Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accused the pharmaceutical companies of selling vaccines under the pretext of a frightening Covid pandemic

AMLO asks not to be consumers in reference to anti-covid vaccines for minors


The President of the Republic Andrés Manuel López Obrador accused the pharmaceutical companies of allegedly wanting to sell vaccines under the pretext of frightening by a worldwide wave of demand for biologics.

It was during the press conference on this day where the president pointed out that the pharmaceutical companies allegedly want to do business with vaccines, so he asked to prioritize and know if the application of the biological is really required in girls and boys.

In this context, he accused that he will not be held hostage by pharmaceutical companies and asked the population not to be consumers of vaccines:

“You have to be careful because, of course, pharmaceutical companies want to do business and therefore would like to always be selling vaccines for everyone, but we have to prioritize, we have to know if they are required or not, not be subject, subject, subordinate to That the pharmaceutical companies are the ones that tell us that we need a third dose, a fourth dose, the children need to be vaccinated, we must see scientifically if it is necessary, it is like when we are going to buy something we should not be consumers, we must buy what what is needed, not to go to the supermarket, to the self-service store buy to buy, not to waste, not to the superfluous, first the basics, first the necessary, not consumerism, then said this if it is required, then it is acquired ,But if not, because it is going to turn us into a global wave of demand because they could very well, as it involves a lot of money, scare us, saying that what a barbarity, children without vaccines! They are in a defenseless state and we must buy their vaccines… we are not going to be hostage to that, we are going to make it the basics, the necessary ”he said.



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