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Dear Sarah,

Defenders around the globe worked hard in 2021 using their voices and presence to stand against tyranny, discrimination, coercion and unconstitutional mandates. This unique time in history calls for consistent daily action and ongoing peaceful non-compliance to preserve freedoms and return to democracy.

We know many states are battling mandates for masks and the COVID vaccine. And the legislative session will be upon us in just a few weeks where states like New York, California, Louisiana, Washington, DC and others will attempt to pass bills making the COVID vaccine mandatory for school-aged children.

First they came for the adults. Now, they are coming for our children and the only thing that stands in their way is We the People.

Here’s What You Can Do

Be ready to Show up Strong at your statehouse on the first day of your 2022 legislative session.

We at Children’s Health Defense are calling on activists everywhere including our state and international chapters, coalition partners, affiliates and all of humanity to come together and peacefully assemble to stand against mandates.

Constituents and legislators in some states like New Jersey are being barred entry into their statehouses based on their vaccination status. In other states, legislators have surrendered their power to corrupt governors who are ruling by edict and continue to remove freedoms instead of protecting them.

Our elected officials need constant reminders that they work for the tax paying citizens of this country and that many of us, if not the majority, want choice when it comes to what goes on and in our bodies.

On day one of the 2022 legislative session they must see our faces, hear our voices and know that we will not go away quietly.  The tyranny ends when We the People stand up!

Here’s a few ways you can Show up Strong in 2022:

  1. Find the date for the start of your state’s 2022 legislative session. Be prepared to be at your statehouse on day one and bring your friends.
  2. Organize and invite local groups and community members to show up at your statehouse on that day. Encourage people to take a sick day and pull their kids from school. Ban together to work with as many groups as possible in your community who are concerned with re-establishing and maintaining health freedom.
  3. Create promotional graphics with our free design templates to promote your event and get the word out!
  4. Be sure to share your rally with CHD to be featured on the Worldwide Walkouts page and our Community Calendar.
  5. Visit our Advocacy Hub to download, print and share educational flyers and postcards with your community and elected officials.
  6. Download, print and share our new stickers and join the “Stick to the Truth” campaign. Post them in high traffic, high-exposure public areas such as community bulletin boards and utility poles to share important truth based messages to counter the propaganda.
  7. Mark your calendar for January 23rd, 2022 for the “Defeat the Mandates” for  a march at 11:30 am ET from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial followed by a rally. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. along with many others will be addressing the crowd. We are going to come together – black, white and hispanic; vaccinated and unvaccinated; Democrats and Republicans – to fight for freedom and to march on Washington in peace. The discrimination against the unvaccinated is an assault against the very fabric that makes us a free, democratic society.  Go to to sign up and join us! #DoNotComply

Never has there been a more important time to fight back, protect our rights, and stop this tyrannical government overreach.

Be a defender of truth, freedom and health.

Join us in 2022 and SHOW UP STRONG!

Thank you,

The Children’s Health Defense Team

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