The Neocon Zionist Plot Unfolds in Ukraine toward World War!


By Anonymous

When we Americans are not being lied to about Russian actions and motives, that is their politics, we are being given distortions and lies about China’s politics. When we are not being lied to about Syria, and their duly elected leader Bashar Assad, we are being lied to about Iran. And when we are not being lied to about various foreign governments we are being lied to about America’s politicians and the American people. Much of what we Americans hear and read from the mainstream media is one continuous stream of lies or distortions. It never ends.

Quote: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?
William Casey CIA Director 1981 to 1987

Unfortunately, too much of this world of deception, which has gone on for a very long time, eventually has serious consequences (as it has in the past).

Now the West is being fed alarmist warnings about Russian designs on Ukraine (not just now but over several years, even has the United States has intervened in Ukrainian politics the whole time). This whole miasma of deceit, that is the wide stench of it, that we Americans and Europeans have been fed as to suck it up, from the Deep States of respective nation states, now on Ukraine too, has been one more slime-ball, stink-swamp of mephitic lies. Surely this pandemic of deceit has had more upheaval than any virus could?

But it’s not just warnings anymore. The United States State Department and Military, along with NATO’s many submissive(s), are all playing dangerous brinkmanship, escalating their playing of chicken war games, to a hot war, even as it makes no sense to sane peoples world-wide.

There is no logical reason the United States should be behind this level of increasing belligerence with foreign powers. It is as if certain power player cabals were deliberately trying to get the world into another World War. Especially is this nonsense from the average American point of view, since Ukraine is on the other side of the planet, and Americans have far more real concerns and priorities in its own back yard. So why are Biden puppeteers playing these reckless games? Phil Girardi was right when he wrote the article:

“NeoCon Poised to Join New Government” back in mid-November of 2020

Neocons Poised to Join New Government — Strategic Culture (

Despite all the damage the NeoCon’s did to push Israel’s agenda and hurt America’s real interest under George W. Bush, they still manage to find their way back into power under Obama and Biden. Talk about swamp creatures. And we and the world are still reeling at the various costs of the last failures of intervention after 9/11.

So, what could possibly be some of the real motives behind all this truculence–besides the fact that both the United States and Ukraine are both highly corrupt countries? Is there something beyond the Pentagon, the CIA, NSA, etc., trying to justify their exorbitant budgets and police state powers, by constantly needing an outside enemy to fear-monger citizens with (and besides those they inappropriately label white extremists internally which they are simultaneously targeting)?

Is Russia being singled out for old wounds that supposedly will not heal? Are there people who feel the Russian people ‘deserve’ more blame and the hell of more war (and European peoples as well)? And we should not suspect the theatre of war may not reach American shores?

Frankly, there seems little doubt this is mostly being instigated by the United States (and maybe England since England is so often a dirty player in so much of the covert world). The United States has been the dominate force behind NATO, pushing NATO further and further toward Eastern Europe so as to jackboot the Russian border. So, there is little doubt the major motive is geo-strategical chess board hegemony (at a time when the U.S. is at low ebb of real projected power) and with a decrepit joke of a president in the White House.

But honestly, most of us Americans know too little about Ukraine, or Russia for that matter, and even if we were provided with or taught more foreign history in schools, it would likely have been tainted with nationalist propaganda–emphasizing certain slivers or talking points, rather than giving us any real sense of balance on issues.

Take, for example, the last years criticism of nationalist movements in Ukraine. As far as Ukraine goes much of what we likely to read about is various pogroms against Jews in past decades coupled with Neo-Nazi white nationalist movements of late. We are not told much about the complexity of these so-called realities. For example, if you read some Wikipedia entry of say; “Jews of Ukraine” every other paragraph will be about all the sordid mass killings of Jews, mostly of these encyclopedia entries written by Jews, and as far as any Nationalist movements more current to Ukraine all you will read is what equates Nationalists with Nazis. How about reading something a little more balanced like:

Document: Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective at:

Document:Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective – Wikispooks

Here we learn something that has been true yet so often ignored, that the heinous crimes against humanity by Bolsheviks were often by Bolsheviks who were Jewish in ancestry (in Russia, in many of the Eastern European). This is to say Jews dominated both Communist Russia and Communist Ukraine and the exploited gentiles on a large scale such as the control of food and prices of goods. Jews were on top of the pecking order. There is much of that has been hidden from Westerners over the last hundreds of years–save the choir of Jewish suffering. Even in the 1880s through the 1920s there were many Western news articles claiming Six Million Jews were being persecuted in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Now the Democratic Party here claims we are in favor of eliminating all the corruption in Ukraine, but it was in fact Bolshevik Communists that made this history of corruption possible, especially in the forms of bribes, an institution in much of Eastern Europe and Russia.

And yes, we can assume there were pogroms, but there were also underground anarchist assassinations of various leaders in these countries as well, and many of these assassinations were carried out by Jewish groups which that also led to a great deal of resentment, besides the exploitation they felt.

So why is our NeoCon / Zionist dominated State Department putting so much pressure on Russia? And what role, if any, does world Jewry and Israel have to do with it?

Supposedly, tens of thousands of Jews migrated out of Ukraine to Israel after Communism was no longer in control. Jews have had large populations in this area of the world.

World Jewry, in general, has long established connections to Ukraine. There were likely Jews moving to and through the Black Sea at least as far back as when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and its Temple in the first century. Over time, via Phoenician shipping, diasporic Jews migrated all over Mediterranean Sea to lands and up into Northern territories as well. Plus, many Jews migrated when they were expelled from various cities, territories and nation states over centuries.

And rumor has it, proselytized Jews migrated when the Khazarians were driven out of Khazaria (territorial region south of Russia around the Black and Caspian Seas) around the 13th century. This remains a contentious issue, but it is rather obvious that Caucasian skin (via Caucasus mountains) as now supposedly a property of Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe, that is with mostly white skin complexion, are not biologically descended from the ancient Levant; but were rather recruited or proselytized to become Jews later such as in the early Middle Ages. This Khazaria origin is debated theory; but regardless Ukrainian, and other Eastern European Jews, have a real hereditary to Jewish populations in Eastern Europe for a long time–including many who have migrated West later on. So, is this why is the entire world (97% of the world’s population being forced to risk so much, as diplomatic time, energy, money!, all for big stakes potential war with Russia?

The current leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, himself of Jewish descent, has acknowledged the close relationship of Ukraine’s people and those of Israel. Read:

Alluding to conflict with Russia, Zelensky likens Ukraine to Jewish people
Alluding to conflict with Russia, Zelensky likens Ukraine to Jewish people | The Times of Israel

Much is left unsaid. Zelensky did not discuss how many of Israel’s past leaders trace their ancestry to Eastern Europe and Russia, as well as their Zionist and Marxist orientations, but they are, or were, substantially Caucasian and Ashkenazi. So are there deeper designs on Ukraine than what we are being led to believe. Could it be that some people of Jewish descent are trying to punish Russia–even though if you truly study Jewish influence against the gentiles of Russia, if anyone should be wishing punishment on another it could be the opposite. Tens of millions of traditional Russians were murdered, tortured (in gruesome ways), starved and worked to death in Gulag prisons of Siberia run mostly by Jewish officers. These realities can be on the Internet–and even published to some extent in Jewish publications.

There is no logical rational for all the heavy-handed NATO belligerence? Naturally speculation and rumor will come alive. What could be some explanations? Maybe it is deeper than what most contemporary people assume? Maybe if it is not about past pogroms, after all, some researchers have found some of the propagandized pogrom literature to have been highly exaggerated. Skeptical readers might want to consider that during earlier times such as in the 19th century, there was far less international travel, and therefore it was far easier to exaggerate alarmist claims, See book:
Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882 by John Doyle Klier
Here is a rare example of a historian who actually goes to study the original historical documents and actual artifactual evidence before writing history, like the heavily smeared historian of World War 2 David Irving. Watch this short video:

Russians Jews and Pogroms – John Klier

Russians Jews and Pogroms – John Klier – YouTube

Here is one review of this book: Myth and the Russian Pogroms, Part 2: Inventing Atrocities at:

Myth and the Russian Pogroms, Part 2: Inventing Atrocities – The Occidental Observer

Or you can check out this suppressed book:

Two Hundred Years Together – Introduction – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Historical grudges may not be involved in current times events, but it is more than ironic how often Zionist control American foreign policy. And you may not understand some of the real drives of human nature. Nobility seldom is a reason for war or the belligerent threat of warmongering.

Nevertheless, as the current Biden Administration puts the screws to Russians today, it has been well argued that stories of persecutions, pogroms, and the Holocaust against Jews has become the modern version of Jewish identity (and not just Jewish identity but the very religion of being Jewish itself–and the basis of the establishment of Israel–fear based propaganda that never ends–that must always be reinforced and taught in schools. Supposedly Hollywood has been involved in making going on 150 different movies reinforcing how evil were the German Nazis and Hitler, and this churning out of propaganda will not end.

Read Laurent Guyenot’s book: From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land … Clash of Civilizations. This book is a masterpiece–read the reviews. 5 stars squared 25*****.

Like it or not, revenge is a common theme in Judaism, from the Old Torah in which their tribal God who demanded the murder of neighboring tribes (supposedly on this God’s command), to the murder of various gentile civilizations over different times in history.

This below is a relevant article size sampling of Guyenot’s writing, as you can begin to see, he is not afraid of controversy; and he cites ‘many’ sources for his research–and many of his sources are Jewish authors–that is to say he is not one to just make stuff up:

A Holocaust of Biblical Proportions, by Laurent Guyénot – The Unz Review

Is it fair, or appropriate, to hash out this ethnic politics regarding Ukraine and Russia? What about all the history forced onto the world over the last decades? What about all the white guilt psychology and wokism–is that all fair? What about the constant hate Republicans and Fly Over Deplorables and now political prisoners in Washington D.C.? Is it appropriate for the likes of Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken to hold the world hostage with a Damocles sword of war over its head? Who is really calling the shots here–it is not ultimately Joseph Biden–not by any rational calculation? Is it George Soros or England’s Deep State?
Regardless as to who or why, we are being pushed into brutal war–just like the fact that nations have been pushed and tricked into wars over and over again. This is something to take seriously–still it does not make sense to a lot of people. So, what if Ukraine is the breadbasket to Europe? How is war going to improve that situation? So what if Russia has access to the Mediterranean Sea via Crimea’s shores in the Black Sea? Why are Europeans going along with this scheme when what they want is normal lives and access to gas, oil and other commodities?

Most Americans don’t give a five second daydream about how Russia, Ukraine, and the Black Sea get along. We average Americans, as well as most Europeans throughout that big landmass, cares little as to whether Ukraine joins a corrupted NATO European Union alliance or not.

In fact, Europeans are, or should be, angry the United States government tries to dictate to European countries from whom they can buy oil and gas and where various pipelines should run or not.

Therefore, U.S. foreign policy, in regard to Ukraine too, has been a long list of stealth manipulation.

Average Americans would be far more interested in knowing about all the tax-payer monies divvied out to corrupt Ukrainian politicians and organizations–such as 5 billion already back in 2014? See video:

Victoria Nuland US has invested $5 billion in Ukraine

Victoria Nuland US has invested $5 billion in Ukraine – YouTube

Plus, we Americans want to know a lot more truth about the “color revolution” the U.S. government sponsored in Ukraine back then (that worked as a retrospective rehearsal for our own version of a Color Revolution in Washington January 6th, 2021). We instigated the thing we are blaming Russia to try, namely taking out Ukraine’s duly elected leader, in this case Viktor Yushchenko, and installing NATO puppet. We want to know more on Victoria Nuland’s role, as well as George Soros’, etc. What happened to all that money Victoria? Five Billion Dollars and we get no real accounting of all the money spent in one corrupt country. How many different individuals and organizations received $1000 or more? How many agents, working for Europe and America, got kickbacks? How about the Clinton Foundation as Hilary was Secretary of State then? See:

The Truth About The Ukraine “Revolution”

The Truth About The Ukraine “Revolution” – YouTube

It is important to note that Consortium News ran a story back in January of 2021:

“25 Organizations Say Victoria Nuland Should Be Rejected”

25 Organizations Say Victoria Nuland Should Be Rejected – Consortium News

If 25 different organizations opposed Victoria Nuland when faux president Biden started to occupy the White House, then this seems to be a rather significant thing? Don’t you think?

Democratic Party creatures from George Orson’s Animal Farm, who maybe should be caged up more, but officially act freely, such as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, are stoking serious confrontation. These people were not elected. Apparently, the State Department and U.S. Deep State has only begun its bad track record?

AKA Victoria Nuland ‘Kagan’, is wife of war monger Robert Kagan (a cofounder of the Project of the New American Century PNAC) and sister-in-law to his brother Frederick Kagan (resident scholar of the American Enterprise Institute, AEI dominated by Neo-Conservatives–were advisors to George W. Bush’s war crimes), and related, as well, to Frederick Kagan’s wife Kimberly Kagan (who heads the Institute for the Study of War, and who backed the Iraq war and expansion of U.S. troops in Afghanistan).

Why should any of the sheeple be concerned, even if many of our younger generations can’t find Ukraine on a map? Still they are now required to sign up for the draft? Was this what the election was stolen for?

Moreover, in historical times of modernity (the last three or four hundred years), it is a substantiated fact that traditionally white Western nations, that is those with once majorities of ancestors from European countries, namely, England, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, and most European countries, have been, and are continued to be, flooded with third country minorities, in which the world’s percentage of white people continues to dwindle on the entire planet, and as an identifiable ethnicity, to continue to have less and less political and economic clout now and into the future (and are equally castigated as White supremist [read White Gentile supremist as Caucasian Jews seldom classify themselves as whites allowing them their usual minority status] and we whites are constantly blamed as thee instigators of all human evil via Critical Theory to Critical Race Theory). How does these realities comport for the children who are expected to fight any wars these leaders, who have never been in a war themselves, expect them to fight? [Teaching war in a war college does not make you a warrior.]

And even more spellbinding, in these same historical times of modernity, that is in the last four hundred years so, many Christian nations were set at war against each other. Christian nations went to war against other white Christian nations (not singularly of course) as way before World War 1, as plenty of wars within Europe such as within Napoleon’s reach, along with the American Civil War of Americans against Americans, and then white Europeans and Russians against each other in WW1 and WW2 (that did also include other races such as Muslims and natives from India, etc.), but now again we are facing hegemonic behemoth opposition of traditionally Christian Russians being goaded by Neo-Cons, who have dominated U.S. foreign policy for three Administrations, to go to brutal war, in which Americans, Europeans and Russians, minimally, are expected to die by the millions, if not billions, again on flimsy and concocted pretenses?

Where will it end?

We deplorables want to know what happened regarding all the corruption in Ukraine? What are the hardcore truths regarding Joseph and Hunter Biden getting monies from dealings in Ukraine? Why have so much of these stories been buried or distorted–it is not like we don’t care?

Why do we have a Mainstream Media Deep State, with the Department of Justice, and Federal Burial of Investigation, that covers this stuff all up? Why have these important issues been buried with faux accusations of violence and insurrection on January the 6th? Why have truths been ignored and distorted after the 2020 election? Why did the Biden Administration put a police state fence around the U.S. capital while now trying to play on evil Russia memes?

Certainly, with Martial Law in play, they will be able to instigate even for draconian and authoritarian tactics and reprisals.

What happened to Hilary Clinton’s emails? What happened to all the illegal donations she received while serving as Secretary of State? What happened to her corrupt motives behind the so-called Russia-Gate. Why has the FBI, CIA and DOJ, etc., covered this stuff all up?

Why has the Judiciary ignored the real violence, looting, and vandalism of Black Lives Matter and Antifa (and why are these peoples being funded by wealthy patrons and corporations)? Have they spent Five Billion for regime change here in America as well? What is really behind all this insanity?

Maybe the United States of America is deliberately being hoodwinked into a war it will not win. Wars almost never go the way there were anticipated. The Globalists are not committed to any people or country. They do not see themselves as any kind of equals to people who have been raised on a sense of national identity. It seems as if treachery is the only constant we can bank on.

It sure would have been nice if we had had a half-way intelligent society.

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