Covid Mandates, Planned Parenthood & ‘My Body My Choice’

Where is the ‘right to choose’ for mandatory
Covid requirements and Planned Parenthood’s
Moral Decay

by Renee Parsons

As any former Democrat may attest, especially one who supported a woman’s ‘right to choose’,  the Dems remain genetically unable to ‘see’ beyond their own narrow perspective.  Case in point is their current steadfast claim that abortion is a woman’s Constitutional right to “health care” as they refuse to accept the health implications of the Covid Lockdown requirements that are clearly violating the Constitutional birthright of every American citizen.

One typical example is Sen. Jeanne Sheheen (D-NH) who suggested that ”this infringement of women’s rights, on our privacy, on the attempt to have state control of our personal health is really what we would see in an authoritarian state.  It’s not what we would expect in New Hampshire.  I think if you want to see a revolution, go ahead, outlaw Roe V. Wade and see what the response is of the public, particularly young people.”   

During a  press conference prior to Supreme Court oral arguments on December 1st, Shaheen suggested  It is jarring that in 2021 – more than 50 years since Roe v. Wade determined the U.S. Constitution protect women’s s personal health decisions” and that “The infringement on women’s privacy and health is egregious and has no place in the United States.”  

If Shaheen had made her defense of the non-vaccinated population instead of abortion, she would be pilloried as the Democratic party no longer stands for protecting any individual’s civil liberties.   What Shaheen and other Democrats have failed to acknowledge is that there is significantly more relevant science and data on abortion today that did not exist in 1972. 

At hearings held by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Planned Parenthood never denied the sale of fetal organs but rather stressed that they made no profit on its sale.   Assuming that PP which collects over $500 million annually from the Federal government for its health services to women, has not benefited from fetal tissue sale financially, why have they continued to provide many of the nation’s leading medical labs with human fetal tissue?  One unidentified Democratic Member of Congress at the hearing alleged that the issue was little more than a politically driven attempt to “take away the Constitutional right of the women and their doctors to decide what is right for them.” 

As Planned Parenthood gears up for the fight of its political life to save Roe v. Wade from a Supreme Court reversal, the political jargon of a woman’s Constitutional “right to choose” has been sacrosanct since 1972 and is now being dusted off to take on new meaning.  Clearly, the Biden Administration intends to provide no such ‘right to choose’ for the American population as it is unwillingly to accept its Covid mandatory vaccinations and lifestyle requirements.    

The Biden’s Administration’s obvious antagonism to the US Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment, nevertheless, does not invalidate the logical questions:   If the US Constitution protects every woman’s ‘right to choose’ her own health decisions, does that include her right to decide whether to wear a mask, maintain social contact rules or whether to be vaccinated?  Of special Constitutional interest is whether every American woman’s personal health decision is ‘protected’ at all times or is it only abortion that the Constitution protects? Does the Constitutionally protected ‘right to choose’ apply to the health care of American men? 

While human fetal tissue has been used in medical research since the 1930’s,  PP’s abortion business has provided its fetal tissue body parts to experimental science labs for several decades.  In 2018,  a National Institute of Health paper entitledThe Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical  Research Obscures the Value of all Human Life  further stated that  the commercialization of fetal tissue is not a new practice.  The utilization of embryonic and fetal cells from elective abortions in the pharmaceutical industry and medical research is commonplace.”

In July, 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released a series of nineteen undercover interview videos with numerous PP executives on the full range of their abortion process especially focused on sale of its human fetal tissue.   One video is more shocking than the next with PP staff discussions not just about human life but about how to end a blossoming baby as casual and nonchalant as if discussing their pet dog’s visit to the vet.  Appearing totally focused on the organization’s bottom line, they each reveal little emotion or compassion and a troublesome disconnect from any real awareness of the implications of their behavior.   Judging from the interviews, the videos reveal that the entire fetal tissue process is more of an organizational priority, more  predominant and essential to PP as a business than otherwise expected.  

While the fetus has taken on human form by 12 weeks, the interviews reveal that PP abortions and fetal tissue recovery begin at 16 weeks (4 months pregnant) through 22/24 weeks (5 – 6 months pregnant) with an 18 week/second trimester fetus especially valuable.  Obviously the longer the pregnancy, the more developed the fetal tissue and more valuable on the medical research market with the ideal being a fully intact fetus whose organs are considerably developed and more valuable to any research lab, especially the brain and heart.   There was significant reference to what type of abortion technique was better utilized for its impact on the fetus: whether digoxin which induces an almost immediately ‘demised’ fetus before the abortion actually occurs or other ‘dismemberment’ techniques like suction or how to skirt the Congressional partial birth abortion ban. 

In December, 2016,  House and Senate investigative reports on the sale of human fetal tissue referred Planned Parenthood (along with Novogenix Labs) to the FBI and Department of Justice for further investigation and criminal prosecution.

While the National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 allows a woman to consent to ‘donating’ her fetal tissue after an abortion, fetal tissue is often passed to biological-research supply companies which act as intermediaries which then process the tissue before selling it to medical lab researchers. 

At current issue before the Supreme Court is consideration of Mississippi’s 15 week abortion ban and  whether all  pre viability prohibitions on  elective abortions are unconstitutional.” No doubt the recent Texas Heartbeat Law (SB 8) is also present in the Court’s deliberation as the legal challenge  has been allowed to move forward.   SB 8 bans abortions at six weeks of gestation after a fetal heartbeat is detected which may be as early as six weeks in a pregnancy; thereby making the PP 16 – 24 week abortion agenda totally immoral.   SB 8 does not require government intervention but allows a private citizen to file a civil lawsuit against anyone who knowingly assists a woman to access abortion services with no exception for rape or incest.  That private citizen may then be eligible for a $10,000 award.   

The justification for experimentation on the human fetal tissue as instrumental in developing the polio vaccine with current medical lab research on diseases like AIDS, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease or whether PP actually collects a profit on its fetal tissue sale are neither the issue.   The fact is that  science since 1972  has determined that every fetus may experience a heartbeat at six weeks is enough to forever alter the public’s previous support for a woman’s right to choose.  One can only imagine how a woman who experienced an abortion over the years now knows that their baby was destroyed with a functioning human heart and its parts sold to a commercial lab. 

The golden day is coming when the world will usher in a culture where all debts and sorrows will be forgiven and every Mother will keep, hold and love her own child in a world of peace, joy and justice.

Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found at


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