one Supreme Court Justice. The Commission immediately voted to award the outstanding 20 electoral votes to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Democrats pitched a fit (of course) and refused to concede to Hayes as the victor. The members of the Electoral College Commission then negotiated a deal. The Democrats agreed to concede their fraudulent victory if Republicans would pull the federal troops out of Southern states under Reconstruction. Hayes was sworn in as president in March of 1876. (The 20th Amendment later moved Inauguration Day to January.)

The Electoral College votes of three states were basically tossed out and/or overturned due to Democrat Party fraud. As a result of that messy election, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act a few years later, which is federal law that stands to this day. In the event of a big mess in the Electoral College due to disputed outcomes or fraud (which is what we have right now), the presidential election is decided by the House of Representatives.

Under the rules of the Electoral Count Act, each state gets one vote. That, of course, would result in a 26-23 Trump victory over Kamala Harris. Oh, sorry, I meant to say, over “Joe Biden.”

It is in no way “unprecedented” for Electoral College votes to be thrown out due to fraud. This would be a messy path to victory for President Trump, but I’d take it over sitting here for four years trying to pretend that Kamala Harris was legitimately elected or had any authority over me.

Another big lesson from the past is that Republicans in Congress cleaned the mess up! They passed the Electoral Count Act in order to stop the Democrats from throwing the system into chaos in the future.

That should be the main focus of Republicans after this election is sorted out and Trump is inaugurated for his second term. Those of us on the right only have three choices going forward: Stop the Democrats from cheating like this again by banning unsecure electronic and mail-in voting; cheat just as much and just as viciously as the Democrats; or lose forever.


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