This Klaus Schwab Character is a Real 21st Century Dr. Strangeglove

Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis – Power Grid Down, Banking Offline

G. Edward Griffin
Need to Know

Klaus Schwab, 82, is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder of the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum hosts an annual four day conference in Davos, Switzerland that brings elites together, including political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. 

If Schwab says we must prepare for a specific crisis, it likely means it is in the works. A cyber pandemic means loss of the Internet and possibly electrical power for an extended period of time – months or years. We cannot afford to dismiss this merely as the ravings of a mad man. It could be the master plan of a mad man who has the power and the influence to make it happen.


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