The globalist’s primary target in all this is what we know as “Western Civilization”.

America Is Heading Into “The Dark Days…”

They are right around the corner…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Here at the BolenReport we are known for being way out ahead of many issues, explaining what is really going on long before most thinkers have found where they left their coffee cups.  We were way out ahead on the delivery of the Covid-19 hoax as the destruction tool for everything American.

Unfortunately, we are even further out ahead on what will be the results of Presidential Election 2020, with Biden as President.  America is finished as a world power.  The Democrats are not America oriented – they are globalists, and the destruction of everything “America” was and is, their goal and objective.

Yes, “The Dark Days” are coming…


The financial destruction of America, and the world economy as we know it, is upon us.

Top financial advisors are telling their investor clients (and I am one of those) to prepare for the darkest hours – equivalent to the “Great Depression” started with the Stock Market Crash of 1929.  This time is not not an accident – it is being to us intentionally, so as to remove America, and Americans, from a world leadership role.  The United Nation’s Agenda 21, now called Agenda 30, is about to be implemented with a vengeance.

According to Demographics Researcher Harry Dent, author of many books on investing, we are right on the precipice of major social and economic destruction.  Watch Harry’s 20 minute interview on Kitco News just below.  For those of you that have no common relationship with investing or social economic issues I can summarize in a few words – “It is over.”  You are looking at “The New Absolute Poverty” in America – and it is being done TOO us intentionally.

The US, and Worldwide, Real Estate Market is Also Going To Crash…

According to Harry Dent, and many, many others, US Real Estate is going to drop at least 40% during 2021, and it will not make a comeback until the globalists own most of it through foreclosures.  Biden is there to make certain no one stops it.  And he will be able to do exactly that.

It is very much a time to “Hunker Down…”

The globalist’s primary target in all this  is what we know as “Western Civilization,” made up, mostly, of heterosexual white people.  They want, and need, to destroy it entirely in order to establish the New World Order.  If you are heterosexual and white in 2021, you better be well armed and stocked up with siege provisions – for ANTIFA is going to have free reign.  Make plans for a siege in your own communities.

Your children, and grandchildren, are NOT going to be safe.  Chinese brothels are going to be jam-packed with America’s children…

Welcome to Biden Land.  I’m ready.  Are you?

Stay tuned…


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