There’s only one way Russia can avoid a devastating war in Ukraine.

First, Putin must stop negotiating with the

Secondly, Putin must forcefully dictate the following non-negotiable terms and conditions for a durable peace, as
well as stern caveats to avoid war.

State of the Nation

The following solemn and sobering bullet points were excerpted from an article written by Paul Craig Roberts under the title: Negotiations Have Got Russia Nowhere.

SOTN fully agrees with each and every perspicacious recommendation on the list below.  At this late date, Russia has been backed into a corner with only one way out.  It appears that the only way forward is for the Kremlin to execute an action plan which includes these 6 very serious positions/initiatives.

— Putin accepts the vote of the Donbass Russians for their
homelands to return to Russia

— Putin makes it clear that Ukraine will be destroyed if the
country becomes a NATO member

— Putin makes it clear that any US or NATO missile base
put in Ukraine will be destroyed

— Putin makes it clear that US missile bases on its borders
will be destroyed if not  removed

— Putin provides Iran with the conventional missiles to
defend its air space 

— Russia ignores the West and globalism and creates a
Russian-Chinese trade bloc

(Source: Negotiations Have Got Russia [ABSOLUTELY] Nowhere)

Truly, the Russian Federation has never faced such dire existential threats.  Not only is the security of Moscow and Saint Petersburg in great jeopardy, the entire western border of Russia is at extremely high risk.  Because the safety and well-being of the Russian citizenry now hangs in the balance, President Putin is compelled to act accordingly.

State of the Nation
February 19, 2022

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