Upcoming Vaccine Database = National Vaccine Passport

Ron Paul, M.D.
Chairman, Campaign for Liberty

Under the cover of attention-grabbing battles over spending, the U.S. House voted to completely sell your medical data down the river.

Authoritarians in D.C. are demanding to know if YOU have had your COVID shots or not.

What part of the U.S. Constitution permits the federal government to require personal medical information about you?

Last week, 80 Republicans — many of whom claim to support limited, constitutional government — joined Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) Democrats to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (H.R. 550) through the U.S. House of Representatives under suspension of the House rules.

Now it’s in committee in Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) Senate and could move quickly to the floor for a full vote. 

In my view, it’s not just a database, it’s the backdoor to a NATIONAL vaccine passport and a unique patient identifier scheme.

You and I must act IMMEDIATELY.

There is a great opportunity to stop this horrible legislation in the Senate, but it could come up for a vote at any time.

H.R. 550 was slipped in for a vote with virtually no vocal opposition, and 80 Republican turncoats voted to pass it.

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