Trump Morphs Into Big Pharma’s Premier Covid Vaccine Pusher

Trump beats Biden up for “idiot movement” that supports the “deranged pseudoscience” of those who oppose vaccines


Former President Donald Trump released a statement blowing up the Biden administration for supporting the anti-vaccine movement, which he described as “deranged pseudoscience”.

Trump expressed anger about the decision to suspend distribution of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine over adverse effects concerns that have involved six post-vaccination cases of blood clotting.

“The federal hiatus on J&J admission doesn’t make sense. Why does the White House in Biden have insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?” asked Trump in the statement on Friday evening.

“Only six of the nearly 7 million people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported having blood clots. The disease is more common in the general population, and every vaccine; indeed every drug carries some risk, including Moderna and Pfizer the former president continued.

“With COVID cases still on the rise across the country, delaying millions of vaccinations and allaying fears among Vax-resistant people is insane,” he added.

“Indeed, this idiot move is a gift to the anti-Vax movement,” Trump concluded. “The science bureaucrats fuel this deranged pseudoscience.”

The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped distributing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Tuesday out of caution. Days after the distribution hiatus, surveys showed that confidence in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine fell from 52% to 37%.

The drug company responded in a statement warning people not to jump to conclusions about their vaccine.

“There is currently no clear causal link between these rare events and the [Johnson & Johnson] COVID-19 vaccine, “read the statement.

Officials have made it clear that the other vaccines are safe, and the same polls have shown that the majority of Americans have confidence in these vaccines even after the break in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed similar concerns about the break, which created more hesitation among Americans who are generally skeptical of vaccines.


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