Bill Gates Stars as ‘The Ventriloquist’ in the Communist Takeover of the World

Submitted by Jeff Berwick

How do you go from tech nerd to the most ingenious Dr. Evil of our lifetime?
Secret Identity: Kill Gates
Supervillain Name: The Ventriloquist
Back Story: Planned to use his genius for the good of humanity, but big corporations and political bosses got in his way and tried to steal his monopoly. Distraught, and humiliated by having to eat some humble pie, Ventriloquist declared a personal war on the people of Earth – becoming the thing that initially drove him to villainy, a tyrannical corporate despot.
Here’s a great graphic of all the things he’s taking over in the last 10 years or so in his quest to take over the world:
Diabolical Scheme: Devising an astonishingly elaborate plan that involves killing millions under the pretense of uniting billions and forming a lasting world peace and world new order, but only by giving the world an enemy it can unite against. Naturally, such an immense threat has to be realistic to be believed, so he not only had to create such a threat, but also had to do so in a manner where millions actually do die.
Sidekicks: Too many to mention, but strongly featuring Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum; Fraudci and his World Hell Organization and Tik Tok frontline workers; 99% of the world’s Talking Heads; millions of Statists and billions of dormant sheeple.
Nemesis: The only way to destroy The Ventriloquist is by rousing people from their Deep State Hypnosis and standing up to the ultimate plan of destruction, slavery and death.
There IS Hope
For most people, 2020 has not been easy, but there is hope, because peopleare waking up! Finally! Grannies are watching David Icke videos and getting into fights with cops. And people like us are finding each other and combining to become stronger and produce more energy together.


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